Tax defrauders list but no welfare defrauders list


That's page reads like it's designed to put the frighteners on ordinary people who cannot afford to take Revenue on in court.
Even so, nowhere in that article does the Revenue suggest illegality or criminality is involved only that a judge may rule against you in a civil action.
It's generally accepted the transactions structured mainly or solely to avoid paying tax are likely to fall foul of anti-avoidance measures and Revenue can and do pursue these.
Meanwhile in Northern Ireland...

"The Department for Communities (DfC) stopped publishing the names of benefit fraudsters in 2020 following a decision by the Sinn Féin minister at the time." It's always good to see Sinn Féin's genuine commitment to openness and transparency in government! :D
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As an ex-civil servant, I'm normally a doughty supporter of both the Department of Social Welfare and the Revenue Commissioners, but my jaw dropped when I read in today's Examiner that at the end of 2022,

"nearly 300 people owed more than €100,000 apiece in back payments" :eek:

That level of fraud (and I assume that most of it is due to fraud) should surely involve a jail sentence? But does being sent to prison absolve a fraudster of the obligation to repay the Department, I wonder?