Do you take entitlements even if you don't need them?
Of course!
An entitlement is a benefit that our democratically elected government has decided, in its wisdom, to grant to a group within society. Whether that government decision is correct or not is a political judgment and can be changed by the next government that obtains the required mandate.
Look at it this way - anybody that is earning an income is required to make contributions to a fund. The majority of people, in absolute numbers, will draw more from that fund then they will ever contribute. A minority of people will be net contributors to that fund.
So, what happens if the net contributors collectively say "Ah, here - I'm not getting anything out of this arrangement - I'm off!". Well, the system would collapse.
The idea that people should exercise some individual constraint in claiming an entitlement that society has already decided that they should have makes absolutely no sense. If society decides that a particular class of people shouldn't have a particular entitlement then by all means they can change the rules. The only problem is that the net contributors to the system might decide they have done enough and simply walk away from the party.
If it was any other way, where would you draw the line? Should people make their own subjective judgments how much they should contribute to or draw from society? Trust me, if that's the plan
everybody will feel they deserve a greater share of the pot.
We have a pretty sophisticated system to make the rules that govern our society. If you disagree with the rules, then you have every right to seek a mandate to change the rules (or to vote for somebody that shares your views). But to expect anybody not to claim a benefit to which they are legally entitled makes absolutely no sense.