Innocent person shot dead in Limerick


Registered User
I can’t believe that there was another innocent victim of the feud in Limerick at the weekend.
In this day and age, that an innocent member of the public can have 15 bullets fired at him, resulting in his death simply defies logic.

If the army has to go on the street to put manners on the scum who committed this act then so be it. Enough is enough.
Terrible thing to happen and my prayers are with that family.

I agree it is time for the law to regain control in that part of the country.
I can’t believe that there was another innocent victim of the feud in Limerick at the weekend.
In this day and age, that an innocent member of the public can have 15 bullets fired at him, resulting in his death simply defies logic.

If the army has to go on the street to put manners on the scum who committed this act then so be it. Enough is enough.

It was a very sad thing that happened and the whole country mourns for the life that was taken.

Would strongly disagree with the army answer, Its a silly suggestion that would bring upheavel to the law abbiding citizens of Limerick city. Armies policing our countries streets has proven explosive in the past.

Every man and his dog knows who are in the gangs, why can't police just pick them up and deal with them? A change to the law is what is needed not road blocks and barracks.
Terrible thing to happen and my prayers are with that family.

I agree it is time for the law to regain control in that part of the country.

In all parts of the country.

On another note, I believe that anybody who buys drugs( grow your own by all means) but anybody that buys drugs gives these scumbags an incentive to protect their income. The people that buy drugs pay their wages.

no income, no incentive
In all parts of the country.

On another note, I believe that anybody who buys drugs( grow your own by all means) but anybody that buys drugs gives these scumbags an incentive to protect their income. The people that buy drugs pay their wages.

no income, no incentive
I totally agree with you and we all know the people that rant and rave about the "scumbags" who are destroying their city but will happily go out on a weekend and buy their illegal substances.
Terrible thing to happen and my prayers are with that family.

I agree it is time for the law to regain control in that part of the country.

Its a terrible tragedy but I had only been saying recently that things had been so quiet in Limerick for a long time now and things seem to have escalated in Dublin. Why is the army and such a response suitable for Limerick but the continous run of gangland murders in Dublin doesn't receive the same comment?
Strongly agree that personal responsibility comes into this - I think an appeal should go out to everyone living in Limerick (as I do) and who doesnt consider themselves part of the problem to give up drugs or accept that you are causing bloodshed

The Limerick gangs aswell as the Dublin, Cork wherever gangs also operate outside of their territory so their dealings are not confined to any one area. I do of course agree with any action that ends gang warfare and the impact gangs have on innocent people but I don't honestly see that give up the drugs appeal being effective in any way. In your heart you know its the right thing to do but you also know that not enough people accept responsibility or even care what their actions lead to and of course many people who take drugs will say legalise them and that will take out the gangs.
i would be more in favour of making gang membership illegal ( if it is not already) and have a system like with IRA membership whereby members can be jailed simply for being affiliated with gangs. Further down the line the jail system needs to be addressed and gang members should be kept apart and have their contact with visitors revoked to remove their influence from inside prison. The punishment too often does not fit the crime and I think that the time has come for a real sea change in how we deal with gang/drug crime.
To complement increased powers for the gardai, something needs to be done to break the cycle of crime and violence for the children of these gang members. We're seeing the 2nd/3rd generation of these gangsters come through and prove themselves even more ruthless and indiscriminate in their violence. Breaking this chain will prove very challenging, but is the only long term solution,.
people who take drugs are never going to give them up of their own accord...drugs are here to stay..if anything drug use among younger people is going to increse, while there is a demand there will always be suppliers...such is life. even countries that have the death penelty for drug dealers still cant get on top of the what hope have we?
better to just accept it as part of modern day life,or better still...just legealise the stuff,that way you have a chance of getting the dealers off the streets!
we cant manage alcohol, how would be if more were high on greater quantities of hard drugs?

If legal people would still need to pay for their fix, it would probably be highly taxed - you'd still get syringe hold ups by crazed lunatics looking for cash for their fix.
If legal people would still need to pay for their fix, it would probably be highly taxed - you'd still get syringe hold ups by crazed lunatics looking for cash for their fix.
if legal..they would only cost a fraction of the price.,plus the money would not be lining the pockets of gangsters!
if legal..they would only cost a fraction of the price.,plus the money would not be lining the pockets of gangsters!

drugs are cheap anyway and if legalised I think it would be irresponsible to make them cheap, they would I think be taxed heavily like cigarettes, not that its ever going to happen anyway.
Well some of us can't manage alcohol, that doesn't mean the rest of us responsible adults should be made pay for the other idiots.

Yes, my point was that, as a society, we dont seem to be very good at it. So why would we want to proliferate the use of other drugs. At least there is a safe and social level of drinking that is no harm at all so, I agree, the responsible shouldnt be made pay for that. However I dont think the scope is there for "responsible drug taking" even if they were legal.

Anyway, the more substantive/pressing issue at this point is tackling the criminals and I was heartened to hear Factna Murphy talk about guards being "in the faces of the criminals", imminent legislation re surveillance evidence etc. It seems that poloticians and law makers./enforcers are at last saying that enough is enough, time to take the gloves off.
The bottom line for me is that court sentences are a joke. Substantially increase sentences with life meaning life with no release, no early release for good behaviour ( increase the sentence for bad behaviour ) and abolish concurrent sentences. Two other completely innocent victims of so called gangland style crime would be alive today if we had proper sentencing. Martin Hyland was given a 13 year sentence in 1998 for heroin dealing so he should still be in jail. He was released in 2004 with less than half his sentence served. In Dec 06 he was shot dead along with the totally innocent plumber Anthony Campbell who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Shame on the system for releasing Hyland early.
The suspected killer of Donna Cleary, Dwayne Foster, had racked up 28 criminal convictions by the time of his death at 24 - what sort of joke sentences did he get over the years to let him back on the streets at all ? It's a farce and much as I regret to see another innocent victim in Limerick, Shane Geoghegan's death will also be in vain imo.
3 convictions rule should be implemented. No 50% rebate reward for good behaviour, increased sentence for bad behaviour.

Build more prisons.

The cynic in me says the courts have no incentive to give long sentences. They would be out of pocket if the revolving door was shut.

Can you imagine if every criminal was locked up for their full sentence.. There would be tumble weeds floating accross the court room after a year.
The bottom line for me is that court sentences are a joke. Substantially increase sentences with life meaning life with no release, no early release for good behaviour ( increase the sentence for bad behaviour ) and abolish concurrent sentences. Two other completely innocent victims of so called gangland style crime would be alive today if we had proper sentencing. Martin Hyland was given a 13 year sentence in 1998 for heroin dealing so he should still be in jail. He was released in 2004 with less than half his sentence served. In Dec 06 he was shot dead along with the totally innocent plumber Anthony Campbell who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Shame on the system for releasing Hyland early.
The suspected killer of Donna Cleary, Dwayne Foster, had racked up 28 criminal convictions by the time of his death at 24 - what sort of joke sentences did he get over the years to let him back on the streets at all ? It's a farce and much as I regret to see another innocent victim in Limerick, Shane Geoghegan's death will also be in vain imo.

Good post. This sums up why we are in the situation we are in. What is a year or two to a criminal? A few years here and there inside is a way of life to him. He knows if he gets 5 years he will be out in 2.
The laws are there. The sentences are there. All the criminal justice system needs to do is carry out these sentences in full.
5 years must mean 5 years. Life must mean life.
Is there any way to have these gangs (in Limerick and Dublin) classified as Terrorist Organisations?

This would give the Guards, Army, Judges etc. incredible power to stop them. (with a system of checks and balances etc.)
We keep hearing that the police know who the criminals are but that due to lack of hard evidence they cannot prosecute.
How about internment of those who are known to be involved in the McCarthy/Dundon and Keane /Collopy gangs.

If the criminals wont play by the rules, why should the State?

We are now surely at a stage where some "outside the box" solutions are required. I know the usual "bleeding heart liberals" will object, but give us an alterenative that works. Otherwise more innocent people will be killed and the gangs will continue their campaign of terror.