Your random money saving tips?

Save money on concert, theatre & sporting events and streaming subscriptions by going online on AAM for your entertainment ! Cut ties with old friends to save on Xmas and birthday presents. Offer to sell your vote to the next politician who calls to your door in the run up to an election.
Save money on concert, theatre & sporting events and streaming subscriptions by going online on AAM for your entertainment !
I work with a guy who sits on a hill near the Royal Hospital in Kilmainham to listen to/watch concerts there. I'm not recommending anyone be that mean. I think selling your children to save money should be more socially acceptable.
Also a great money saving tip; have no friends.
Have no kids is a better one.
Have lots of friends and lots of kids.
Friends are great for helping out in lots of areas and can save you a fortune.

Get the kids into various building trade apprenticeships.
A carpenter, bricklayer, plumber, electrician, painter, plasterer etc.
You will have a readymade building crew and in the current environment of rip off house building costs, you will be laughing.
Get the kids into various building trade apprenticeships.
A carpenter, bricklayer, plumber, electrician, painter, plasterer etc.
You will have a readymade building crew and in the current environment of rip off house building costs, you will be laughing.
That's a long term investment. Each child will cost you around €250,000 over their lifetime. That's a lot of building work!
You will have a readymade building crew and in the current environment of rip off house building costs, you will be laughing.
My plumber called to my house before Christmas to fix something on my boiler and we got chatting

He said his mother was over for dinner on Sunday and was really giving him a hard time about waiting over six months to install a radiator in her house and how warm his house was compared to hers without this radiator

So you may get the job done cheaply or even for free but you might be left waiting which might turn the "laughing" into frowning and crying ;)
I suspect that the long-term earnings of graduates are far higher than non-graduates. But I don't know.
Suspect would be difficult to determine?

Alot of plumbers/Electricians do cash jobs thereby removing requirement to declare income for taxes..
Is it not more that you support your kids to best use their talents/potential rather than direct them where to go based on total potential lifetime earnings? I would have made a terrible plumber so I would not be rich at all!
Is it not more that you support your kids to best use their talents/potential rather than direct them where to go based on total potential lifetime earnings?
Yes every parent should encourage their kids talents.
There is too much pressure on young people to take up university education. There is pressure on parents to send their kids to 3rd level education.

Kids who show talent and interest in working with their hands should be cherished and encouraged. They should not be made to feel that they are inferior to their more academic friends.

There are fantastic opportunities in skilled manual work.
The areas of electrical, mechanical and plumbing trades can provide great careers.

The future is in combinations of these skills.
Air conditioning, heat pumps, robotics, vehicle technicians, building electrical and energy systems etc.

These trades do not necessarily involve hard manual work.
They require skilled intelligent workers.

I had a career in electrical and building systems maintenance.
I enjoyed everything about it.

I worked in large office blocks and electronic facilities.
I was working for a large company but was always my own boss.
I was providing back up service for breakdowns and power loss.
I never had a routine. Every day was different. I would see the office staff doing their routine 9 to 5 days and was glad I was never part of that dull routine.
There is too much pressure on young people to take up university education. There is pressure on parents to send their kids to 3rd level education.
I think there was a discussion on Newstalk recently about this subject or area, I only came into it at the very end but the interviewee said something I thought very interesting and kind of sums up what some of this discussion has morphed into
"There are parents out there that would rather have an unemployed college graduate then a busy tradesman in the family"