OK I finally bit the bullet last night and sent the following to eir's CEO by email. I'd already submitted the complaints form from their website.
A Chara,
Internet download speeds dropping to 50/60Kbs all week-end and for some time now. Switching the modem on and off as per the DELL-like instructions resets the speeds temporarily. On the last reset I get "Welcome" on the blue bar at the bottom of the TV screen followed by the message "Network disconnected, channel unavailable". All connections, power and signal, seem good at the set-top box and TV. I now have no TV service since about 6:30 pm Sunday 27/09/2020. The internet speed is so-so, in other words much, much slower than was promised.
New message on TV now "Connection Error. It is not possible to connect to eir Vision [as if I didn't bleedin' know!!!!]. Your Set Top Box must be connected to the Broadband Connection for which it was registered." This message is not elucidated or clarified let alone has it a fix listed on your useless web-site.
I want the problems fixed ASAP and permanently. I have been trying to contact your so-called support and customer retention teams since May of this year as neither the service itself nor the customer service & so-called support in any way reflect the prices I am being charged. Top prices for a crappy hit-and-miss service and non existant support. "Oh it's COVID-19" the phone bots bleat when I ring. It's not, services and products were very bad to begin with, their true awfulness is only becoming apparent now. For proof, look at my phone records. The most frequently dialled number is 1901 and the longest calls are to that number. In other words I pay for my phone and my telephone bills (BTW, my payments to eir are never, ever late) in order to keep your poxy services up to some useful level for me! Odd don’t you think?
I am a long-term member of Ireland’s premier consumer website (no ads, no corporates, no selling, heavily moderated). This year your company, its products and services have been voted the worst in Ireland, worse than the politicians, worse than civil and public servants (although the old public service thinking is still evident in eir, "Not my problem, ring someone else at this other number that may or may not be answered" ), worse than the banks, the HSE, County Councils, Gardai - take your pick, you’re at the bottom of the list. I knew you’d be happy to hear that; it must have taken huge effort on you and your colleagues’ parts to achieve that goal.
I want a decent chunk off my bill for on-going inconvenience and I want contract pricing that reflects the awfulness of your products and services.
Yours Sincerely
mathepac, one pissed-off puppy.
P.S. The stupid contact/complaints form [on their website] refuses to go and do its business unless I fill in the land-line number. I had to consult my bill to find it (bills in abundance, products and services sorely lacking) Why don't I know my fixed line phone number? Simple, the reception is so bad (interference and crackling on the line) that an engineer would need to measure the noise to signal ratio, another example of what you charge for but cannot supply or support. Fix the phone or credit back what I've been charged for it; it's useless!
P.P.S. And just to state the blindingly bleedin’ obvious, don’t ring me on the land-line, it doesn’t work! Clear? Excellent!