Strap yourselves in and prepare to be horn-swaggled. It's not that I deliberately chose to ignore my own advice or that of the knowledgeable contributors, but I emailed this today:
"Dear Carolyn,
I know I've written to you in the past and you got the rough edge of my keyboard about eir's products and customer service as experienced by me.
Relax please, this is a different type of communication and I want to commend you and your staff for the changes you have made.
I rang customer services today and after a relatively short wait, got through to probably the best technical services contact person I've ever encountered. Much to my shame, I missed her name as I switched my phone from the speaker back to earpiece.
The lady who took my call was relaxed, courteous (not in any contrived, cringy way, but like the capable Irish-woman she is). She was knowledgeable, patient, and well prepared for the call. She was able to tell me I had an old modem/router and arranged for a new one to be dispatched to me during the call to avail of my fiber-to-cabinet connection. Modem delivery promised for two days hence as there are crews in the area.
She got my Apple TV reset and up and running pronto and it was a pleasure dealing with someone of her calibre. How many callers to a tech support line would volunteer that information?
As I experienced during this call, we, Irish businesses and people, have the ability to build and supply the best customer experiences in the world, particularly in the post-sales phase, critical to customer retention.
Well done to your colleague and thanks,
Tel: eir 4G since last week."