New visitors - where did you hear of Askaboutmoney?

A company called Inside Track were promoting their seminars on the Last Word last night and I gave my analysis.

I'm glad someone was listening.

Hi, I heard about this site from Eddie Hobbs on a corporate meeting recently. Just starting so first impression - very good! Thanks.
Heard about you a long time ago but finances in good order I will require info now as I am thinking of remorg. at the moment outside the country.
Came across it about a year ago when searching for some info on investments (through Google). Great site. An invaluable aid to ordinary investors. Thanks and well done.

Heard about it a few years ago on The Last Word, TodayFM. Very good site, was a reader for a long time and recently registered.
I did a search looking for information about government money being wasted on the M3 road project for new site. There are 2 tolls planned each way, and yet up to 70m is being wasted - likewise if any one can help go to our site. Thanks, and great site.
I'm living in Switzerland. A mate from Athlone is visiting and he told me about it. Good website!