Why is Bitcoin "digital gold" crashing right now?

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I'm getting great fun guessing which of the quadumvirate (@tecate , @Gus1970 ,@MaxGordon ,@WolfeTone ) is chosen to echo the "likes" to attacks on me.

Ah, jeez Duke don't take it personally. Your latest "bitcoin is for the criminals" post is for the tabloid fillers. I thought it beneath you somewhat, not your usual standard.

Carefully avoiding rabbit holes dug by Wolfie like "US bad, Iran good".

On second thoughts...having not even mentioned the US or Iran, I'm apparently digging this rabbit hole

This has descended into farce and personal abuse which has been deleted.

I want to promote the discussion and analysis of Bitcoin but not this sort of stuff.

If any of you would like to write a systemic piece along the lines of "The case for Bitcoin" let me know.
I want a piece which a newcomer could read and understand the main arguments.
But not a jokey piece.

The plan would be to have a new thread where both sides would have their say in the first few posts. I am sure it would deteriorate after that. But if we could get a few good posts on the first page, people would not need to go any further.

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