Key Post UK State Pension - Make voluntary contributions to qualify for UK pension on top of Irish pension

Good morning, There was some good advice here a while back on how to save cost of phone calls to HMRC from Ireland by purchasing a facility/service/card for £4 a month then cancel it. I cannot seem to locate it, can anyone recall/ advise please. Thankyou
....I was reassured that HMRC will still honour the ability to make payments going back the 18 years to 2006. I was told NOT to make any payment now until I receive my letter when the exact amount has been calculated...
Exactly as @DanyBoyD has stated several times

Thanks @mmclo and @DanyBoyB for all the help. I was really mostly worrying thinking that both the CF83 form AND the payment had to be in before April 5th this year. I feel reassured now.
Quick question. There seems to be rumblings about only needing one year in the UK to qualify especially from that Xtra Pension company.
Is their anything in this. I was employed in Northern Ireland way back from 1 June 2000 to 28 February 2002 so would have paid tax in 2000/2001 and 2001/2002. Went straight from that to working down South again. I can only find a Temporary NI number (TN and my date of birth) and have sent off the CA5403 to try and get my NI number but haven't heard anything back.
It's pretty close to the deadline so wondering is it worth following up as I can't really see anywhere that says less than three years qualifies for anything
I only worked in NI for 18 months (from January 1995 to end of June 1996) but that crossed three April - April tax years and I paid enough contributions even in the years where I only paid for a few months to qualify for three full years payments. That added to the three years extra you get gave me 6 years already accounted for before I started to buy back additional years.
There was a guy from XtraPension on Newstalk during the week saying that even one year qualified you as long as you immediately started work in an EU country. I'm hoping either that or the 2 years I worked plus the three extra years gets me over the line, but my biggest hurdle might be getting my NI number and them finding me as I only had a Temporary National Insurance number. I am certain that the NI was paid though and I was on the company's year end return.