employers stories of poor employees?

Re: poor employees

With the greatest of respect, of course you can give 110%. What you are giving now is 100%; you just need to increase that by 10%. Imagine what you could achieve if you worked harder as well as smarter. With the decline in church attendance, Sunday is the perfect day to do some extra work and get ahead of the rush. It's a great feeling to know that your emails sent at 11pm the previous night are the first thing people will have to deal with on Monday morning as they struggle to catch up on their backlog.

Your potential is unlimited; none of us are anywhere near making a full effort, we only use about 10% of the brain's capacity. So stop making excuses and Just Do It going forward!
Re: poor employees

That's a far more modest proposal than some I've heard...

DrM this is off-topic and should be in the Dealing with the Deficit forum. But since you posted it here, I will respond.

I don't think things are quite that bad - yet. There is no need to start eating overfed unhealthy Irish children when there are plenty of non-nationals collecting child benefit who would be more than willing to bring their tender lean children here if suitable "subsistence" grants were made available. THEY eat their young after all. Best of all, as most of THEM are being reared abroad we know their feed is not contaminated due to the actions of lazy Irish workers.
Re: poor employees

Ahhh, you've been reading the managers phrasebook again, haven't you?

As it happens I recently completed a management development programme, but what does that have to do with my ability to take the helicopter out of the ballpark and see the trees for the forest?!
Re: poor employees

As it happens I recently completed a management development programme, but what does that have to do with my ability to take the helicopter out of the ballpark and see the trees for the forest?!

Oh nothing, nothing. Get that flag up the pole and let it fly in the wind
Re: poor employees

But Swift would be proud of posts on this thread.
Re: poor employees

Is that you Mr Jones (my boss)?

Ill be late on Monday, I have to drive in from Tallaght and need to go via Rathmines to drop my sister to school (things have changed at home again) so Ill be needing to borrow a sat nav to find my way to the office.
Re: poor employees

Clearly the original poster is Mr Scrooge. Imagine resenting someone having a dump on company time. Is this thread a wind up?
Re: poor employees

It is more than tiresome that those with axes to grind seem determined to drag every AAM thread down this divisive...

We just love pulling your leg. After all, how else are we going to reconfirm your view that elements of AAM are racist against public servants, even if many of those elements are working the in the very same public sector!

Get well soon, but make sure you use all your sickies up by the year end
Re: poor employees

She then turned on the two bar heater that she had requested in the loo because it was too cold to change in to her staff uniform in the mornings.

I hope that two bar heater in the loo is a permanent wired fixture or you'll have Health and Safety and RECI etc after you. If not, better remove it and have her freeze her behind, just blame it on Health and Safety regulations.
Re: poor employees

I hope that two bar heater in the loo is a permanent wired fixture or you'll have Health and Safety and RECI etc after you. If not, better remove it and have her freeze her behind, just blame it on Health and Safety regulations.

I remember I asked the same employee to assist in the training of a new entrant. She was to sit with her for the day. 11 A.M. came and she headed off for her break leaving the new entrant sitting at the desk. When she came back she continued on with her work and never offered or told the new employee that she could also have a break. When I mentioned this to her she just looked at me with this vacant expression on her face.
I'm working now in the private sector - lots of the young guys come in and during the morning prepare some breakfast (porridge, muesli etc) for themselves in the kitchen and then take it to the desk and munch happily for 30 mins or so. Never saw this in 20 years in the public sector!

I know breakfast is "the most important meal of the day" but.........

A personal bugbear is chewing gum - even if you're not in contact with clients I still regard it as unsuitable for the workplace (or anywhere really but that's another day's work).

30 mins to eat a bowl of cereal? Are they doing anything else during that 30 mins - catching up on email, reading etc. or just munching?

What about people who spend their morning monitoring others breakfast habits? They mustn't get much work done either. Especially if they're logging the activities of their colleagues.
Anyone who thinks that they are entitled to being treated nice by their employer had better not apply to amazon.com. They'd get a real shock to the system there. It's akin to slavery. I once worked in a now extinct Irish supermarket. They timed everything including loo breaks, forced overtime, fiddled the workers hours and rates of pay, working late at night (before the 24 hour shopping culture) not knowing when you would be let go home etc. AND I begged to get the job ! Some of you don't know how lucky you are. I'm lucky and I know it. Two bar heaters in a toilet indeed, maybe the toilet seat should also be heated.

You are pulling our legs aren't you!! I've never met a guy who asked for directions!!