Lymewood Mews

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oops srry just discovered its block A. cant seem to get that into the head!!!!! Enjoying living here though.
rambo just ring up Emma about the videocom. Its a snag and they need to fix it for you. It will be a mare getting things fixed once the contractor is let leave site.
one Res meeting has already happened there will be another next month I think, Wyse are waiting for the rest of the Block A heads to get in.
Northwood gym.........end of May they say! so much for Feb as they originally said.
Does anyone know how to use the car park. I got my fob but couldn't figure out how to get the gates open, and by the looks of it, not many other people did either.
I was talking to one of the builders on Thursday, and he said that they have to paint a mark on the ground where you stop your car and wave your fob.
I dont know if they have done this yet, maybe people are stopping too far away or to close to the sensor.
There is a sensor in the ground in the middle of the ramp. It is painted with a red square. You just gotta wave the card over the square to get in.
Any news on th visitor parking??? where is it?? have surface level parking but with two cars, will need to use the visitor spots!!! is it Emma you contact about the fobs??? - sl
I would like to know this too. But one has to remember if there is visitor car park spaces they are for visotors, not for people who have two cars :rolleyes: ....if you had two cars you would have to buy the spare spaces that they had for sale (which were probably the visitors car park spaces in the first place)
Yeah I agree,I gave up my company car as Itwould not be ideal trying to keep 2 cars. (mainly BIK reasons though to be fair I must admit! ).
Parking may be tight. Best thing I can think of is cutting a deal with some other unit who is not using their space. There are plenty of the apartments occupied by people with no car. I think the residents would eventually be a bit pissed off if the same car was seen constantly in the VP spaces or on the kerbs etc once all the spaces are allocated and basement open...
We have been trying to buy an extra space since we moved in in October, but we still haven't heard anything back - anyone else in this position?
I say they have stalled or made a mess up with the visitor spaces, i.e. they had none and now they are re-thinking how many they have to offer going spare.....i'm sure there is a law that requires public parking of some sort in such a development....what happens when you are getting stuffed delivered?
was told by the site-coordinator months ago that by law there has to be at least one visitor for every four apartments..... unfortunately €10,000 for an additional spot was not an option financially......:rolleyes:
Yeah fair point....however it was too expensive for myself also, hence myself and my partner can only have one car and not two....I do not expect to have the use of the visitor car spaces and I doubt that people who have paid 10,000 euro for a space would be happy to see your car in a visitors spot every day..
Can anyone point out the 'law' about visitors parking? Are you sure? It seems to be a problem in a lot of developments...
It is part of the planning application. There are guidelines, and the planning dept. won't grant permission if there is insufficient vistor parking.
was told by the site-coordinator months ago that by law there has to be at least one visitor for every four apartments

If everyone parked in VP spaces then there would definitely not be 1 in 4 sapces available. It is also unfair on peolpe who have paid!

I ran this by a planner who deals with FCC and the link below on p 102 is the only planning guidance on this. 1 to 2 spaces MAX dependant on development. The exact specifics are determinde specifically from application to application. Only way for us to find out is by checking the actuall application.
Would be worth doing to ensure Lyndonabrry do not sell more tha they should.
God knows the planners are not going to check up on this!

[broken link removed]
And what road are the visitors expected to park on then? The roads around the apartment are not built to be parked on...
Hi All,

Just completed my final inspection today, 2 months after submitting snag. I have a couple of queries if someone could offer some comments.

1. The plumping for the toilets is reversed. Instead of having a cold supply when flushing the hot is connected. I suppose it may be nice for the winter months!! But seriously has anyone had this problem and if so was it resolved easily.

2. The plumping for the toilets is connected via the pump. I have been informed that in fact the toilets should be connected independently from the pump as if the toilet is flushed at night it will come on to fill the tank. There is a separate outlet where this should have been connected on the water tank. Are all apartments connected this way.

3. For the rad in the ensuite should there be a thermostatic control to allow you to adjust and/or turn it off. Currently there is none. All other rads have an adjustable control.

4. Is the video monitor/phone working for anyone else?

Overall pleased with the apartment. Area seems to be nice. Looking forward to completing everything and moving in.

Thanks in advance

Re: Lymewood Mews - Parking

I would sort out the parking issue sooner rather than later.

I live in Temple Court and we have had a nightmare with parking. Apparently the developers over-sold extra spaces to people so we don't have enough visitors spaces.

We have two cars so I am having to use a visitors space for my car. Not ideal and I'm sure its frustrating for other people to see the same cars in the Visitors spaces but I have no choice.

Our management company have been utterly useless in the situation. Clamping has been introduced and double yellow lines painted along any roadway where parking might be an option. It has gotten to the stage where I advise people just not to come and visit but if they do - don't bring their car. There will be no-where to park. Also - people who have basement parking use the visitors spaces just for convenience.

Don't underestimate how serious and frustrating a problem this is!!!
Try and get it sorted.

Rant over! Good luck with it.
If anyone is using the underground carpark i believe that -1 in the elevator will bring you down. A bit of water has collected perhaps more dranage to be installed? Anyone know?

Video phone still blank!
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