Key Post UK State Pension - Make voluntary contributions to qualify for UK pension on top of Irish pension

No. I plan on calling soon to see when I might expect that letter. How soon before pension age does it arrive? I have 2.5 months to go.
Letter should be 3 to 4 months before pension is due, but that's if you live in UK I think. If outside, you need to call international pensions
number, or looks like you can downloaded the form on the website and post it.
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Somewhat similar to post #549, today I received confirmation of eligibility in the post to pay backdated contributions at Class 2.

The difference between my application and the above referenced one is my application was a hard copy one, sent by registered post during the first week of March this year. It included a detailed enough cover letter and a copy of my prsi contributions history from when I returned to Ireland in 1991.

I was only in the UK for a shade over 3 years, and only had sketchy details of my work history there, but I detailed it as best I could in my cover letter and thankfully the application passed muster.

I post this for the benefit of anyone who may be thinking of applying but is hesitating due to the previous delays. It may now be the case that the major backlogs have been or are being dealt with more efficiently.

Sincere thanks to DannyBoyD who started this thread, and also to the other contributors who have provided such valuable information and encouragement herein.
Hi all, Some great information here. I have just gone through my application online and am at the stage where they are asking if there is anything else I would like to add before submitting my application.

I was born in The UK in 1974 and Moved to Ireland in Sept 2006 and have 13 full years of paid National Insurance Contributions and 3 years of years not full (17 weeks, 49 weeks and 51 weeks)

2006 - 2007 shows up as a full year of paid contributions "You have contributions from Paid employment: £274.57"

I was in employment in the UK until July / August 2006 and moved full time to Ireland August / Sept and started work immediately as I had a job lined up, was only there for around 4 - 8 weeks as it didn't work out but then got a job locally within a week or so within a few weeks but not entirely sure of exact dates for UK or Ireland employment dates. The UK Government property register shows my house in the UK Being sold on Sept 29th so im treating that as the time I left the UK however I was in Ireland for a few weeks prior to this to start the first job and came back for the big move when my house sale completed.

Oddly, My Prsi Contribution statement just shows 1 paid contribution for 2006, The first job was just paid by cheque with no payslips so im guessing first employer didnt pay any stamp, second job was all above board and I even still have a letter from that employer stating i was working for them from oct 2006.

Im guessing my prsi wasnt sorted until 2007

My Online Tax credit certs only go back as far as 2007 but show the second employer on there.

Prsi shows a full year of class A for 2007 and most years to date in full with a combination of pretty much full years of different classes of prsi as ive been employed / self employed / part time employed / at college and currently self employed from march 2020.

Ive been guestimating the dates / employers for my work history for my first few years in Ireland based on tax credit certs.

Im just a bit unsure of what is regarded as being in employment "Immediately" before moving to Ireland is it days / weeks / Months?

Is it even worth me mentioning the first employer as there doesn't seem to be any record of it on the irish system and 2006-2007 shows as a full year of Ni Contributions?

I only really need to buy back around 4 years and then continue paying from now on to get full UK pension in 17 years.

will the UK even look into the irish stuff?

What have you people done for the "anything else to add" box?

I was widowed in december 2022 after caring for my wife for 4 years so kinda getting back in the right headspace for this kind of thing.

Hitting the Big 50 in 5 weeks so just want to get this one boxed off!

Thanks for reading!
Has anyone researched how to collect pension payment when these start issuing at age 67. Its not possible to open a UK current account whilst resident in Ireland. Im trying to investigate if they will pay into an Irish Current Account such as AIB or BOI. If any one else has any wisdom on the I would appreciate same. If i become wiser, ill post again
So to update. I am in the process of trying to claim my pension for August this year (age 66 still applies). My NI payments of 1st May are not showing yet, so pension forcast has not yet been adjusted. Just rang the International pension office. She said to wait until 8 weeks have past and ring again if they haven't. She said she will send out a pension claim pack to be completed and that all will be resolved by August. So its a bit more patience now, but am relaxed enough about it as they seem to be making progress on time scales.

The payment will go into my Irish bank account, just like my other UK work pension does. Irish tax will be due. For my other UK work pension I had to fill a form regarding where tax is paid and the Irish tax office adjusted my tax credits accordingly.
Has anyone researched how to collect pension payment when these start issuing at age 67. Its not possible to open a UK current account whilst resident in Ireland. Im trying to investigate if they will pay into an Irish Current Account such as AIB or BOI. If any one else has any wisdom on the I would appreciate same. If i become wiser, ill post again
See message 541, it might be of some help in relation to UK account.
@Damien King.

I wouldn’t worry too much about the early employment details here. I think the important piece for them is that you did not claim social welfare benefits before you left the U.K.

I was vague about my early years of employment after returning to Ireland as I can’t even remember some of it. I know I didn’t find a job for at least four months after my return, maybe even six months. I just said various employments, or something like that on my form. I’ve had my letter and was awarded 17 years at Class 2, which includes years 2023-2024 so I know they didn’t dig too deeply or ask for clarification. I think it’s important that you’re working now as well.
Hello everyone. Thanks for the informative thread. I sent off the Cf83 form last July and I got a reply last month looking for more information. The form was for A list of my jobs since I arrived back in Ireland and my previous employment in Uk. Anyone have any idea on how long I will have to wait before they reply to this? Not another 10 months I hope!
Hi @SashaGG from my experience it could easily be 10 months before a decision from HMRC. I also received a letter requesting more information which I responded to in Sept 2023. HMRC 'when can I expect a reply' now indicates end Nov 2024. It's been continually pushed out - originally listing I'd receive a reply in March 2024 but that was not to be. More time to save I guess, & an exercise in patience! Wishing u all the best with your application
Hi @SashaGG from my experience it could easily be 10 months before a decision from HMRC. I also received a letter requesting more information which I responded to in Sept 2023. HMRC 'when can I expect a reply' now indicates end Nov 2024. It's been continually pushed out - originally listing I'd receive a reply in March 2024 but that was not to be. More time to save I guess, & an exercise in patience! Wishing u all the best with your application
Thanks for the heads up! I’m obviously to the back of the queue again then. Ah well. Let’s hope it comes through eventually!
I paid the 17 Years on the 6 of February 2024 and my forecast was only updated today 29 May 2024 so it will be at least 4 Months before it is updated, I did not get a notice by post or email (Yet) I just checked it online. So patience

Similar to above, I paid for 17 years at the beginning of March and sent a follow up letter a couple of days later, confirming what a/c number I had paid to and what years and amounts my payment represented. This letter was noted online, but was showing a projected reply date of May 2025 (as per the expected current time lag of about 12-14 months for written corrospondence to date). I'd been checking my online UK Revenue a/c waiting for it to be updated and was getting a wee bit concerned when the 8 weeks had passed and no update. Also from reading on here how others had a made payments to differently listed UK revenue accounts. So I wanted to be sure.

I called the given tel number (+44 3002003500) yesterday and was on hold for about 50 minutes. Eventually got speaking to a lovely pleasant and helpful lady who was able to acknowledge my payment and the follow up letter, which laid out my payment allocations. She said that letter hadn't however been actioned yet and therefore, because there was confusion as to what years my payment applied to, it had only been allocated against 2023/24 so far.

So she said, following my phone call she would escalate the issue with reference to my follow up letter and that hopefully I should see the payment reflected on line in 1-2 weeks. I shall keep ye posted.
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Similar to above, I paid for 17 years at the beginning of March and sent a follow up letter a couple of days later, confirming what a/c number I had paid to and what years and amounts my payment represented. This letter was noted online, but was showing a projected reply date of May 2025 (as per the expected current time lag of about 12-14 months for written corrospondence to date). I'd been checking my online UK Revenue a/c waiting for it to be updated and was getting a wee bit concerned when the 8 weeks had passed and no update. Also from reading on here how others had a made payments to differently listed UK revenue accounts. So I wanted to be sure.

I called the given tel number (+44 3002003500) yesterday and was on hold for about 50 minutes. Eventually got speaking to a lovely pleasant and helpful lady who was able to acknowledge my payment and the follow up letter, which laid out my payment allocations. She said that letter hadn't however been actioned yet and therefore, because there was confusion as to what years my payment applied to, it had only been allocated against 2023/24 so far.

So she said, following my phone call she would escalate the issue with reference to my follow up letter and that hopefully I should see the payment reflected on line in 1-2 weeks. I shall keep ye posted.
Like you I paid in March and so far it's only showing 2023/24 as paid.

I didn't send a follow letter detailing the years to be paid but before transferring the money I spoke to them to confirm the amount and the years to be paid. They said the details would be noted on my account.

I was wondering if you spoke to them as well as sending the follow up letter?
Like you I paid in March and so far it's only showing 2023/24 as paid.

I didn't send a follow letter detailing the years to be paid but before transferring the money I spoke to them to confirm the amount and the years to be paid. They said the details would be noted on my account.

I was wondering if you spoke to them as well as sending the follow up letter?
I spoke to them shortly (1 or 2 days) after making payment and the rep I spoke to couldn't see anything showing on the a/c at that stage so then I sent the follow up letter. As with you in this case for the time being it only shows up at 2023/24 paid as all of payment temporarily allocated to that. Might be no harm to give them a follow up call like I did. Might speed up things.
I spoke to them shortly (1 or 2 days) after making payment and the rep I spoke to couldn't see anything showing on the a/c at that stage so then I sent the follow up letter. As with you in this case for the time being it only shows up at 2023/24 paid as all of payment temporarily allocated to that. Might be no harm to give them a follow up call like I did. Might speed up things.
Thanks for that, I will give them a call.
I am looking at topping up from 3 years to 10 years to meet minimum

1) if they assess my application and they decide I am class 3 do they automatically start taking payment on processing of application for the top ups or do they write to me again to confirm I am happy to pay.
2) if I top up to ten years is there a chance that the government may change the rules and I would not be entitled to the money on retirement years. I am currently 30+ years away from retirement year.

Thanks. !!
I am looking at topping up from 3 years to 10 years to meet minimum

1) if they assess my application and they decide I am class 3 do they automatically start taking payment on processing of application for the top ups or do they write to me again to confirm I am happy to pay.
2) if I top up to ten years is there a chance that the government may change the rules and I would not be entitled to the money on retirement years. I am currently 30+ years away from retirement year.

Thanks. !!
I agree this thread is a long one; however all of these questions have already been answered.

You can do a search on the thread & not have to read every one.

Failing that you could search my user name for replies.
@Damien King.

I wouldn’t worry too much about the early employment details here. I think the important piece for them is that you did not claim social welfare benefits before you left the U.K.

I was vague about my early years of employment after returning to Ireland as I can’t even remember some of it. I know I didn’t find a job for at least four months after my return, maybe even six months. I just said various employments, or something like that on my form. I’ve had my letter and was awarded 17 years at Class 2, which includes years 2023-2024 so I know they didn’t dig too deeply or ask for clarification. I think it’s important that you’re working now as well.
Hi Trish, Thanks for the Reply.

So You just guestimated your dates and put these on the form?

im thinking of just mentioning on the Additional info box that Ive tried to be as accurate as possible but it was nearly 20 years ago so any errors in dates were unintentional.

I was thinking the same myself re: signing on in the UK which I wasn't Doing before I left.

Currently self employed as well
Hi Trish, Thanks for the Reply.

So You just guestimated your dates and put these on the form?

im thinking of just mentioning on the Additional info box that Ive tried to be as accurate as possible but it was nearly 20 years ago so any errors in dates were unintentional.

I was thinking the same myself re: signing on in the UK which I wasn't Doing before I left.

Currently self employed as well
Yes, I just lumped the first few years after my return under “various employments”. I’ve been in the same job now for almost 20 years and that seemed to satisfy them. That’s my experience anyway, although I know some people were asked for more information and to detail their employment. I honestly wouldn’t be able to give accurate info as it’s almost 30 years ago!
Yes, I just lumped the first few years after my return under “various employments”. I’ve been in the same job now for almost 20 years and that seemed to satisfy them. That’s my experience anyway, although I know some people were asked for more information and to detail their employment. I honestly wouldn’t be able to give accurate info as it’s almost 30 years ago!
Maybe worth trying to figure that employment history. No idea how accurate it needs to be, but on the application form for the Irish State pension, it does ask for all of your employment history. Name and address of employer, start and finish dates etc.