How many people are they expecting for the ICTU march on Saturday?

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For those who see the " middle class as their enemies ;
Shep was a dog that was earned by a class warrior.
He was trained by this guy to attack people with money.
Then one day the class warrior won money on a scratch card and the dog killed him..

I rest my case...

(That smiley could apply to every one of your posts in fairness...)
Thats interesting are "confused" by "every one of " my posts..

A rather underhanded way of attacking the person and not the post..
Apparently Christy Moore will be there to provide a bit of entertainment:)
I probably should have added more to the need for a moderate/centre party..that would be a need for real leadership,and integrity and moral authority..ff may like to position themselves at that place ,but this is not how they act in practice..
Surely Christy Moore is not going to be the entertainer for the march tomorrow. He will upstage the Jack and David comedy routine.
Given the half million leaflets sent out by the unions , and the amount of publicity the march has been given , and the unions calling for a mass turnout , and the fact that its on a Saturday..
and the fact that there has been plenty of notice , and its been promoted as a family friendly day out ,with music from guests such as Christy Moore and Francis Black ,
and the fact that so many are so upset at how the government has run the country , and the fact that the students could mobilise 40 thousand students ,and the fact that its all over facebook..and heavily promoted on the internet there has to be , I would say there should be at least 200 thousand people at out for " kettling"..
Given the half million leaflets sent out by the unions , and the amount of publicity the march has been given , and the unions calling for a mass turnout , and the fact that its on a Saturday..
and the fact that there has been plenty of notice , and its been promoted as a family friendly day out ,with music from guests such as Christy Moore and Francis Black ,
and the fact that so many are so upset at how the government has run the country , and the fact that the students could mobilise 40 thousand students ,and the fact that its all over facebook..and heavily promoted on the internet there has to be , I would say there should be at least 200 thousand people at out for " kettling"..


Has to be up there with your old shep story !

I would be most surprised , but pleased , if numbers exceeded 80,000.
Jack O Connor said There are more ways of influencing budgetary policy than waiting until whenever the Government sees fit to call it a day and go to the country. It may be too late by then.
Democracy is about more than just voting in elections once every five years. We must not stand idly by while the final nail is driven into the coffin. We can influence the outcome by turning out and joining the march for 'A Better, Fairer Way' in Dublin on Saturday, November 27.

Congress general secretary David Begg said the march and rally would be a family-friendly event which would be peaceful, good humoured and very well stewarded

Unite trade union’s Jimmy Kelly said people struggle to take back responsibility for their future from a failed political leadership.

He called on all workers, community groups, families and people who believe in a positive future to take to the streets from noon.

The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU), the umberalla group of 55 unions representing about 600,000 members in the Republic of Ireland

And after all this you expect such a low turnout??
To get such huge crowds into the city centre at noon. Is this a ploy by the Employers to boost sales? And are the unions receiving brown envelopes?
I hope for a large crowd , hopefully around 80,000 - anything more would be a bonus.

Naturally if there were a number of protests nationally I would expect a huge turnout.
What a terrible thing to suggest :) the bearded brethern..... on the take? Never :)

I wouldn't mention that unsupported assertion when you're on the march tomorrow if I were you :D

Good to see people with varying views prepared to turn up - fair play to you .
I hope for a large crowd , hopefully around 80,000 - anything more would be a bonus.

Naturally if there were a number of protests nationally I would expect a huge turnout.

Massive was the word used by the union..
In fairness the unions of which there are how many members /supporters/families etc? and so many want to change the way things are done and the lets not forget the buses being organised from various parts of the country ,I wouldn't be as pesimistic as 80 thousand,sure you would probably get that amount at a Christy Moore concert in Croke park..
Massive was the word used by the union..
In fairness the unions of which there are how many members /supporters/families etc? and so many want to change the way things are done and the lets not forget the buses being organised from various parts of the country ,I wouldn't be as pesimistic as 80 thousand,sure you would probably get that amount at a Christy Moore concert in Croke park..

No , 80,000 is a figure I'd be happy with.

Anyway off to bed now to rest for the march tomorrow.

8O,000 in Croker for a Christy Moore concert !!!- I think I'm getting a vague idea of how you predict figures :D
No , 80,000 is a figure I'd be happy with.

Anyway off to bed now to rest for the march tomorrow.

8O,000 in Croker for a Christy Moore concert !!!- I think I'm getting a vague idea of how you predict figures :D

Wrong again, though you obviously choose to ignore my post on how I arrived at the figure!!

Eh actually Croke park fits over 80.000 people..
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