Your random money saving tips?

That actually touched me in a sad way. Quite poetic and depressing.
The place is really overrun with old people, clogging up family homes etc, but they are eating out, going on lots of holidays, getting the house done up and generally revelling in being rich and idle. The local pubs, café's and restaurants are kept in business by them.
My rule is that any money found in the washing machine is mine. That's been a great little earner over the years. It also cuts down on the amount of stuff left in pockets.

My other rule is that if my kids want me to throw anything out just lave it in the floor. After expensive runners, airpods, and numerous other items went into the black wheelie bin that greatly reduced the amount of stuff left on the floor (the items were later fished out of the black bin by their owners). If you want that to turn that into a money saving tip then sell any "unwanted" items.
There is a trick to getting value out of the super six veg. You need to bring a slow-cooker with you and start cooking immediately after you've paid for the veg.
There is a trick to getting value out of the super six veg. You need to bring a slow-cooker with you and start cooking immediately after you've paid for the veg.
I find the fruit and veg in Lidl to be excellent, far superior to Tesco where it is already rotting in the shop.