Lymewood Mews

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not sure if its fair to say that the majority of residents are against the playground based soley on this website, but i am anyway! Given the negative comments about the playground, someone who is in favour of it might be afraid to admit that here! i can see the playground from my apartment and it doesn't bother me - children playing there etc doesn't bother me either. Its purely the insurance and associated additional costs that has me against it. If planning permission was granted initially, presumably a good few years ago now - was the playground not part of that? Like, if Fingal gave permission without a playground - how can they, and why would they, stick they're noses back in as recently as may and force a playground on us? I suppose when all three blocks are full there will be some kind of meeting and it can be thrashed out at that stage.

No problem at all, will keep you all duly updated. I am also pushing for trees to be planted separating Lymewood from the Gyms car park and Geraldstown woods too - in my opinion, we need to do everything we can in order to keep the value of the apartments and to avoid anything causing adverse effects. I'm sure you'll agree, we paid enough so we are well within our rights to exert our opinions!

Best regards
Hi Vladamir,

Thanks for the feedback! According to Fingal Co. Co, they only recently stipluated that for a complex comprising of in excess of 150 apts, they are now instructing that childrens playgound facilities be catered for. Understandable, I agree, however, we question if it is really necessary as there is actually one in Northwood Park itself. If I'm being completely honest, I dont believe there will be much use of it, however, you never really know and unfortunately, we have to have some forsight and question what might be, in one to two years time. In addition, and as per the management company, we are really going to be crucified insurance wise ( which has yet to be acounted for! ) and on a personal note, I am on top of the bloody thing and I feel its a complete eye sore ( but thats my problem! ) especially when I first read the plan in the last year, there was no sign of it! I believe my neighbours all over, are of the same opinion ( it will effect all south facing in block B and wait until the poor guys in block a see it! ) so any support is always greatly appreciated!
i'm bock A myself - or will be soon enough i hope. did the snag yesterday, that was the first sight i got of the playground. i just cant understand how fingal gave permission and then years later can insist on this - the apartments should have been finished before may in any event - based on the original times we were given - so if the builders had finished before may, would fingal still have made us put in a playground? i suppose that doesn't really matter now anyway. it seems bizarre. i checked the plans in fingal in jan 04, before i signed the contract, and there was no mention of a playground.
Thanks Valdamir, did you check the date on it - 22.09.05, however, I do realise that was only for the meeting - the copy of the plans that I bought from Fingal show the full area for Lymewood and I also bought the plans for the playground, which is stamped approved 09.08.05 - 2 years after we bought here.

Edgar, thanks for your input and your comments are well valued, however, with no disrespect, its not really causing an obstruction for you or anyone in block C and perhaps if you have children yourself, you may be fully prepared to pay for the insurance cost, I however, am not, as it will not be a facility that I would be availing of. For example, if you told you had to pay a subscription to the gym but had no intention of ever using it, would you be satisfied?

Best regards
Hi All,

Anyone looking for a number for curtains for the balcony, let me know - I've had the best price yet!!!

Hi Lucky,

would be great to get the number of the curtains man for bay windows

many thanks
Hi all,

on playground, I think what really seems to be the issue is the cost more than anything else. Although I would prefer not to have a playground, I could live with it. What I am however totally unprepared to do is to pay for it. Our management fees are steep enough as it is and I can't afford to cover any additional "unnecessary" expenses. I would be surprised if most residents did not feel the same way?! I don't think many people can afford to waste money and by the sounds of things, the insurance will be pretty costly. I would also be against diverting any of the existing management fees to cover the insurance costs as this would possibly result in neglect elsewhere or insufficient funds being invested in the "sinking fund". Also, someone mentioned earlier about the management company employing a caretaker for the playground - presumably this would also be paid for by the residents from our management fees?

Hi Schoko,

That was indeed myself who mentioned the caretaker - this is what the management company are seeking at the moment and yes indeed we will be hit with the cost!

Was trying to sent it to you via personal mail in this forum - however, you do not have one set up - Can you pls amend your contact details as this is a mobile number and the chap has specified not to hand it out to every Tom, Dick or Harry - no disrespect intended!!


With no disrespect, but have you seen my previous mails, whereby we checked the plans in Fingal prior to ( 2003 ) and after actually buying the property ( 2004 ) as did others also, I have the plans at home as I actually bought them at the time and bought the updated version last Friday. Yes, we got a brochure, and would suggest you recheck yours and advise where the playground is? I think you'll find that we are correct. If anyone wishes to look at both sets of plans, they can contact me directly.

Best regards
Morning all!

Edgar, re-playground, can I ask if you are happy to pay additional management costs related specifically to the playground?

I was aware of other developments in northwood but can assure you there was no playground in any of the literature or plans I saw.

Hi Lucky,

I sent you a PM in relation to the curtains quote you got.
Would be very interested to find out how you got on.

Hi folks,

I knew there would be developments going up but when I mentioned it last week about the 384 new apartments I was just letting everyone know in case people didn't that building will commence very shortly beside Block C as I had just seen the plans and exact layout which had come to the office I work in.

I don't think anyone would have thought it'd be just us and Temple Gardens with the rest of the demesne to ourselves to enjoy!
Morning All!

I have been reading all your posts about the playground, it doesn't affect me but I was told about the playground when I was buying the apartment. I'm not sure if I have something in writing but it was on the model in the show apartment. There is a crèche being built so maybe that’s the reason its there. I rang the fingal coco and it's possible that the local authority will maintain it and the insurance may be provided by the Irish Public Bodies Mutual Insurance. Of course we may be a paying a small charge but it will also cost us to have it removed.

I'm going to see can I find out anymore and I'll let you all know how I get on.

Hokey32 - Can you tell me if the 384 new apartments being built are going to look the same as Temple Gardens/lawns etc???? Someone told me they were building more of them, it just seems like there is too many already!

Hi Pam,

The map I saw just showed the outline of the blocks, not an actual image of what they'd look like so I've no idea I'm afraid. It's not Lyndonbarry that are building the apartments so they might not be the same as Temple Gardens, although Eliotts built Parklands the same as Temple Gardens so you'd never know. I'm not much help am I?!! Sorry!

Thanks Hokey32!
I'm just being nosy, I think it's strange the way different developers are building the exact same apartments. They have already started the digging so I guess we'll know soon enough!

Thanks Again

Pam said:
Thanks Hokey32!
I'm just being nosy, I think it's strange the way different developers are building the exact same apartments. They have already started the digging so I guess we'll know soon enough!

Thanks Again


The builders have to build the apartments according to the design (by JNP Architects) submitted by the park developers (Woodford). The planning permission was granted for the particular design of the apartments, so they can't be materially altered (without going through a planning process)
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