I've sadly had to clear several houses following bereavement; and I'm always struck by how much "stuff" we own.
It's funny you say this, I've kind of retired from cycling due to a semi irrational fear for my safety while out cycling
So I've taken up walking instead and rather then listening to music, I listen to Ted Talks, Podcast's and other interesting stuff
Anyhow one of these talks was about "Consumerism" and how the speaker thinks it's totally out of control
They went on to illustrate that even though family size is shrinking, people's homes are getting bigger and bigger
And people are filling up these homes with lots and lots of stuff, so much stuff
That they now have to rent a storage unit to store the stuff they no longer need, use or want but refuse to sell or donate
I don't expect a 20, 30 or even a 40 year old to fully understand this and I'm not sure if it's my age, closing in fast on 60 or the fact I'm now retired 14 years or the change from living off a good yearly salary to living off savings and investments or a combination of all three
But over the last ten years I've noticed the simpler and less complicated I make my life the happier I've become
and of course the less I engage with consumerism the healthier my bank account is.
Though having said that, I'll be up in Carrickmines on Thursday dropping €800 on the new PlayStation 5 pro