Complaints - anyone get a response from AIB yet?

On my fourth ‘28 day’ standard letter following my complaint/query re simple interest - it’s like Groundhog Day
Have gotten the same thats why I was wondering what was best action... almost feels like they are suggesting we go FSPO a "planting the seed" style, rather than saying it outright ???
It feels like they're preparing us before they tell us they're doing nothing, but I feel maybe it'd be better to wait for that letter before moving on to FSPO?
Another holding letter this morning from AIB, oddly they state that if we are unhappy now or when the complaint is concluded we can go to the FSPO. Regardless of what they say I need their final response to the complaint before the FSPO can take it right?
Yup they're just muddying the waters they have to formally conclude the complaint before we can go to the FSPO.

We all seem to be at a point on this thread where AIB sends out their holding letter every 28 days, obviously, we need the final response from the bank to move to the next step.

Is there anything we can do in the meantime to move this along any quicker?. I just rang AIB again today, same old story, "they are looking into it.............they haven't learned a thing from their previous actions.
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Has anyone replied to the holding letter, asking what steps have been taken, when were they taken, what is the next step and when will it be happening? The aim of this would be to break them out of the generic response and try to get them to be more specific.

I suspect someone has, but if they have not, I have no difficulty writing to them along those lines.

Perhaps their strategy will be to drag it out as much as possible, so people give up from fatigue.
Has anyone replied to the holding letter, asking what steps have been taken, when were they taken, what is the next step and when will it be happening? The aim of this would be to break them out of the generic response and try to get them to be more specific.

I suspect someone has, but if they have not, I have no difficulty writing to them along those lines.

Perhaps their strategy will be to drag it out as much as possible, so people give up from fatigue.
That's a good idea, at this stage, anything is worth a go.
I must be on my 4th or 5th holding letter by now (another one received today). It could be more. I get more I get more excitement wondering what envelope they will send the next one in. A4 or A5 window?. Worth opening a side business as a bookies?
Has anyone replied to the holding letter, asking what steps have been taken, when were they taken, what is the next step and when will it be happening? The aim of this would be to break them out of the generic response and try to get them to be more specific.

I suspect someone has, but if they have not, I have no difficulty writing to them along those lines.

Perhaps their strategy will be to drag it out as much as possible, so people give up from fatigue.

Hi Shay, did you manage to send in a letter?
28 days would be fine - I got 14-16 weeks for my next response


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Hi guys, just wondering has anyone else on here had an issues with Aib claiming they never received certain paperwork for a payout of compensation, 2 of the same letter sent in to them in almost a month & they claim they have no got the letters
Hi Shay, did you manage to send in a letter?

Hi Balfour,
I did not send one in until I established whether others tried to do something similar.
I have a letter going out today and this is what I've said..

"I refer to the above matter and firstly thank you for your most recent letter dated the 19th January.

I note that you are still looking into the issue I raised and accept that you cannot provide me with a resolution at this time.

I also note that you have undertaken to comply with the Consumer Protection Code 2012 and provide me with an update at least every 28 days.

However, I am concerned that I am receiving what appears to be a generic letter and is not, in reality, “an update”. Whilst the letter may strictly comply with the Code, it does not in my mind comply with the spirit of the Code. Instead, it is saying that by way of update, there is no update.

Can you please provide a more comprehensive reply?

  • What steps have been taken so far
  • When did they happen
  • What conclusions were reached
  • Why were those conclusions reached
  • What happens next
  • When will that happen
As I am sure you will appreciate, the issue of the tracker mortgage has been ongoing for over 10 years now and at this stage, every effort should be made to provide a resolution as soon as ever possible. At the very least, there should be full transparency and engagement by AIB.

As set out in our complaint, we are extremely distressed with having to move out of our dream home and the delay in dealing with the issue only serves to compound our hardship."
Hi , I am one of the prevailing rate cohort . Was delighted with the result that Brendan and a few others managed to achieve for us all . I had followed Brendans template , was shot down by "independent " appeal panel , appealed to the ombudsman , was put on hold until payment made by AIB .
I contacted ombudsman after payment saying I was unhappy regarding the compound v simple interest situation . Got this email yesterday- any ideas how I should proceed ? Any guidance appreciated ..


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Hi , I am one of the prevailing rate cohort . Was delighted with the result that Brendan and a few others managed to achieve for us all . I had followed Brendans template , was shot down by "independent " appeal panel , appealed to the ombudsman , was put on hold until payment made by AIB .
I contacted ombudsman after payment saying I was unhappy regarding the compound v simple interest situation . Got this email yesterday- any ideas how I should proceed ? Any guidance appreciated ..
Hi Greenbean,

Have you got a Final Response from AIB in relation to the compound v simple interest situation
Hi Greenbean,

Have you got a Final Response from AIB in relation to the compound v simple interest situation
No i didn't contact AIB about compound v simple interest issue, I was at the Ombudman stage with my original complaint before payment was made . So I presumed I could only continue with Ombudsman with the compound interest issue - maybe I'm wrong and I should have complained to AIB first about it ???