I've asked you multiple times who you voted for. Given the reality of who is on the ballot paper who do you choose?
If you are not going to answer that but rather persist with the half-smart comments dressed up as cynical wisdom then you're just wasting everyone's time posting here.
You don't support FF or FG or Labour or SF or the other far left parties. Who did you vote for?
I had planned to vote for the green party,along with Independent as the best option in my neck of the woods,
Up to now I have voter for the following parties FG/FF/Lab will not be voting for them ever again until the put a system in place to look after people who pay Pay Related Social Insurance through payroll ,
I and many like me recived a fair % when I found my self out of work for around seven or eight months back around 1984/5,
FF/FG/LAB took it away and squandered it on buying votes since then,
Just for the record I did not vote on Saturday , a good friend was home from Germany asked me if I was interested in travelling to Germany with them on Friday so I missed the vote, The greens I was going to vote for got knocked out early the Independent got elected on first count with a few thousand to spare,
both FF/FG TDs that I used to vote for got knocked out,
At the door I asked both FF/FG canvassers to make sure to send the message back to the TDs they would not be getting my vote until the started to restore PRSI like it was when I needed it,
Both FF/FG canvassors kind of refused to do so saying they were getting a very good reception at the doors for( there)parties , long may it continue,