US Presidential Election 2024

I was wrong about Biden staying in the election but reading about it today the decision came suddenly it wasn't inevitable as his staff were still ringing around all the senators for their support for his election only yesterday. Obviously something changed Biden's mind only this weekend it wasn;t the Obama machinations behind his back. Afterall Kamala gave him her full support a few days ago so obviously he wasn't pulling out at that stage
It's going to take a couple of weeks for the madness to settle down, assuming it is Harris. Trump had jumped ahead by around 3.5% in the polls but interestingly it was Kennedy who seemed to be losing voters and his voters going to Trump rather then Biden. I expect Harris will push strongly on reproductive rights and may energise the African-American vote, especially if Trump can't control his racist/sexist comments. The converse of that is whether or not a lot of Americans are ready for a female Commander in Chief and Harris has not exactly been inspiring so far.

Also be interesting to see who the Democratic VP will be. Part of me would love to see Pete Buttigieg if only to see how America would react to an African American/Asian female and gay VP led ticket.!

Regardless, the Democrats have stolen the news cycle from Trump
It's going to take a couple of weeks for the madness to settle down, assuming it is Harris. Trump had jumped ahead by around 3.5% in the polls but interestingly it was Kennedy who seemed to be losing voters and his voters going to Trump rather then Biden. I expect Harris will push strongly on reproductive rights and may energise the African-American vote, especially if Trump can't control his racist/sexist comments. The converse of that is whether or not a lot of Americans are ready for a female Commander in Chief and Harris has not exactly been inspiring so far.
I think that the undercurrent of misogyny and racism is still there with a lot of conservative voters. There are plenty of women who won't vote for a female Commander and Chief. That coupled with the fact that a lot of people just don't like her will, unfortunately, drive people into the Trump camp.
Also be interesting to see who the Democratic VP will be. Part of me would love to see Pete Buttigieg if only to see how America would react to an African American/Asian female and gay VP led ticket.!
That would be great but also a recipe for disaster.

Regardless, the Democrats have stolen the news cycle from Trump
True, but nobody beats Trump at generating headlines.
We don't even know yet for certain who the Democratic candidate will be so those referring to Harris are jumping the gun a bit.
Harris isn't officially the candidate yet... so her odds are going to reflect that uncertainty.
I think Harris (or AN Other Democrat) has a chance to improve the Democratic position, I didn't see a way anymore for Biden to do it unfortunately.
Also be interesting to see who the Democratic VP will be. Part of me would love to see Pete Buttigieg if only to see how America would react to an African American/Asian female and gay VP led ticket.!
hopefully she will listen to Joe biden's advice afterall she wouldn't be in a presidential election only for Biden. In fairness she was very loyal to Biden and stood by him when Obama was plotting to remove him. She will probably be a bit more conservative and realistic compared to the 2020 kamala incarnation. As has already been pointed out she has been a very disappointing and absent vice president, also she needs to keep biden's team of anthony blinken and jake sullivan, blinken has been the best and most high profile secretary of state in decades
We don't even know yet for certain who the Democratic candidate will be so those referring to Harris are jumping the gun a bit.
I suppose I am jumping the gun a little.

My reasoning is:-

Harris has become more popular in recent weeks. She had been working quietly behind the scenes, without attracting media attention. But then, the US media is Trump obsessed.

Several possible presidential contenders, including California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, Maryland Gov. Wes Moore and Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, have endorsed Harris. Another prominent Democrat, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, made a point of saying, "my job in this election will remain the same" before she endorsed Harris on Monday.

Most agree that because she was on the Biden ticket as VP she would have easiest access to the accumulated campaign money – circa $96m. The campaign officially changed its Federal Election Commission committee name to “Harris for President” following Biden's withdrawal and his campaign finances were being transferred to the vice president's name on Sunday.

ActBlue, the website that funnels public donations to Democratic candidates, reported a surge in donations since Biden's announcement to step aside. "Small-dollar donors raise over $27.5m in the first 5 hours of VP Kamala Harris' presidential campaign," (the organisation posted on X.)

It announced grassroots supporters had raised as of 9pm on Sunday $46.7 million via its Democratic donation-processing site following her campaign launch, which it (noted on X) was "the biggest fundraising day of the 2024 cycle."

The timeframe might be too tight for other presidential hopefuls – just over 100 days until the election.

The US channels are suggesting that she might select Josh Shapiro as her running mate – that remains to be seen.
I've changed my mind on Harris she came across very well last night, very warm and personable. She could turn out to be the antidote to trumpism as she comes across as a normal relatable person whereas trump has become more and more divisive and a stereotype. Also she is relatively new and fresh , she doesn't have the baggage that hillary Clinton had and trump has now. Back in 2016 trump was the new kid on the block, maybe this time though a normal candidate like kamala Harris is fresh and new
I thought she was brilliant (though even Biden does well with a teleprompter)! And I know it's not very woke but she looks good :cool: 3.0 on Betfair looks tempting.
Harris might become a safe bet for those undecideds in swing states who can't bring themselves to vote Trump or Biden, and would likely stay at home.
Strong support for Mark Kelly to be Kamala's running mate. An astronaut (as is his twin brother), he is of Irish descent. His second and current wife is a politician also, who had an assassination attempt in 2011 in which a bullet went through her brain (beats a fly in the ear!). She is a Jewess.
Harris might become a safe bet for those undecideds in swing states who can't bring themselves to vote Trump or Biden, and would likely stay at home.
A male would have been trying to out macho The Donald, which wouldn't be possible but Harris won't need to do that. Harris will be very hard for The Donald to know how to handle. The highly personal attacks could well backfire - he had plenty of time to work up his "crooked Hillary" theme, he will find that hard to match.
Really looking forward to the Big Fight in September.
I’m not convinced that it is about her gender or her colour.

Although the Trump party faithful are giving it out that Harris is an easier candidate to defeat, I’d say they secretly fear her.

One of Trump’s main lines of attack against Biden was about his age and mental capacity.

He is now in that position himself, being the oldest candidate to run for the presidency.

They are calling Harris a DEI (Diversity, Equality, Inclusion) candidate, which might also backfire.

As she said last night, she has Trump’s measure - a former State Prosecutor running against a convicted felon.

Though some say she is not a great orator, she can talk about policy and counter punch incoherent nonsense in a way that Biden, recently, could not.
They are calling Harris a DEI (Diversity, Equality, Inclusion) candidate, which might also backfire.
Thst is very unlikely to backfire, the DEI fingerprints are all over the Secrey Service abject failure to prevent an attempt on the candidates life.

The Director of the Secret Service was all about DEI in recruitment, not the best person for the role but the one who ticked the right boxes.

One of the agents was so incompetent she ducked for cover when shots were fired and then a few minutes later this agent couldn't even holster her pistol.
Thst is very unlikely to backfire, the DEI fingerprints are all over the Secrey Service abject failure to prevent an attempt on the candidates life.

The Director of the Secret Service was all about DEI in recruitment, not the best person for the role but the one who ticked the right boxes.

One of the agents was so incompetent she ducked for cover when shots were fired and then a few minutes later this agent couldn't even holster her pistol.
That’s not down to DEI, though it has been used often and incorrectly as an excuse to further agendas.

The failure mentioned is about other forms of ineptitude.

DEI is about non-discrimination against suitable people.

It does not impose an obligation on any employer, State or otherwise, to either employ or retain people that are inept.