Russian Foreign Policy

The MEP's for Moscow have responded. Unprovoked aggression and the threat of nuclear war is trumped by strengthening european defences and fracked gas. Seems legit.
Taoiseach: ‘Neutrality is a policy issue that can change at any time’
“And it’s under pressure from authoritarian regimes like Russia, and it would be naive in the extreme not to reflect on that.”

He said: “post-this war we do need to reflect on all of that, and how do we preserve what’s best about democracies, about the European Union, where we along with other like-minded states share common values.”

He said: “I think this naked aggression has really exposed the vulnerability at the heart of the European Union and its project because people are not playing by the same rules at all.”

A potentially expanded EU (Ukraine, possibly Moldova and Kosovo) and an expanded NATO (Sweden, Finland, possibly Ukraine if Russia gets rinsed from this campaign or Vlad gets the good news). Catastrophic geo-strategic failure for Putin.
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Neutrality (let's not get involved in words like unaligned) is sacred.
Yes, and remember what happens to sacred cows (even if they are not cows but everyone insists on calling them cows).
The Swiss were always a cool and steady race of people looking calculated at everything especially inward and what is good for Switzerland. I see nothing wrong with that.
You see nothing wrong with being the financiers of fascists, terrorists, dictators, drug dealers and the most vile scum in the world? Wow.
But, even on this ultra conservative membership forum we have people calling for Ireland to relinquish its neutrality. Neutrality is neutrality not half neutrality half belligerence.
Who here is ultra conservative?
Conservatives are more likely to be isolationist and not care about what happens to their fellow man. I know who fits better into that camp.
Even Winston Churchill scoffed at Ireland's neutrality at the end of WW2 and received a stinging response from E de Valera.
That was nearly 80 years ago. Ireland was an backward, poor, isolated and ecumenically under developed country. We are now one of the richest countries in the world (much of that due to very ethically questionable activities), with a highly developed economy and we are members of the EU.

While I have the greatest sympathy of people from Ukraine, the bottom line is that they are not an EU country.
No, you have a very limited amount of sympathy for the people of Ukraine, certainly not enough to be in favour of us helping them to fight an invading dictator.
There were/are wars in other non EU countries ongoing for years and nobody is calling for any kind of Irish involvement. The further away from war and destruction we keep the better.
We had troops operating under NATO command in Europe in 1998.
If Ukraine was in the EU would you be in favour of us funding military equipment for them?
Let's look after ourselves more for a change and let others learn from our neutrality.
If other countries copied us then the world would be a far worse place.
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The MEP's for Moscow have responded. Unprovoked aggression and the threat of nuclear war is trumped by strengthening european defences and fracked gas. Seems legit.
From your post above @Itchy,.
He said: “I think this naked aggression has really exposed the vulnerability at the heart of the European Union and its project because people are not playing by the same rules at all.”

Wallace and his ilk are wilfully ignorant of reality.
Diplomacy won't stop a Tank.
Personally, I'm struggling to understand why anyone is taking the commentary from a tax dodging failed Irish builder who badly needs a haircut and his conspiracy theory left wing looney sidekick serious. Far too much going on in the world to even give them publicity.
Personally, I'm struggling to understand why anyone is taking the commentary from a tax dodging failed Irish builder who badly needs a haircut and his conspiracy theory left wing looney sidekick serious. Far too much going on in the world to even give them publicity.
It wasn't just tax dodging, there was the employee pensions too but I agree with you. Though he hadn't shot or blown up any children so he's a step up from the Shinners.
Putin's aggression towards neutral countries continues. Demands security guarantees from Sweden and Finland. Initiates invasion of another country and Russia demands security guarantees?! He needs political wins now.

Yesterday, Lukashenko's invasion map purports to show the invasion of Moldova.

Varadkar starts the neutrality discussion.

A potentially expanded EU (Ukraine, possibly Moldova and Kosovo) and an expanded NATO (Sweden, Finland, possibly Ukraine if Russia gets rinsed from this campaign or Vlad gets the good news). Catastrophic geo-strategic failure for Putin.
I forgot Georgia!

I'm really not sure about Georgia... both for NATO and EU.
It's not connected to any other EU country.
From a NATO perspective, it's indefensible, only borders Turkey I think and a remote part of Turkey at that.

Moldova... should there not be some NATO \ EU rapid reaction force going in there to help with the refugee crisis and forestall any Russian action from Transnistria? They aren't in NATO but they are in discussions.
Russia refusing to release 500 aircraft its airlines have leased from Western companies... sth like 4 billion euros worth from Ireland based companies

Lloyds end cover for Russian airlines.
I'm really not sure about Georgia... both for NATO and EU.
It's not connected to any other EU country.
From a NATO perspective, it's indefensible, only borders Turkey I think and a remote part of Turkey at that.

Moldova... should there not be some NATO \ EU rapid reaction force going in there to help with the refugee crisis and forestall any Russian action from Transnistria? They aren't in NATO but they are in discussions.
Georgia are making hay fair play to them! No, NATO is not an option for them.

NATO response force were activated to Romania today (which includes elements of the Swedish Armed Forces by the way!). That will temper ambitions for Moldova but they are by no means out of the woods.

Russia refusing to release 500 aircraft its airlines have leased from Western companies... sth like 4 billion euros worth from Ireland based companies

Lloyds end cover for Russian airlines.

Big numbers. Those aircraft will be worthless in 6 months, as they will either have been flying around Russia without being serviced or sitting on the ground, not being serviced. Ikea closed in Russia today, 15000 jobs. Renault car manufacturing, 35,000 jobs gone. JP Morgan forecasts a 35% contraction in GDP this year.
The difference between Adolf and Vlad is that Adolf had genuine prospects of conquering Europe. Would have achieved it if he had dropped his obsession against the commies. Vlad would be committing suicide to attempt that thanks to the Yanks having him completely surrounded. My guess is that a nuke war would see 50 million Americans killed and Russia wiped out.
Probably not this time, but who would bet on humanity not self destructing in the next 100 years? Makes action against climate change seem so presumptuous.
Stock up on bitcoin.
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Probably not this time, but who would bet on humanity not self destructing in the next 100 years?
That's exactly the conversation myself and Mrs Beag had yesterday. This has opened our eyes from the very comfortable and peaceful life we have been living and tbh it has never been easier for one madman to destroy the world if he so chooses. This morning we wake up to hear they have been bombing around a nuclear site in Ukraine. Thankfully it doesn't appear that radiation levels have increased .... this time. The rest of the world seriously needs to look at how this lunatic can be taken out.
Georgia are making hay fair play to them! No, NATO is not an option for them.
The Russian invasion of Georgia in 2008 following the declarations of independence by the ethnically Russia regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia was a military success for the Russians. They routed the Georgian army in a few days with around 1000 mostly civilian casualties. It is probably what emboldened Putin and gave him an expectation that his invasion of Ukraine would go the same way.

Interesting historical note, Georgia was the first place wine was produced.
The BBC list 5 possible scenarios. I am not sure what order of probability they give but I think this is it.

1. Long war Afghanistan style with Russia withdrawing after say 10 years
2. Short war as Russia significantly increases its attack as it did in Chechnya. Russia win of course but Ukrainian insurgency ever present.
3. Diplomatic result with maybe Ukraine conceding Crimea, parts of Donbas but getting independence from Russia and freedom to Westernise.
4. European War which let’s face it means nuclear WWIII.
5. The Oligarchs get rid of Putin and move to 3 above.

Or a mixture of these.
The BBC list 5 possible scenarios. I am not sure what order of probability they give but I think this is it.

1. Long war Afghanistan style with Russia withdrawing after say 10 years
2. Short war as Russia significantly increases its attack as it did in Chechnya. Russia win of course but Ukrainian insurgency ever present.
3. Diplomatic result with maybe Ukraine conceding Crimea, parts of Donbas but getting independence from Russia and freedom to Westernise.
4. European War which let’s face it means nuclear WWIII.
5. The Oligarchs get rid of Putin and move to 3 above.

Or a mixture of these.
I think Russia might take eastern Ukraine (not sure from where) and block it off from western Ukraine, with possibly a wall. Russia could install a puppet government and use the space as a buffer between Russia and the west. I am hoping that sanctions against Russia last as long as Putin is still calling the shots & hopefully one of rich & powerful people in Russia realise soon that life would be a lot better without Putin...
Unlikely as it is to happen, the West should strongly consider a no-fly zone given the attacks on civilian areas and nuclear facilities. The Russian economy should be suffocated and it should be made clear that measures will remain in place until there is regime change in Russia. This might spur internal actors to action. Putin has destroyed what could have been a great European country (Russia) but perhaps just cant see it.
Unlikely as it is to happen, the West should strongly consider a no-fly zone given the attacks on civilian areas and nuclear facilities. The Russian economy should be suffocated and it should be made clear that measures will remain in place until there is regime change in Russia. This might spur internal actors to action. Putin has destroyed what could have been a great European country (Russia) but perhaps just cant see it.

Putin wants Nato to engage. I know it seems unbelievably cruel but Putin is trying to drag NATO into the conflict so he say Russia was right. NATO is attacking us. It wouldn't stop at simply enforcing a no fly zone which would have limited impact anyway considering the conflict on the ground. They are right not to engage. As much I hate saying that. But unfortunately, this is not same as the Balkan war.

It is not just Russia and their cronies that need to start feeling pain. Countries like India, Pakistan, China, Saudi Arabia need to start seeing some consequences too.

Oh and Credit Suisse should be closed down...
