Affordable housing Dunlaoghaire Rathdown-Parkview, Belarmine & Thornwood

On two-bed people say their maintenance is €2,200, and thats for 840 sqf (78 sqm) and they also confirm that it is calculated in relation to sqf so suppose that means roughly 2.62/sqf or 28.2/sqm.

Good point about the clawback as different sizes all going for same price, really need to consider long-term issues.
I've just applied for the affordable housing in DL R and was told that the waiting list is a couple of years at least!

Now, I've had a read through all the posts re Beacon and it seems like they are struggling to find enough people on the list to afford these apartments...

I'm on a decent wage and have a decent deposit, so i reckon I could afford the mortgage on one of these.

Do you think I would have a chance of being offered an apartment in Beacon?

I think they may be hard pressed enough to get rid of some of the beacon allocation, saying that they'd have to come across you on the list and that could take some time. As I mentioned yesterday I noticed the planning application to switch some of Cube7 to affordable so perhaps they will come up in the future too.
Out of Interest how long have you all been on the list? I'm on it 1 year 4 months.
colsku, if you've only just applied you've probably been added to bottom of list, they're not doing lottos anymore for affordable housing so thats how they can guess how long you'll be waiting. I'd imagine they'll get through list quicker than that as there's a lot of aff housing coming up and people won't wait til they get to their spot on the list. I've friends who were in lotto back in April and didn't get good places, they'l prob end up buying on open market the way things are going.
Just talking to the council and only a certain number of ppl will be putting deposits down on Wed. He said they will contact me in the next 3-4 wks. So that's better news for all those down to meet sherry fitz next week. Still want to see plans of block 8 to see how it's going to work
Can anyone confirm that Block 8 is similar to Block 7? Thanks for the update fairy, its reassuring at least!
Thanks for keeping us posted fairy, think I'm over Beacon. Initially was doubtful about industrial estate, came to terms with that because proximity to luas would be great. Then came the talk of the size of the units, again I convinced myself I could get past that. But the social housing announcement (or lack of announcement from council but info from this forum) has been the nail in the coffin for me. Too many issues for an apartment thats not even that affordable!
Wil hang on see whats offered next and pray for a property crash in the mean time! Am going to see Cube for rent this evening, just to be fully sure its not for me. Good luck to those going on Wed.
Would you mind posting up your opinion on the one you see to rent monos or even PM'ing it to me if you dont want to post?
Yeh of course will let you know tomorrow what I think. Myself and a friend who also has invite for Wed going to see it, so you may have two less people to fight with in queue! Unless of course we're blown away.
Keep us posted!, you'll be seeing it presumably furnished. We'll no doubt be seeing them empty and appearing more spacious!
Would love to hear about what you think of the spare room and if it will be large enough for a double bed or not! Just hope the person renting the room isnt reading this forum!!
Was thinking that myself! It was an estate agent so I'm sure he's better things to be doing, I hope! There's 15 or so apartments for rent in Beacon up on daft, not that I'd suggest anyone else wrecks peoples heads by going to look! Will make notes about all the rooms and post my honest opinion tomorrow.
I took a look at both Parkview & Beacon South Quarter. Parkview apartments are huge and are the sort of places you could properly live in. Beacon south quarter apartments are so small that you would need to order custom made beds to fit the dolls house sized bed rooms.
Guys I took a look at BSQ about two months ago, I felt both bedrooms were very small. The rooms seemed to be only marginly bigger than the beds you plan to install in them. If your interesting in having a look at an apartment before wednesday you should contact Sherry Fitzerald lettings they have loads of apartments in BSQ and it would be pretty sweet to get some info out of them, particularly since they are so anxious to keep us all in the dark.
Well, just home after checking out apartment in Beacon................. in agreement with Artois, bedrooms waaaay to small, master bedroom has small double bed in it and no room really for any other furniture. There was also small double bed in second bedroom, just about fitted. The living area was bigger than I expected but I was prepared for it to be tiny. Fitting are v good, bathrooms lovely, kitchen impressive but on the whole just not big enough for me. Hope this helps and gives you all an idea what to expect on Wed, I, for one, am out!
That doesn't bode well - and that could have been one of the bigger ones!. Think I'll get a few measurements of ones up on sites and compare to what I am in now. The deposit is refundable though? I can see why they say you might want to come back for further viewings.
Would you have classed it then as shoebox sized?! Worse still is the fact that DCC have now passed the order that apartments should be 20% bigger meaning the real poky ones will become harder to get rid of.
monos - would you mind having a look at this one -[cc_id]=ct1&s[a_id]=288&s[mnp]=&s[mxp]=&s[bd_no]=&s[search_type]=rental&s[refreshmap]=1&offset=10&limit=10&id=520981 - and have a look at the second photo of the master bedroom. is this the size of the room you saw? whatever way this photo is taken it looks ok! but maybe thats just the angle or something.

thanks for the info as well
Mac that master bedroom is much bigger than one I saw this evening, that looks a good size, there's loads of different layouts and sizes, that ad you sent link to is 789 so think its the biggest. There may well be better apartments than the one I saw i don't want to turn people off, it is a high quality development, beautiful landscaping and looks wonderful at night with the lighting. I will do search now for size of apt I viewed,estate agent didn't know measurements, he wasn't much use!

theSte I would consider the bedrooms shoebox living, the living area average, maybe I'm too fussy, went to view Wyckham Point show apt in Summer and haven't seen much to live up to it since. I do think size is a crucial factor to consider tho.