People who cant control their dogs

Agree 100%. I keep my dog on a lead at ALL times. It bugs the s**t out of me when I see people that have no consideration and let their dogs wander. I love dogs but I have a rule that if a loose dog ever comes near me while I'm walking my dog I'd have no problems giving it a boot up the ....

More agreement here.

I had a problem with a barking dog and seem to have it sorted out now. Thankfully.

There was a dog which would appear in our small housing development at about 7:30am every morning. I used to see it as I came home from night shift. I assumed it was owned by a neighbour from the street as it was ALWAYS in our street. It came round to play with another dog which actually did live in my street.

It then proceeded to bark for large parts of the day at any person who would walk past, or any car. Of course when you are trying to sleep during the day this is a pain.

It was reported on a number of occasions to the dog warden, but they never visited the street afaik.

Anyway, lost patience one day and finally got a hold of it. Took down the number and called the owner.

To my annoyance, the dog didn't even live in my estate, but in one about 200 yards away. The owner admitted he let it out before he went to work, and knew that it came round to my estate as it hung around with another dog. When I told him it was creating a nuisance in our street with constant barking (other neighbours had complained about it too in passing) he said he didn't think it was a barker. I told him it was and that if his dog continued to keep me up while I was trying to sleep, then when I got back into my night shift, that I would keep him up while he was sleeping !!

He said he'd call home and get someone to collect the dog. That was about 5 weeks ago and I've seen his dog in the estate once.

Threats work!!
You handled that very well, nothing worse than a dog barking incessantly!
Drive you insane. I am a dog owner but was threatened on a number of occasions by another dog owner who had three scottish terriers, when he saw me approaching out for my evening walk, he would deliberately let one of his terriers off the lead, who would go for my dog, terrifying me.
I told him he should keep his dogs under control, I just kept on walking
pretending I was not afraid, fearing for my ankles. Another occasion he waited outside my house, another time he backtracked up the lane when I was coming down. Thankfully it hasn't happened for a while, he only had two the last time I saw him. I was afraid for a while to bring my dog out for a walk, but Ive got braver with the help of watching The Dog Whisperer, Cesar Milan ! Anyone else watch him?
I my estate we have dogs roaming around quite freely. Most don't bother anyone but there is at least two that constantly bark and try and snap at people includeding my self. I've tried to kick the muts but they're reflexes are two fast. I was thinking of bricking the mutts but I don;t want to do that or until my patience runs out.

When I walk past these dogs, I stay calm and don;t make eye contact. It doesn't really work. No point in complaining either, the owners don't care. Any tips?
What I find disturbing in these threads is that the Dog Wardens don't seem to care or don't seem to be available?
I my estate we have dogs roaming around quite freely. Most don't bother anyone but there is at least two that constantly bark and try and snap at people includeding my self. I've tried to kick the muts but they're reflexes are two fast. I was thinking of bricking the mutts but I don;t want to do that or until my patience runs out.

When I walk past these dogs, I stay calm and don;t make eye contact. It doesn't really work. No point in complaining either, the owners don't care. Any tips?

Stay calm, dont make eye contact, stand perfectly still looking off into space until the dogs stop barking. Wait until they back off before you move off. If you keep walking past while they are still barking they believe they are chasing you off. If you hold your ground calmly until they back off you have won. But I wouldnt do the above if you feel they are genuinely going to bite you.
What I find disturbing in these threads is that the Dog Wardens don't seem to care or don't seem to be available?

Theres an old thread of mine around here about the Dog Warden, believe me, my local one anyway is a waste of space. He ONLY takes dogs that people have contained in a back garden, run after a dog? - sure he's not paid to do that!!!
In Meath there is only one dog warden, when he is off that's it - no cover just no dog warden for however long he's gone!
I am scared of dogs. I can't go for a walk in the estate or local park because of dogs. I'd love if there was some way to deal with them but we just have to put up with it. These beasts are free to roam and poo all over the place.
I see dogs roaming around with no owner, dogs jumping out of their own driveways to attack passers by, dogs fouling the footpaths and my garden (sometime accompanied by the owners!!!), dogs chasing kids, dogs following me on walks so people think they are mine and I'm responsible for their bad behavior, dogs which are supposed to be muzzled and on a short leash being walked by children etc etc.
Dog/owner training should be compulsory.

Electronic repellers don't work, you can't get a dog arrested for attacking you, all other forms of dog control are illegal.
I am not sure what an electronic deterent is. Can you not carry one of those high frquency ultrasonic deterants and give them a blast. They have them in Maplin
Another thing that freaks me (as someone who is petrified of dogs) is those extendable leads. Some people just don't know how to use them properly and the dog might as well not be on a lead at all as he's perfectly free to rush up to people and start snuffling around their legs and jumping at them. (which, believe me, is terrifying if you don't like dogs).
Another thing that freaks me (as someone who is petrified of dogs) is those extendable leads. Some people just don't know how to use them properly and the dog might as well not be on a lead at all as he's perfectly free to rush up to people and start snuffling around their legs and jumping at them. (which, believe me, is terrifying if you don't like dogs).
In my (esteemed :)) opinion those extendable leads are the worst possible invention. They just tell a dog 'its ok, youre the boss, you can wander off in whatever direction you please'. When you should be telling your dog 'ok - im the master and youre the follower, where i go, you go, and if you dont like it, tough.'.

Terrible terrible invention!!!

Did you have a particular bad experience to be scared of dogs?
Did you have a particular bad experience to be scared of dogs?

I'm ashamed to say that no, I didn't. I've just always been terrified of them. My sister absolutely loves them and my brother is indifferent to them, so I've no idea why I'm scared of them. I'm also scared of cats! (Just a wimp, I guess).
You don't have to have a 'bad experience' to be wary or scared of dogs. My little fella is too young to be let play with a dog, and he is very curious (about all animals) but wary of dogs because of the lack of warning and shock he gets when they bark. They can be very unpredictable.

I was once co-owner of a very intelligent and badly behaved dog that got me into a number of sticky situations. A visit to a dog trainer gave me great hope that the animal's extreme behaviour could be tackled, but it wasn't as simple as that. It was really difficult to tackle all the animal's unsociable behaviour at home because I just got tired of constantly giving out. Leaving the house was a trial and at least after it became firmly the rule that the animal stay on the lead, at least the bad behaviour was contained to a circle as long as the lead.

Looking back, it was a very bad idea to have taken on a dog and I wish more people would stop and ask themselves that question, particularly if they live in towns and are out at work all day. I will never put myself or my family in that position again - particularly as kids run the risk of getting attached to it!
I'm ashamed to say that no, I didn't. I've just always been terrified of them. My sister absolutely loves them and my brother is indifferent to them, so I've no idea why I'm scared of them. I'm also scared of cats! (Just a wimp, I guess).

Seeing as theyre such a big part of everyday life (barely a day passes when I dont interact with a dog and Im not currently an owner), would you consider doing something (like volunteering at a shelter perhaps) to overcome your fear? Not because I think you shouldnt be allowed to be afraid of dogs!! But because sometimes if you educate yourself about the thing you are scared of it gets less scary - in your case if you understood dog behaviour you may not feel afraid when you see one - which would make life easier for you when out and about.

I 100% agree with galleyslave - its the owners.

On a positive dog note, I saw an owner with an enormous German Sheppard in the local park the other day, dog was unleashed and was giving the owner 110% attention, glued to his side and taking both voice and hand commands. The owner was in full control, a toddler ran up and the dog sidestepped and looked at his owner for confirmation. Thats the kind of owner people should be striving to be. Full control. And you could see that both dog and owner were having a great time together.
Paulone said: Looking back, it was a very bad idea to have taken on a dog and I wish more people would stop and ask themselves that question, particularly if they live in towns and are out at work all day. I will never put myself or my family in that position again - particularly as kids run the risk of getting attached to it!

This from craiglist:

My deceased aunt gave my two kids a Cocker Spaniel a few months back. The dog has been a terror and become overwhelming for me. I am a single father raising two young children. I cannot face telling the kids that the dog must go. I have found a good home for the dog, and just need someone to transport the dog, and play the villain.

Premise: You will be the dog walker hired by daddy (me) to walk Skittles. I will introduce you to the kids, and you will tell them you are going to help Skittles get her exercise when Daddy is too busy to walk her. At that point you will walk Skittles to your car and take her to her new family 20 minutes from my place. Then return holding just a leash. The story will be that Skittles broke free of the leash and took off. At this point prepare for crying, things being thrown at you, and possibly cursing. My kids are young and dramatic, their girls.

Pay will be $500. The job will take roughly 2 hours at best.

This job is ideal for an actor looking to diversify their role base, or someone who genuinely likes to make children cry. Acting experience is a plus, but not necessary. Please inform me of any prior experience in this kind of situation
so much negativity about dogs in the last few posts... it's the owners, not the dogs...

Totally agree.

I actually like dogs (and cats) and always owned ones as a youngster.

I don't blame the dogs - they don't know they are annoying people or keeping them awake.

But you'd think the owners would show some consideration for their neighbours - then again many people on housing estates these days don't give a damn about their neighbours. If the law clamped down on them a bit harder and hit them with the odd fine they'd soon sort out their dogs.
so much negativity about dogs in the last few posts... it's the owners, not the dogs...

At the end of the day it's the dogs behaviour that is annoying or scary. We've certainly complained about the owners as well and I think everyone who has posted negativity about dogs appreciates that it's the owners at fault.
You really have to wonder about the mindset of people who let their dogs bark incessantly. What is actually going on in their heads that they think that's ok? I can only think that they are completely anti social, not just selfish. And from my own experience and from threads like this, the response is usually something like 'my dog doesn't bark', or 'are you sure it's my dog' duuhhhh. They have some blind spot and that's a nice way of putting it.