Affordable housing Dunlaoghaire Rathdown-Parkview, Belarmine & Thornwood


Is anyone bringing professinal snaggers or are you' doing it yourselves with friends

As it is only possible during office hours to do the snag I am going to get a family friend who is a surveyor to do it for me. I already have drawn up a list from the viewing of scratches etc so I don't think there is anything more I, as a naive first time buyer, can do.

I just have to hope my friend is available that quickly.
Yeah I got all my info today too and was told the contracts are on the way to the solicitors!

The bank valued the 2 bed duplex at €400k and the council €450, quiet a difference!!

I am tryin to defer snaggin until the week after next, they have to get back to me on that tho! Wat are the chances that they are flexible??
Hi ConfusedAH,

I would be very confident that Landmark will wait two weeks for you to snag the place. The developer has no alternative but to sell that apartment to you. We have all seen how long it takes the council to make a decision so it would take months for the council to withdraw your offer of a duplex.

here is a universal snag list for any1 doing it themselves

Hi ConfusedAH,

Mac198 said his was valied e450 by both bank and CoCo, it is a bit strainge to here the bank valuing it that mack lower. mine is 1 of the smaller 2 beds and got valued more than e400 by the bank..

Hope you get in down but i wouldn't hold my know the CoCo
Is there anyone who is buying in Parkview that is trying to get the valuation priced reduced by the Council??? Would like to know how they are getting on, i keep hitting a blank wall when i ring the council. They said IF they get the apts revalued they wont be doing just mine, they will do the whole block. Now i want to know has anyone else approched the Council recently and what did they have to say.
I completed my Snag this morning at BSQ, on the surface it looked ok till you really looked closely. I clocked about 100-150 issues, some major some cosmetic. I took advantage of the architect going round the premises - he didn't do anything! Luckily I had a list in my mind made from previous visits. You just got to take your time and be real thorough.
Hmm...interesting! I'm due to snag on Monday morning. Were there any big issues in particular you found?
Hmm...interesting! I'm due to snag on Monday morning. Were there any big issues in particular you found?

Be interested to hear if there was anything serious.

My snagging is this afternoon. I am not going myself, can't get the time off work and the buses to/from Sandyford are so bad outside peak times that I wouldn't make it there and back in time to even take a late lunch.

I did a mini snag the day I was there to pay my deposit and have given the list to my friend who is going up for me.
I'd go over everything thoroughly.
Some issues I found included leaking windows, scratched windows. Leaking ceiling, poor pressure on showers, bad paint work (lots!!), poor plaster. Lights not working correctly and so on.
Cheers theSte

I'm going into do it in the aftrenoon and bring a Chippy friend, hope i don't miss anything.

When i was in before i noticed the pait work all right.

Did you have enough time or where you rushed.

Did yo uget the warintys for the apliance's
Yep you will get all the warrenties etc (the combo ovens are actually both the same, 2 microwave/combinations!) in addition mine where all scored!
I would take as long as you want, it will be your place after all! - Mine took 1 3/4 hours. Look out for chips on kitchen counter, in wardrobes etc. Just look over everything a few times. Test the power sockets and lighting, taps, water pressure etc.
Thats great theSte, thanks. I'll be doing it myself with help so should be fine. Have done plenty of research too so fingers crossed will find as much as possible.
My snagging has been put back to Tuesday afternoon so that suits me fine as takes the stress off a bit.

Can I ask did the council stick to the 5 days to get the loan offer letter into them once you received the Confirmation for Lender letter? My mortgage broker got the letter from me today (dropped it in last night as soon as I got it) but he says that there is no way he will have it for me within 5 days and I'll be lucky if it can be managed in 7. Did anyone else come across this?

I have had everything ready before being asked for it and this is the one thing I may have a delay on so hoping that two days won't cause a problem.
I don't have mine yet either. It should be out by end of week so will just get it to the council then.
Can anyone when they are snagging jot down the model number of the dishwasher - I believe they are Electrolux and they currently have a safety recall!
I don't have mine yet either. It should be out by end of week so will just get it to the council then.

Ah that is ok then, bit reassuring.
The postal dispute doesn't help at the moment, haven't had any post other than junk mail in a week and while I am not expecting a flood of post I know there are some items due.
Can anyone when they are snagging jot down the model number of the dishwasher - I believe they are Electrolux and they currently have a safety recall!

Howdy, all done today. Lots on the list, most cosmetic, some big things. Hopefully it won't delay things!!

The dishwasher is an Indesit.
Howdy, all done today. Lots on the list, most cosmetic, some big things. Hopefully it won't delay things!!

The dishwasher is an Indesit.

Great, things are moving along quickly now.

I got a copy of the contract from my solicitor today to review. Have a headache from trying to read it all and understand it!

My friend is snagging for me today so will hopefully hear back about that today or tomorrow and then I may have a timeframe as to when to sign the contracts.

Scary becoming a grown up!!
I would perhaps take the de-snagging within 7 days as a pinch of salt. I snagged last Thursday and have yet to receive the official list of snags (so that I can verify everything is correctly on it).
The lease is indeed quite long winded but contains some useful bits of information, such as the conditions of use of the balcony etc (no bbqs, rug beating or sat dishes!) and so forth.