Affordable Housing Initiative Greater Dublin Area-Dublin, Kildare, Meath and Wicklow

They're are pretty expensive for affordable homes. We don't know exactly how much it will be until we go and pick one out but it will cost between 248k-290k.
Hi Derek

I have raised that same concern. However, South Dublin had advertised Arena Court from €230,000. What earlier figure are you referring to? Do you still think there is a discrepancy?

I have been offered Priorsgate too but am undecided about it. I think Priorsgate could have greater potential to retain its value because the village is a more mature, quieter area. Current market value is certainly one to watch. Properties in general now are probably peaking so you could lose as easily if you buy privately? The debate is good.
I dropped into Hooke and Macdonald today to get some info on Priors Gate. It looks like all the affordable apartments will be in block 3, they have no plans for block 2 or 3 at the minute but should have them on Wednesday as the launch is this Thursday. The show apartment will be open this Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Hi Bobby G.
Do you need an appointment to go see the show appartment? Do you know what the situation is with the car parking spaces do you get one with your appt or do you have to pay the 15000 for it
Hi Anxious,

I dont think you need an apointment to go, and as far as i can remember it's open from 12.00 - 3.00 on Saturday and Sunday but i could be wrong with them times. I haven't a clue what the situation is with the car spaces, i dont think i will be buying one for 15k anyway!
I might go up and see what there like. I cant be sitting around waiting on the builders to ring. I know 15k for a parking space is abit much
Hi BobbyG

Thanks for that info, very useful.

Did Hooke & MacDonald give you an indication that AF apts would be in block 3? When I spoke to them about 2 months ago they said they would be spread out? I thought that made sense because there are also 1 and 3 bed apts in each block.

When they supplied prices for block 1 there were about 20 2 bed apts unaccounted for. I thought maybe these were affordable? Just guessing. Block 3 might be nice. Lots of south east facing apts there, block 1 looks pretty dark. I guess you'd get used to the road beside block 3. A view of the mountains would be nice too.

There is also an unaccounted for block across Greenhills road. It doesn't have Priorsgate written on it but it's clearly styled the same and by the same developer. Hooke and Macdonald said they are not responsible for selling it. I wonder if any AF are over there, or maybe social?

Thanks for the info, would have missed the show apt opening without it.
Just a quick message to let you know my girlfriend was talking to the estate agents and he said the management fee should be between 1200 - 1500 a year for Priors Gate and he didn't have any information on the car spaces.
It all depends on how long it takes people to send their mortgage approval into the council. When everyone that received an offer for Priors Gate gets their approvals into the council they then send a list to the developer and then we should get the call. I would imagine it will be a least another 2-3 weeks before we hear anything.
Hi bobbyg
From reading the letter i thought we viewed the appts first pay our deposit and then contact the property path with the receipt for the deposit wait for a letter from them and then go get your mortgage. Obviously i have missed something
Hi Anxious,

That's also what I had assumed from reading the letter but I rang the council to confirm this and the girl I spoke to said we had to send in our mortgage approval first then we would get a viewing. I think the best thing to do is ring property path and see what they say to you. The girl that I spoke to said when they recieve all the mortgage approvals then the developer will give us a call. If you do ring let me know what they say to you?
Has anyone applied for the affordable housing scheme in Dun Laoghaire Rathdown? And have they heard anything back yet?

I'm new to this, just wondering if anyone has been offered City Park, City West or have any views on it? I received my letter of notification on Friday, it was quite unclear until I called propertypath, Basically the girl there told me to get Approval in principal from one of the three nominated lenders and fax it in, they will not proceed with viewings until they have a list of approved people to give to Hooke and MacDonald.
Re: Affordable Housing Initiative Greater Dublin Area-Dublin, Kildare, Meath and Wick

Has anyone applied for the affordable housing scheme in Dun Laoghaire Rathdown? And have they heard anything back yet?

Yeah I did but heard nothing. They have over 2000 applications so I would imagine it might take a while. give them a ring sure, they will tell you something.
Hi all

Hooke & MacDonald are now advertising 2 bed apts in Priorsgate from €365k - I guess these are in a new block and are different sizes to block 1. Does anyone know what market value the affordable ones have?

Floorplans for block 3 are now available on the sherlockhomes website.
Hi Cheeus,

I have been looking on sherlockhomes and I cannot find the plans for block 3 anywhere. I am in the Priors Gate section and fllorplans but I can only see the plans for block 1, am I looking in the wrong place?
Actually, that's really weird. Just went back to the site and they are block 1. I downloaded block 3 though, have them as a pdf. Can we email attachments via your profile?