I asked for this to be confirmed in writing - and the outcome of that is that the above is NOT the case. I was directed to the T&C's of my mortgage agreement which necessitates the maintenance of an NIB current a/c to service the mortgage.
Whilst I was told that no charges would apply so long as I continue to use the feeder a/c solely for the purposes of maintaining mortgage repayments, I wasn't told that the account was changing to a separate facility account as such (although perhaps that was what was intended? ....I guess it doesn't matter either way)....just that it will be 'marked' as a servicing a/c.
SerotoninSid - I am in the same situation as you, I use the account for servicing mortgages only. I threw out the ATM cards that I received. Based upon your post I am now expecting that they will not charge me fees as the account is a servicing account only.
Let us know if either a) you hear otherwise or b) see any charges coming through.