You can't even get beyond three words in a sentence and you're into inaccurate labelling.
seem to forget that the last 100 years (under Fiat currency's, the Gold standard & Bretton woods) has seen greatest aggregate growth in human prosperity, technology, health & living standards/mortality ever recorded in literally millennia of human history.
And you can't help yourself but to come out with lies. I'm on record here as stating that all of what has gone before is part of the evolution and progression of money and monetary and economic systems.
Broken LOL.....I'd love you to show me something you consider fixed!
Well let's turn that right around on you. Many times I've referred to the shortcomings of digital assets. Provide a link to ONE post where you identified something that needed to be improved upon with the current system. Just one.
You won't be able to - because you're in no way open minded to that. You're not open to change and you're invested in 'winning' an argument rather than openly discussing something.
Systems evolve. They can only evolve by identifying shortcomings or areas in need of improvement.
Doom mongering as you are about all that is wrong with 'the system' instead of whats right.
Once again with the personal commentary and the lies. I'm on record as stating here on a number of occasions that what has gone before is part of the evolution of monetary systems - as what's emerging right now in terms of digital assets will be also. But it seems that one mention of anything critical and the 'doom mongering' tar and feathering begins. There are many well regarded folks in finance - with nothing at all to do with crypto - who recognise deficiencies in the current monetary system. I'll cite Ray Dalio as one - but there are many others. Is Ray Dalio a doom monger?
If you can't even be open to a discussion and consideration of deficiencies, how would anything ever improve? But stick your head back in the sand if that's your preference.
A wonderful advancement to the discussion - thank you.
Perfect is the enemy of good and we have it pretty good.
Who here talked about perfect, first off? You're making assumptions based on your own bias. I've never talked in terms of any system past/present/future - as being perfect.
Furthermore, you know what the enemy of evolution and progression is? Shouting down someone at the mention of the potential to improve upon aspects of an existing system. Shouting them down at the notion that there may be deficiencies in the current system (and it's you that needs to "get a grip of yourself" if you really believe that there are not deficiencies in the system we have).
But you're not open to that, right? Isn't that the reason you won't address debt in the context of what you set out re. alleged normalisation of rates going forward?
.throwing out the good in the pursuit of the perfect is dangerous game as you can end up with neither.
More lies. In 5 years of discussion here, I've never referred to 'throwing out' anything. I've also never referred to digital assets/crypto/BTC as being 'perfect' - far from it. They do provide optionality - and anyone with an open mind would recognise that whilst still being critical of that optionality if they so choose.
You dont know you have it so good, cause you've never really seen it bad.
You have no idea what you're saying or who you're saying it to - apart from the fact that the statement doesn't advance the discussion in any way, shape or form.
But why should we be surprised that you're not open to Bitcoin continuing to progress. From your posts it's clear that you are not open to considering the possibility of its ongoing development. I would suggest that someone challenging themselves and their own beliefs would go out of their way to be open to that (even if giving it a minor chance of success) - but what would I know.
This already played out once before. You screamed bloody, blue murder - Bitcoin would never see $60k again - you wouldn't hear of it. You were proven wrong within months. Aligned with jumping on me at the very mention of chinks in the current system, you never acknowledged that your belief back then was wrong. Instead, you left the forum for 6 months straight - acknowledging nothing. Ordinarily, I'd like to take the moral high ground (and I have up until this post) but your indulgences here cross the line.