For moment he thought he was back in the Sc-Fi film and then with a start
he realised that it was Mrs Infecshum's new door bell........bought by himself in LIDL last Thurs, 20 Euros for a specially enhanced bell for those with Tinnitus.
'Who is it?', said Alice.
With that Mrs Infecshus shouted up the stairs....'Alice,Alice, come here, quick,quick!!!!
'Oh, my God , what's wrong ?',said Alice as she ran down the stairs.
Standing there was an urbane, grey haired business man in a Hugo Boss.
In his hand was a huge bunch of velvet red roses and a box of Lily O'Brien's luxury selection. Alice came to a sudden stop at the end of the stairs, looked up at him and then he smiled.
'Hello, may I call you Alice' .he said.
'Yes',said Alice tentatively. 'Sorry, do I know you?'
'Alice, I'm Dermot Man.........from Aer L......'
I'd like you to accept these first class tickets and the gifts as a token of apology for all the upset we have caused you. It was our fault and we hope you will forgive us', and he smiled at her gently.
Alice looked at him ,wordlessly, and then she fainted.