Your random money saving tips?

Or you could just leave them on the roadside outside your house as some passer-by will be more inclined to pick them up and recycle them,
now that there's the added incentive of a couple of euros in it for them, its the circular economy
Nobody would stoop to such a level in the leafy suburban cul-de-sac in which I reside
Nobody would stoop to such a level in the leafy suburban cul-de-sac in which I reside
But where in the rule book does it say that you can't, you're already "bucking the trend" by paying a deposit on your cans and bottles and not claiming it back but not only that, you're paying some organisation to come and collect it from your house and recycle them for you
That's not just first world thinking, that's Darwinism thinking at it's finest
It's 15 to 25 cents. There's a flat charge for the bin collection (we actually have 2 green bins as there's 6 of us in the house). It's probably €10 a year net gain when I allow for fuel costs. If I bring them to one of those machines and allow for my time it would cost me hundreds of Euro a year. This way I don't waste my time and the bottle or can gets recycled anyway.
It's probably €10 a year net gain when I allow for fuel costs. If I bring them to one of those machines and allow for my time it
I wouldn't make the delivery of these cans/bottles a priority. I wait till I do the weekly shop snd then put them in the machine thingy
....its an absolute farce of a scheme if I'm honest, but as a disciple of watch the pennies thinking since early childhood, the anxiety levels would be an annoyance if I put them in the bin.
Most of my plastic bottles are 2L. Cant see why these are included in the scheme as you very rarely see 2L bottles strewn about as rubbish on our streets.
Evidence that the deposit return scheme may be working so?
I don't recall seeing 2l bottles being strewn around before the scheme came in though.
Cans and 500ml - 750ml bottles in the main.

I've noticed some small volume cheaper imported items have disappeared from shelves around same time as scheme, non alcoholic beer, own brand ginger ale. So in that respect it has cost me money even if I've returned all items I paid deposit on.
I've seen many an empty 2L bottle of Lindon Village Cider along the Canal up from Phibsborough in my time.

You really should have taken your empties with you then

I forgot about those, I was thinking of soft drinks and water which probably account for 99% of 2L sales, but maybe cider accounted for 99% of those littered.

But seems like cider is now being sold in 1 littre bottles (probably MUP related) so including the 2L bottles was done for volume rather than litter I expect.
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Money saving tips from my teenage daughter:
- collect recycle bottles from relatives, recycle a few batches, then cashout receipts
- declare ownership of any coins lying around the house (this income has dropped significantly in recent years)
- get lots of Eason vouchers for Christmas. Have mum purchase them from teen at face value. Then mum will purchase books using eason vouchers for said teen Teen ends up with cash and books ( everyone's a winner)
- when purchasing items in Boots, lego store etc make sure to use points that mum has accumulated

Top teen tips haha