The RTB actually publishes data on the notices for termination that they have received.This clause is not well known but it has been kept in throughout all of the changes (four I think) to the Residential Tenancies Act since 2016.
From Q2 2019 - Q2 2021 only 3%(!) of notices of termination were to avoid a Part IV/further Part IV tenancy arising.
Notices of Termination (NoTs) received by the RTB, Q2 2019 - Q2 2022 | Residential Tenancies Board
RTB operates Ireland's National Tenancy Register and resolving disputes between Landlords, tenants and third parties. Governed by residential Tenancies Act 2004. View more information on landlords and tenancies.
If the Minister wants to meaningful improve the security of tenure of tenants, he would have to further restrict the grounds for no fault terminations. Simply extending the term of Part IV tenancies won't have any meaningful impact.