Lymewood Mews

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hey orlaith

so did you end up sorting the ESB or what happened? Also, as hokey asks, are you driving into town? I had been planning on getting the no. 13 bus which supposedly only takes about 35 mins to get in in the morningss??


Muffin I think the nearest stop for us from Lymewood for the 13 is on the Ballymun Road, about 20 mins walk I believe. I think there's a stop across the road from the entrance gate but if you get on there you have to go all around Ballymun first which will take a bit of time too. It's a bit of a hike to the other side of the park though isn't it?!
I've been getting the bus from the old airport road, it's 15 mins walk in the morning to the busstop.
But this morning the bus took an hour!!
I could have cried. Yesterday was 45 minutes!! I took the 41 yesterday and the 33 today, they are both the same route. There was a set of broken traffic lights this morning which probably caused problems.
I have been getting the 7:45 bus but wonder should I leave earlier?
I might try the 13 tomorrow, does any other bus go on that road I wonder?
I think it would be even slower driving as at least the bus gets to move on the bus corridor some of the way in!

I don't know for definite if people have floors above ground level, BUT I've seen SEVERAL flooring vans outside and I am sure they are doing ALL levels, if you think about it there are less groundfloor appartments than non-ground floor appartments.

Laminates aren't that noisey, and you can get really nice quality ones.
So far I find them really clean. I can't imagine carpets with the dust.

back to work again,roll on home time
Hokey I wouldn't have thought it would take 20 mins to get to the nearest 13 bus stop - have you made the trip already. I thought you could get the bus just past Ballymun Cross which tops I would have thought a 15 mins walk??

Orlaith if you try the 13 tomorrow can you let us know hwo you get on?

Actually Hokey i'd probably get on at the near bus stop and just put up with the extra going through Ballymun bit .... haven't moved in yet but will have to do a trial run methinks...
Hi Muffin and Orlaith,

I believe the 13 stop is a good bit down the Ballymun Road. That's crazy that the trip into town is taking so long. What a nightmare considering we're not that far out of town. I'm too chicken to cycle so will just have to get up at 4am to guarantee getting into work on time!!

A friend of mine was ordering her floors and the guy in the shop told her that last week he was called out to rip up the floors in an apartment in Malahide as someone had complained about the noise. Imagine standing there watching your lovely wooden floor being pulled up!!
OK am totally curoius now about the Ballymun Road bus now!!
I am going to get the 13 tomorrow and I'll report back.
I have a feeling that it wont be as busy a route and it is surely a shorter walk? If it's 15 mins to the far exit, it HAS to be less than 10 mins to the Ballymun exit! Or am I just being naive??
On the 41 bus route, it literally crawls from Santry to Drumcondra, the rest is grand. But that section is at snails pace!! Thank God for my iPod!!

Will report back tomorrow! Oh the joys of commuting!!
And as you said Hokey we aren't even that far out!
What must it be like to live in Lucan etc??
Great Orlaith, good luck with it and let us know how you get on.

I would be of the same mind that surely as we are at the Ballymun end it would be quicker to get to a bus stop there than having the trek to the Santry end of the complex! And the 13 goes all the way to Merrion Square so it's really handy for work.

anyway, talk to you tomorrow Orlaith. How are you finding living there by the way?? Is it noisy with the other blocks being completed??
Why not all write letters in to Dublin Bus?
If a stop is not possible on the main road, perhaps it could turn left into the estate entrance and then turn back out again. May be a bit awkward though :
So I took the 13 this morning. The bus took about 40 mins, given that I didnt get on the bus until 8:10 & traffic would be at it's heaviest, that's not bad!!

If you walk out to the main gate at the Ballymun Rd, there isn't a proper designated footpath and it was really mucky!! as in the ends of my trousers look grubby. However, I think there is a shortcut.

If you walk towards the Ballymun Rd as far as Gama on the LHS facing out to Ballymun Road, I think you can take a left and walk straight down and take a right when you hit the footpath at the end. you then need to cross over the dual carriageway and the bus stop is out side some flats. It's a shorter walk than going out to the airport road, but a lot grottier. There's always a compromise.
Muffin I meant to say with regard to living out there, the builders have moved away from section C, though there are a few around in the mornings.

There are still not many moved in. I would say maybe 10-15 appartments actually occupied. There was alot more activity at the weekend. People coming and going getting blinds, floors etc fitted. It is really quiet in the evenings, totally relaxing!!

It is worth getting to know the main builder, I haven't a clue what his name is, but I asked him for the colour code for the paint as we got a couple of scratches when moving everything in and wanted to touch up a few spots. You have no idea how many shades/brands of Magnolia there are until you go into Homebase - trust me!!

He dropped me down a pot of it for doing touch ups. I thought that was really sound!!
Hey Orlaith 40 mins is not too bad – how long did it take you to walk to the bus-stop? Are you going to get the No. 13 from now on?? That’s great that it’s quiet enough in the evenings – we’re not in ourselves yet but hope to be soon enough – just need to get the carpets down and bed in!

By the main builder do you mean the foreman, Shane? Yeah, I’d asked him for a pot of paint for any touch-ups we’d need to do but he hasn’t left it for us yet – we’ll try and get it off him when we move in. We had a few more bits wrong with the place when we went out on Saturday – seal around the front door was coming off, switch panel on the wall in the kitchen wasn’t flush to the wall that sort of thing – still I think they were going to sort it soon ; )
Just coming across this network for first time. I have bought in Block B - last I heard from HOK was that it was due to complete end October but that deadline fast approaching and haven't heard anything else. Very useful emails here with good advice re-snag lists and management fees - thanks for advice! Looking forward to completing and moving in
Can anyone offer any light on how much a typical 2 bed apartment may have increased in value on the original prices?
I was speaking to HOK a few minutes ago and got some favourable feedback (I have a 2 bed in Block A) but have not had the apt valued yet for mortgage.
A percentage increase indication would be handy...

A percentage increase indication would be handy...

Have a look on, there are 2 two bed apartments for sale on there.
They are from lymewood mews, so you will see the price they are up for sale for.
I saw them alright but they are penthouses as far as I remember...
I have 2 questions - maybe someone has the answers!

Management fees/company: Do we, i.e. apartment owners, become members of the management company? I am currently renting an apartment in town but there are big problems with the management company - they are not fulfilling their obligations with regards to the upkeep of communal areas, etc. Given the expense of the management fee in Lymewood Mews I hope that the management company is satisfactory.

Transport: I have been looking at the Northwoodpark website which states that "a shuttle bus will be provided by the management company to provide those working and/or living within the development with a direct link to the main public transport services in or adjacent to Northwood". Does anyone know if this is already in service or if it really will go ahead?!

Many thanks
Oh my God, two 2 bedroom apts. for sale on for 350,000 each!!! Could they get that much??
Hi there,

I too just stumbled accross this thread .
Here is some info I found out on Management fees. It will be divided up based on apt size. The original letter sent out incorrectly states the management fee. Mine was a few hundred more than it should have been. They sent a corrected letter to your solicitor, so just ask them to confirm the amount. Or you could ask emma to send you a breakdown of management costs in a PDF for the whole development. This lists the cost per Apt (+ 175 refuse and 125 carpark as extras) and also in total for whole complex.

Also I was just wondering since the costs are broken down per apt size, surely the refuse charge should also be broken down per size, as a 1 bed apt will have a lot less rubbish than a 3 bed apt. Just a thought.

I'm on 2nd floor, haven't moved in yet but will be doing final inspection tomorrow, so hopefully if alls well I'll be in end of next week sometime.


Does anyone know if its possible to sign up to SKY TV and where will the Satellite Dishes go, on roof maybe ?

I haven't lived in an apt before so I don't know much about this sort of thing.

Cheers for any response.

We bought a staellite dish but couldnt get a sufficient signal as we are ground floor and the trees are blocking our dish.
NTL is turned on when you move in but we went with Magnet as its a good deal for phone, broadband and digital.
The appartments are pre-wired for Magnet. It's fibre optic and a great download speeed for broadband.

That's a penthouse Sppartment, but still a great rice will be interesting to se ehow muhc it actually goes for.

There may well be a bus providing transport by mgt committee, but its not up and running yet. It wouldn't be feasible I would imagine until the place is more populated. Hardly anyone has moved in yet.

As regards magt commitee, usually there are tennant members on the committee I guess there's a vote or people put themselves forward for that position once the place is filled and there's proper meetings.

The guy that gave us paint wasn't Shane, he was a building supervisor or something. I don't know his name, but he's a more elderly man, in his 50's I guess, greyish hair. He is always around the place.
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