Your random money saving tips?

If people would stop using their mobile phones when driving I'm sure that would be money saving tip :rolleyes:.
I had the misfortune to meet a girl a few days ago using her phone and as I was starting to move from the stop sign that I was at she drove from my left around me with the phone to her ear and not a care in the world. That was in a town....
I hope she was caught...
When you get your renewal notice for car and house insurance, always go online and get a new quote. This is usually cheaper than the renewal quote. Buy the new policy and let the existing one lapse. This works even when you remain with the same insurance company. On the new online quote form, click your existing company and regardless of this being the same you will still get the cheaper quote.

Also check out any insurance discount codes. These are usually available from Onebigswitch, Avantcard rewards, Bord gais rewards and many other sites.

Phone electricity, gas and broadband providers near the end of your contract. Ask for a reduction. If they don't agree to give one, search on bonkers or Onebigswitch for a better deal and at the end of your contract switch to the better deal.

Never be a loyal customer, only active switchers get the good deals.
The broker I used last year sent me two new quotes this year. They were €90 apart. I went on bonkers and got a third quote for €100 cheaper again than the lower quote from the broker. The thing was that the underlying insurance company was the same for all three quotes.
Later the woman from the broker rang me and when I told her I was grand thanks, had a reproachful tone for my not giving them a chance to get a lower quote themselves!
The broker I used last year sent me two new quotes this year. They were €90 apart. I went on bonkers and got a third quote for €100 cheaper again than the lower quote from the broker. The thing was that the underlying insurance company was the same for all three quotes.
Similar to my experience last year.
Celebrate Xmas a month later!
Not as daft as it sounds :) My friend and his Spanish partner live in Barcelona. They are here for Christmas and she buys all her presents for her Spanish family and friends in the post-Christmas sales here. They traditionally give out presents on the 6th of Jan in Spain (something to do with the wise men visiting). So she saves a fair bit.
Also, my mother buys most of her next Christmas gifts and cards in the January sales, and just puts them away for the following Christmas. She was always a go-to for us when we needed that last minute present. She'd just go to her stash of candles/scents/perfumes/bath gift boxes etc.
They are here for Christmas and she buys all her presents for her Spanish family and friends in the post-Christmas sales here. They traditionally give out presents on the 6th of Jan in Spain (something to do with the wise men visiting).
Maybe they got frankincense cheap in the sales.
The irony, considering the subject of this thread.. save yourself €3 plus stamps and just stop sending Christmas cards
When I am handing the Christmas wad of cash to my children and grand children, it is nice to wrap it inside a nice card, rather than leave it on the side table. ;)
Is that two weeks later or 54 weeks later?
Mrs C did this last year and still has one left over
She wanted the Dunnes Christmas pudding but there was none left when she went to buy them last January '24
So she ended up buying the Lidl 6 months matured pudding with a best before date of April '25
So technically at this stage the one I'm looking at is 80+ weeks old
I buy Christmas cake and plum pudding in January in Lidl at half price. Still have some left.
If you like you Christmas pudding, which I don't, January is the time to buy and enjoy all through the year