Two litres of milk price increase/Dunnes?

Dunnes have changed their policy around issuing vouchers. If you spend between €25 and €49.99 you will receive a voucher for €5 off €25; you can also redeem a voucher.
If you spend between €75 and €99.99 you will get 1 10€ off €50 you can redeem €10 off €50 and/or €5 off €25.
I was spending circa €76 in Dunnes for months and using and receiving €15 in vouchers. About 2 weeks ago I only got one €10 off €50 I emailed Customer Service and got a nonsense response emailed them again and they gave me a courtesy €5 off €25. Now I split my shop if I want to use 2 vouchers.
I am shopping in Dunnes less and spending less there; since they changed the voucher life from 14 -> 10 days . Also it costs €3.50 to park in my local Dunnes which they don’t give you back.
Agree re club card in Tesco - you literally have to have one to shop there now..
And some people think that the Lidl Plus app/offers are complicated! :oops:
Back to the original subject i.e. see Dunnes Stores 2 litres of milk has gone from €2.09 to €2.25 in one go :oops:

Someone mentioned beside me today that the increase is similar on the 3 litre bottle too.
Was still 3.39 in Dunnes yday, I bought a few for baking. Maybe I need to go back tomorrow with my fiver off and add a few more into freezer!
There is a BOGOF on 0.0% Guinness in Dunnes at the moment.
€7.50 for a 4 pack and you get another 4 pack free.
0.0% Guinness also counts as usual shopping in Dunnes for your €10 off €50 and similar vouchers so works out at 75 cent a can.
It can also be bought before or after Off Licence opening hours.
My God, in Dunnes at the moment and it's worse then shopping at Christmas time
Shelves are running empty and the queues at the tills
T'is mad I tell ya :D
My God, in Dunnes at the moment and it's worse then shopping at Christmas time
Shelves are running empty and the queues at the tills
T'is mad I tell ya :D

Packed trolleys in my local Dunnes this morning also. Not toilet paper so much that I noticed but loads of white wine, chocolate and beer. Somebody having a party? Or is this work from home?
I was in ALDI today and it was busier than Christmas... yes I needed bread.

If you were planning to go to the shops Friday, you'd need to go today instead, or some people will delay until Saturday.
So just that amount of extra demand dumped on a day would see big queues and shelves cleared.
One for surge pricing :_)