Key Post UK State Pension - Make voluntary contributions to qualify for UK pension on top of Irish pension

I have finally got a letter regarding the payment I made end of July 2024 and they put my 13 voluntary contributions into the years 2006 until 2018 but then skipped 2018 to 2019 and put the last one in for 2021 to 2022. Should I ring them up or when I pay the balance i.e. 2019 to 2024 should it balance out? Has anyone else come across this problem?
@DannyBoyD Firstly thank you for all the great info you have put together.
I'm trying to get my application in:

1. I have my National Insurance Number
2. I worked in the UK intermittently as a student and I think for a full year when I took a year off college.
3. Last year I set up UK Gov ID etc and got a print out of NI record - says I have 4 years of full contributions but the print out I printed only shows one full year??? I did work in Belfast during college also so maybe they are combining periods?
4. Unfortunatly I got locked out of my Gov.UK account and am going through that at present to get back in.

My Q:
Do I need exact dates of working in UK and where can I get these?
I have dyscalculia and ADHD and find forms and figures really hard - I see xtrapension have a full service but its 1K...the form I have is a bit complicated - is there a simple link anywhere that would explain this. I'm really sorry - recent ADHD/ Dyscalculia diagnosis has left me really broken about filling in stuff. I just go blank in my head. ( I'm hoping medication can help with the ADHD stuff)
My second Q - do I need proof of payment of NI contributions? Where do I get this? I have no payslips but know I got them.

Thank you for any help you can give. I'm sorry if I missed any posts answering my questions.
filling in stuff. I just go blank in my head
Is there a family member who could help out? If not local TDs / CCs often have offices where they will help constitutents with paperwork.

The easiest thing to do at this point is to print off the form, make two copies & start working at the first one in pencil. If there's a specific question you are stuck at post the question number here & I'll help.

Then you can copy everything in to the clean form & get it posted by recorded delivery.
Quick update, spoke to National Insurance Helpline (not the full 50 minute wait they predicted thankfully), they were able to tell me that they are currently working on Form CA5403 from 7th Feb. Mine was sent on 12 Feb so another week and I'll ring back. May run out of time on this but don't think I can do anything without the NI number and the contributions I have may not be enough anyway as only two tax years. It's a bit of a long shot but may as well give it a go. If I do have a NI number I can confirm my contributions and take it from there. Thanks for the help from those who replied
@DannyBoyD Thank you. I will do that. If I dont have work dates though how can I fill in form? HMRC will have them on their system Iknow but will my dates not have to tally wth theirs - thats why I wanted the record of dates?
@DannyBoyD Thanks. I printed off form and have started it slowly. Under 1997 to 1998 and 1998 to 1999 on my NI record (no employers shown) it says 'year not full - its to late to pay for this year you can only pay for the last 6 years' - does that mean I'm precluded from paying anything past the last 6 years? From 2018 onwards? Even if that is the case its probably still a great deal I assume. If I get the form in and dont have full qualification and know periods of employment ( but know I have four years stated on my record that I downloaded) will I still be OK? Once its with them by recorded post I have met the deadline and then I can clarify whatever they need?
Hi All, with reference to my posts of the 25th Feb #1131 #1131 - here's the update I promised:

I called and eventually got speaking with a somebody who assured me that because my CF83 has been received and acknowledged that it is _that date_ that is taken as the submission date and, most importantly, the assessment outcome will be honoured from then. I was reassured that HMRC will still honour the ability to make payments going back the 18 years to 2006. I was told NOT to make any payment now until I receive my letter when the exact amount has been calculated. I was really just about calculate a figure myself and send the payment so that it was in their system before Apr 5th, but she reassured that I really didn't have to.

It seems that they are acknowledging that the delays in processing are entirely their fault and that all filings will be honoured from date of receipt of form. We can only hope that is the case, but I have no reason to doubt her - she seemed very genuine, and apologetic, I might add. She reassured me also that our phone call had been logged against my case. Hopefully this info is of some help to others.

The main thing seems to be to get that CF83 submitted ASAP! Use registered post, include a cover letter where memory of dates is fuzzy (I'm guessing like most of us!) Your online portal will show that receipt has been acknowledged within a few days - if not, call them - it's worth the wait.
Can anyone help. I'm asking for a friend. He worked in the UK and qualifies for the pension. However due to a stroke he had in 2018, he had to relocate back home to Ireland and is unable to work. He needs to fill his gaps between 2018 and current which isn't a problem as he has access to his account. However, is it worth finding out if he could qualify for Class 2 contributions given his invalidity or would he definitely have to pay Class 3 due to not working. Asking here as it's torture trying to contact HMRC and my friend can't talk properly due to stroke.
I called and eventually got speaking with a somebody who assured me that because my CF83 has been received and acknowledged that it is _that date_ that is taken as the submission date and, most importantly, the assessment outcome will be honoured from then. I was reassured that HMRC will still honour the ability to make payments going back the 18 years to 2006. I was told NOT to make any payment now until I receive my letter when the exact amount has been calculated. I was really just about calculate a figure myself and send the payment so that it was in their system before Apr 5th, but she reassured that I really didn't have to.

Exactly as @DanyBoyD has stated several times