I wouldnt presume I can speak for the hetero community either, but as a human I can empathise with other humans regardless of their sexuality.
Why would that be? My interests in the bedroom have absolutely no bearing on whether or not I want to raise children. In fact, my sexual proclivities dont have any bearing on any other part of my life, except in partner choice. And even in that one area there is always room for compromise.
There seems to be an assumption by those opposed to gay parenting that being gay implies many differences. I dont see it that way. I see a human being, who sleeps, eats, works, relaxes, visits their mammy, drives a car, watches tv, reads and does any one of a number of activities that I myself do - who they sleep with is a very tiny part of what makes the person.
How would you feel if peoples perception of you was defined by your sexual behaviour only? Surely its only a small aspect of what makes you what you are?