these home charging points are they wired directly into house main supply inside out or are they wired separately just wondering effect on internal supply to house and what kind of disruption power point construction
Just to call-out that it's quite possible for your electrician to create a primary and secondary fuse-board setup. In this setup, the feed from the ESB meter goes into the new primary fuse board (hopefully nearer to the meter box and where you want the charger) and from this you feed your charger and your secondary fuse-board (which used to be the primary one). This can avoid having to cable to the existing fuse-board if it is difficult to do so and can avoid having to upgrade the existing fuse-board if it or its feed is not rated for the extra 16/32A.They are always wired from the house's consumer unit
This can avoid having to cable to the existing fuse-board if it is difficult to do so and can avoid having to upgrade the existing fuse-board if it or its feed is not rated for the extra 16/32A.
Every one is talking about the low cost of running an electric vehicle, so when we all switch to electric, where are the government going to get the 1.5 billion+ that they collect from fuel tax and duty every year?Tax the electricity, tax the car? Cheap driving won't happen, if someone invented a car that would run on tap water, government would bring in a law to say you could only use water with a certain dye that you could only purchase from a particular place,that the money went back to government coffers, wise up guys and girlsThe electric car you buy today is already based on the past having said that I drive an electric car because it cost very little to run there is a free charging point close to where I live ,I know the energy regulator is looking at changing the free charging point,
When I bought car had less than 1000 km and had already lost most of its value,
Somebody who bought an electric car back in 2010 has now had nearly ten years cheap motoring. It will be at least another ten before enough people have changed over that taxes on EVs will need to be ramped up, so anybody buying today will still have plenty of cheap motoring...Every one is talking about the low cost of running an electric vehicle, so when we all switch to electric, where are the government going to get the 1.5 billion+ that they collect from fuel tax and duty every year?Tax the electricity, tax the car? Cheap driving won't happen, if someone invented a car that would run on tap water, government would bring in a law to say you could only use water with a certain dye that you could only purchase from a particular place,that the money went back to government coffers, wise up guys and girls
Somebody who bought an electric car back in 2010 has now had nearly ten years cheap motoring.