
Of course it's relevant because in the big ideological debates russia is a loser, its spent almost a century on the dead end of communism and another lost century .
It's a total irrelevance. Yes, communism failed and the current Russia has nothing to do with communism.

Now its regressed back to the ideology it had before communism, imperialism. But it doesn't have the economic and cultural power to succeed because its not the US or China
This is more totally irrelevant (and inaccurate) nonsense. The clown that the yanks installed threatened to bring in nukes and NATO. Double standards in three words right here -> Cuban missile crisis

Russia had no interest in taking territory - it had every interest in ensuring that Ukraine didn't turn into having an enemy (the U.S.) deploy weapons right on its doorstep - like it promised a gazillion times it wouldn't ...when the cold war ended...and every time in between. But they have no word.

The only thing it has to sell to the world is natural resources but now its cut off its biggest customer for natural gas , Europe, and China is not jumping in either to take up that gap.
The "only" thing? It's beyond immense in size. It doesn't need more territory - that's not a thing. And the resources it has will last forever and a day. On the claim that China isn't buying Russian oil/gas, have a source for that? Isn't a new pipeline being built from Russia to China?

What the Europeans did was the most moronic thing I've ever seen. They cut down on Russian oil/gas - then the price shot up and Russia sold it elsewhere anyway. In fact, isn't it the same oil that's coming in ...but now it goes through places like India? It's bonkers stuff....particularly where the Germans are concerned. They've screwed themselves.
They went to great lengths many years ago to secure that gas deal with Russia. The infrastructure was put in place. Then the yanks blew the pipeline up - and there was ZERO honesty about that - and there remains zero honesty (which is very relevant given your claims about lies). Now the Germans tell us that some Ukrainian team did it? Completely unbelievable garbage.

Now Saudi Arabia is about to increase production and collapse the oil price like it did in 2020. With, buddies like China and Saudi Arabia who needs enemies

Source? And so what if it does? You think oil producers haven't been able to survive in leaner years? It means nothing in terms of the outcome to this war. And here's another potential outcome for you entirely. How about Trump wins the election, winds the Ukraine thing down, and then appeases his zionist friends with a hot war with Iran. And if that happens, Europe is screwed double. They'll be begging Putin for oil/gas.
And Macron knows. It wasn't the killing of 40,000 civilians that motivated him of course, but $....he sees the danger....if the yanks and the zionists engage full on with Iran, there isn't a barrel of oil going to leave through the Persian Gulf. So he spoke out about Israel with Mileikowsky the war criminal being none too pleased.
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