Learning from other countries re Dodgy Builders


Registered User
If like me your looking at the news and wondering why is the taxpayer picking up the tab for various building defects dating back to Celtic Tiger days and feeling aggrieved , where do you begin , Apartments which need to be upgraded because they were not built to planning regulations ? Pyrite , MIca ???
As much as any human can fell compassion for the homeowners affected by these failings where has there been accountability ????
If the Pharma Industry was to sell medicines with the same quality control as the companies which supplied the Pyrite and Mica products then you expect there to be a consequence .
If I brought my car to the NCT and it was passed with potential for fatal defects you would expect consequences .
Yet no consequence when you sell faulty or dodgy property to consumers in Ireland .
Turkey has alot of faults in its society but at least the corrupt builders and planners who passed the properties that failed in the recent earthquake will suffer consequences .
The lack of will to prosecute for the failings in planning , building and supply is truly astounding .

Yet no consequence when you sell faulty or dodgy property to consumers in Ireland .
Turkey has alot of faults in its society but at least the corrupt builders and planners who passed the properties that failed in the recent earthquake will suffer consequences .
"Will"? Do you, never mind the Turkish system, believe in, and adhere to, the principle of innocent until proven guilty?
No wonder we have so few people building and developing homes these days when so many people want to treat them like criminals.
The lack of will to prosecute for the failings in planning , building and supply is truly astounding .
Where do we start and where do we end?
We'd have to include planners, builders, engineers, architects, surveyors and the accountants and money people running the construction companies. They were part of the problem, whether actively complicit or wilfully ignorant.
Where do we start and where do we end?
We'd have to include planners, builders, engineers, architects, surveyors and the accountants and money people running the construction companies. They were part of the problem, whether actively complicit or wilfully ignorant.
How about everybody ?? The State seems happy to regulate just about all it can yet the biggest outlay a person will have in their life can be the subject of such shoddy practices where nobody is accountable and the taxpayer picks up the tab cannot be justified . I bet the people living in the houses and apartments not only want a remedy but accountability , as a mere taxpayer I want someone held to account for the billions to be paid by us to put this right .
How about everybody ?? The State seems happy to regulate just about all it can yet the biggest outlay a person will have in their life can be the subject of such shoddy practices where nobody is accountable and the taxpayer picks up the tab cannot be justified . I bet the people living in the houses and apartments not only want a remedy but accountability , as a mere taxpayer I want someone held to account for the billions to be paid by us to put this right .
I'd love someone to be accountable too but that cohort would include a number of the people who make the decisions about whether people are help accountable... turkeys voting for Christmas. It would be one thing punishing people who get their hands dirty for a living but then State employees and professionals would be in the firing line and sure we couldn't have that now, could we?
How about everybody ?? The State seems happy to regulate just about all it can yet the biggest outlay a person will have in their life can be the subject of such shoddy practices where nobody is accountable and the taxpayer picks up the tab cannot be justified . I bet the people living in the houses and apartments not only want a remedy but accountability , as a mere taxpayer I want someone held to account for the billions to be paid by us to put this right .
How about letting the market do its job including the State stopping to act as insurer of last resort for purchases who want to privatise gains and socialise losses?
Where do we start and where do we end?
We'd have to include planners, builders, engineers, architects, surveyors and the accountants and money people running the construction companies. They were part of the problem, whether actively complicit or wilfully ignorant.
How do you propose that accountants and "money people" can be held responsible for construction defects?
How about letting the market do its job including the State stopping to act as insurer of last resort for purchases who want to privatise gains and socialise losses?

The market isn't doing its job, both through State Interference and the sectors poor practices.