Key Post UK State Pension - Make voluntary contributions to qualify for UK pension on top of Irish pension

Good morning, There was some good advice here a while back on how to save cost of phone calls to HMRC from Ireland by purchasing a facility/service/card for £4 a month then cancel it. I cannot seem to locate it, can anyone recall/ advise please. Thankyou
....I was reassured that HMRC will still honour the ability to make payments going back the 18 years to 2006. I was told NOT to make any payment now until I receive my letter when the exact amount has been calculated...
Exactly as @DanyBoyD has stated several times

Thanks @mmclo and @DanyBoyB for all the help. I was really mostly worrying thinking that both the CF83 form AND the payment had to be in before April 5th this year. I feel reassured now.