Affordable housing Dunlaoghaire Rathdown-Parkview, Belarmine & Thornwood

They must be using block 7 and 8 if there's to be 140 apartments (block 7+ block 8= 136 apartments if they are the same). Otherwise i really don't see how it will work....
There are definitely differences between block 7 and 8, take a look at the outline and especially at the bits that stick out on either side.

This is absolutely disgraceful. The whole affordable scheme is supposed to allow people on otherwise good salaries an opportunity to get their own place. Its not like we won't be paying through the nose relative to our salaries, especially if buying alone. I really don't want to have to pay a big mortgage on my own and then end up with a shoebox :)

Surely the plans for each block should be a matter of public record somewhere in the planning office or something like that if the council/vendors won't give them to us. Has anyone tried that route?
Yeh its all a bit confusing, they're really not giving us enough to make informed decisions, very unfair, but I would agree that the lack of info is all quite intentional, forces into rash decisions! Yep, thats where I found the plans, thanks theSte, at least that gives us some idea what to expect.
I asked them before Christmas if they were going to use 7+8 and was told that Council just had access to cube 8. I suspect that they will ultimately sell cube 7 under the scheme too, as there seems to be plenty of people prepared to pay €300k for a shoebox.

It looks like I'll end up in the hills of Stepaside, I think I'll hold out for Parkview which are likely to sell for €220k - €250k.

The banks have changed there guidelines and although I could get a letter of loan approval in principal for 300k i've been told by the bank that i'm unlikely to get a letter of loan offer. There does not seem to be much point putting a deposit on a place which I'll ultimately be unable to afford. The suggestion that there will be social in the cube does not help coupled with the size of the units does not help either.

I also think its a bit of a scam whereby I could afford 220-250k quite comfortably so the council has went out its way to ensure that we will also be stretched to our limits and end up paying more than we can afford.
How many apartments will be up for Parkview? - I am concerned that if BSQ doesn't turn up to be anything good at all I could be waiting a long time!
I haven't heard too much about Parkview but I would think they'll have a good number of affordable apts up there and if Beacon is anything to go by numbers may also increase in Stepaside!

I presume it'd be safe enough to say that whoever doesn't take BSQ will be offered Parkview as next option.
Hi there, I've been down to the council office - the big layout plan couldn't be found but I did find the small overall layouts -its basically the same as Cube7, except where on the diagram for cube 7 you see the staircase on the right? That is actually a staircase in the centre of the building, so you only have seen half the length of it. There are also no 3 beds and a number of 1 beds. I think the figure of around 104 originally quoted is more accurate than 140.
Also I happened to note on another document that certain apartments in Cube7 have been allocated to affordable status - that means if they aren't up for grabs this week coming they will be in the future. Sizing is:
1 bed - 50sqm
2 beds - 62, 67, 75, 82 sqm
There also maybe bigger ones as the spaces taken by the 3 bed in cube 7 are shared out across the block.
Thanks for sharing all the info theSte. I'm not sure if I want to pick a home under that kind of pressure having not seen plans, I know loads of people have had to do it over last number of years but I wish they had stuck to the order of the aff housing list to take away the panic and stress!
So if its 104 apartments, and the plans we have for Cubes 7 are only half the building and have 56 apartments, then it is probably just Cubes 8 for us? So we are again without plans! I was told that there were 3 3-beds in Beacon for aff housing, but that people on 3-bed list had already been offered and accepted so none left now.
The plot thickens :confused:

So basically its going to be a mad scramble for the 82 sq metre apartments then? Is it really first come first served or does your place on the list have anything to do with it?

Also, if you dont put a deposit down next wednesday does that count as a refusal, or is it just a refusal once you refuse after an offer has been made?
yeh they're asking for a scramble alright!

I'm not sure about the refusal thing, it all depends on how they administer it I suppose, i.e. will they be checking our names off a list etc or will it be like an open viewing where they only care who you are if u want to hand over deposit, I'd imagine it'l be the latter. As SherryFitz aren't too bothered about DLRCC's rules.

Its definitely first come first served, thats what happens when County Council hand over the reigns to estate agents!
yeh they're asking for a scramble alright!

I'm not sure about the refusal thing, it all depends on how they administer it I suppose, i.e. will they be checking our names off a list etc or will it be like an open viewing where they only care who you are if u want to hand over deposit, I'd imagine it'l be the latter. As SherryFitz aren't too bothered about DLRCC's rules.

Its definitely first come first served, thats what happens when County Council hand over the reigns to estate agents!

I can see the sleeping bags being out overnight then ;)

Surely if they've got so many viewing dates they're not expecting them all to go on the first day are they? What would be a safe time to be there at?!
Who knows! No I'm sure they won't go the first day with that many for sale, and lots of people won't go through with it for different reasons so there probably won't be the panic they are hoping for. I had hoped the days of needing to camp out were well and truly over.
Who knows! No I'm sure they won't go the first day with that many for sale, and lots of people won't go through with it for different reasons so there probably won't be the panic they are hoping for. I had hoped the days of needing to camp out were well and truly over.

And here I was thinking I could just go mosey over at 1.55 and choose whichever one I wanted :D
I thought that they only had about 50 odd people down for these at the start of December? Have they found a load more in the mean time?
I was only contacted in mid Dec about this... I assume it's cause so many people could not have afforded it. I am still waiting for my details to be sent to Serry Fitz so I doubt that will be done in time for next week. I doubt I am the only one in this situation. So those down to put a deposit down on wed will only be a certain portion of the people (i.e. there shouldn't be any madness camping out the night before).
I was only contacted in mid Dec about this... I assume it's cause so many people could not have afforded it. I am still waiting for my details to be sent to Serry Fitz so I doubt that will be done in time for next week. I doubt I am the only one in this situation. So those down to put a deposit down on wed will only be a certain portion of the people (i.e. there shouldn't be any madness camping out the night before).

Originally I remember being told that the apartment you were offered would be based off what your choice was and your place on the list. Doesnt seem to be the way now. Did you get an email from Sherry Fitz fairy? Wouldnt surprise me if the council sent all the addresses to them tomorrow and there were over 100 people there on Wednesday. Looks like having a high number on the list is no longer an advantage any more. Sort of contradicts the idea of having the list in the first place really.
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thanks theste,

There were supposed to be 60 apts in Parkview, 50 in Belarmine and 10 in the Priory.

I was told a few weeks ago that once you can raise the finance you are deemed to have been offered an apartment in BSQ. Whether we view or not we are deemed to have used up one of our two offers.

There are so many new developments in the council area that there should be plenty more opportunities in the next few months. Particularly in the current market where noone else is buying. Sherry Fitzgerald lettings are pushing BSQ to beat the band at the moment.

Its interesting to hear that the "big plan" has gone missing anything to keep us in the dark.
Was also just thinking - we know now that the floor size does vary
1 bed - 50sqm
2 beds - 62, 67, 75, 82 sqm + higher (just not known)

This also means two other things:
- the market value of the apartment varies and thus the clawback, if you end up with a 75sqm apartment the clawback could be 20% but the 67sqm apartment would mean maybe 15% clawback (illustrative %). I suppose depends how much space vs clawback you want.
- also the floor space dictates the maintenance rate dlrcoco quoting approx 2K for 80sqm originally so have no idea of the real figures.

Where the clawback issue is concerned should only be with your view on what you will eventually do with the apartment, I couldn't see anyone keeping it for 20 years?!

Using live data from daft (and not our market values by dlrcoco) = €439,950 = clawback approx 31.8% = €525,000 = clawback approx 42.8%

Also does any one know how much maintenance per sqm?