employers stories of poor employees?

Re: poor employees

I actually dont see a problem with this, is it that you think it was nice that the manager accomodated him? or are you complaining that he was too lenient?

If you had a days work planned for that employee, and the employee out of the blue texts that they will be late, to me is totally unacceptable. If you are training that employee they are also effecting your day as you would had time put aside at 9am to commence training them. If you want to take your sister to school at least inform management the day before.
Re: poor employees

my issue here would be that the employee is a bit dim and Navan is only about 1 and a half hours from here. i woudl expect him to use some initiative and look on a map or the internet for directions. its not as if i asked him to drive to cork or limerick which is a good bit away. for gods sake its only and hour and a half away and he had never heard of it. (i dont want some smart ass coming on here now slagging of navan)

Perhaps it is you that should borrow a Sat Nav or ask for directions if it's taking you an hour and a half to do that journey. :rolleyes:
Re: poor employees

If you had a days work planned for that employee, and the employee out of the blue texts that they will be late, to me is totally unacceptable. If you are training that employee they are also effecting your day as you would had time put aside at 9am to commence training them. If you want to take your sister to school at least inform management the day before.

It might be more productive to allow some leniency for very trivial matters as the employee will feel that they were treated well.
Re: poor employees

It might be more productive to allow some leniency for very trivial matters as the employee will feel that they were treated well.

Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. If I'm paying for someone's time I expect their full and undivided attention. Work should be their priority in life and everything else should revolve around it. Employers aren't running a holiday camp. A business exists to turn capital into profit by maximising worker output, not to carry lazy passengers who can't be bothered contributing 110%. The Working Time Act is a target, not a limit. If you want an easy ride, don't fly Ryanair.

As for the beardies, who wants a leftie trade unionist stirring dissent and negotiating collectively? It's enough to make a small business owner pack it all in, become a dole scrounger, and get the idiot taxpayers to carry me and my numerous offspring through life. Such is the White-collar Manager's Burden...
Re: poor employees

Work should be their priority in life and everything else should revolve around it.

Yikes!! :eek: Are you a business owner? If so do you share your profits amongst the staff or expect them to give the above commitment for your benefit? Reading some of these posts I'm appreciating my current employer more and more!!
Re: poor employees

Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. If I'm paying for someone's time I expect their full and undivided attention. Work should be their priority in life and everything else should revolve around it. Employers aren't running a holiday camp. A business exists to turn capital into profit by maximising worker output, not to carry lazy passengers who can't be bothered contributing 110%. The Working Time Act is a target, not a limit. If you want an easy ride, don't fly Ryanair.

As for the beardies, who wants a leftie trade unionist stirring dissent and negotiating collectively? It's enough to make a small business owner pack it all in, become a dole scrounger, and get the idiot taxpayers to carry me and my numerous offspring through life. Such is the White-collar Manager's Burden...
to mugsgame - i couldn't have this any better my self. fair play to you!!
Re: poor employees

Not everyone works in the public sector where such niceties are common place. Just remember that every square meter of space costs money in rent, rates and maintaince etc. Anyway there is no need to get wet, now that the greens have brought in their 1k bike allowance. Gone will be the days when a pair of uncle Ben's best quality plastic bags taped to each foot was the height of fashion.

We provide a secure bike shed with a drying area (and a flow of warm air to do the drying). We also provide lockers but we don't have showers (just big sinks and lots of hot water).
Re: poor employees

A business exists to turn capital into profit by maximising worker output, not to carry lazy passengers who can't be bothered contributing 110%.

How can someone contribute 110%?
Re: poor employees

I assume that it's not just employees from the public service that are being discussed here?
Re: poor employees

Well you can turn an amp up to 11 so...
Brilliant :)

I'm seriously amazed at the narrow, small minded, short sighted-ness of some posters. In 12 years in the private sector I've seen a turnaround to a more enlightened way of treating the employee as a human being with human situations and things that sometimes impinge on work.
As another poster pointed out, when given a little leeway most employees then feel well treated and the dividends this pays back to the employer in effort, loyalty and hard work should make up. It's only the odd bad egg that takes advantage.
Re: poor employees

sure, but that bad egg can have negative motivational impact on others if he/she is seen to be taking advantage and consistently getting away with it - if X doesn't never shows up until 9:30, why should Y bother getting up, facing a packed train/bus etc to be in for 9:00?

There is a balance but some people will take advantage and need to be handled. I had a colleague who used to come in at 9:30 and leave at 17:30, taking full lunch 'entitlement' etc. Despite numerous sit downs with Team Lead and subsequently his manager he continued to do so. It got to the point where completely out of the blue with my having had no involvement on the project, I had to work a full weekend at short notice to ship something to a customer because he fluffed it. How do you think that made me feel?
Re: poor employees

sure, but that bad egg can have negative motivational impact on others if he/she is seen to be taking advantage and consistently getting away with it - if X doesn't never shows up until 9:30, why should Y bother getting up, facing a packed train/bus etc to be in for 9:00?
Well, it depends on Y's work ethic. I'm a get-on-with-it person myself and trust that management will sort out the pish-takers.
(But if I felt strongly peeved enough I probably would have a grumble to the boss!)

t got to the point where completely out of the blue with my having had no involvement on the project, I had to work a full weekend at short notice to ship something to a customer because he fluffed it. How do you think that made me feel?
That's really bad form, and I'm sure you were gunning for him. I hope he got some come uppance? But I still think that giving employees some leeway is a good thing.
Re: poor employees

one employee sits at his computer from 1 until 2 eating luch and surfing the net. Come 2 o clock he goes to the toilet for a 10 minute break..........

This was posted at 2.30pm on a Monday. Pot/Kettle black and all that!!:rolleyes:
Re: poor employees

I used to work with a guy who used to leave his PC on and coat hanging on the back of the chair while he left the building. Allegedly this happened loads of times until one day someone from work rang his mobile which he answered thinking it was someone else,(not from work) and he said something about being at the shops or on the golf course or something.
He left the company soon after and due to a clerical error he continued to be paid for 3 months.
In the same company there was a guy who was secretly running his own import / export company from his work computer. He was fired for something else and when he left they discovered all his 'other job' stuff on his computer
Re: poor employees

Work to Live is my motto.

Some here seem to think paying you a wage commands respect and quality of work.

Eh no,You can buy peoples labour but not their loyalty. Some people think money and power automatically commands respect, nope, not everybody leads their life by the mighty Euro.

Good businessmen dont make good managers. Yeh, they might make money and upset people along the way, but ruling with an iron fist is counter productive to a positive environment in an office.

I think that if you need to run an office like a strict dictator you are simply not capable of doing a good job managing your employees. By assuming most employees will take advantage of you in every turn, you are automatically programming your office culture to be me v them.

If you hire a bad worker then look in the mirror as to how you judge a persons character. Your obviously not good at spotting good talent (instead of moaning about them).

Yes an employee in general will probobley do whatever they can get away with, but with the right balance of rules, discipline and fairness an employee will not take the mickey. Problem is that most businessmen couldnt manage an office if their lives depended on it. Their main concern is the bottom line. Thats fair enough but they should hire people qualified to harness employees strengths (try telling a businessman they are not qualified for a specific job in their company!! Oh My!). Or at least in a small company try going to some sort of HR or Managing training, more then likely most businessmen would be at odds with recognised management practises ! !

I remember hearing this quote from some bigwig exec being interviewed on some radio show thats always stuck with me. Any idiot can manage employees, its the good managers who can manage the difficult employees.
Re: poor employees

NorthDrum, you need to wake up to the new economic reality and mind your good job. Work all the hours God sends and they will respect you when it comes time to place people in a "selection pool".
Re: poor employees

Work all the hours God sends and they will respect you when it comes time to place people in a "selection pool".

Rubbish, if there is no need to work all the hours God sends, and you don't get thanks for it. Employers measure results, not time spent doing the work. If you are in a job you should be able to do it in the 9-5.30 timeframe. If not you are either not good enough or are being assigned too much work.
Re: poor employees

Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. If I'm paying for someone's time I expect their full and undivided attention. Work should be their priority in life and everything else should revolve around it. Employers aren't running a holiday camp. A business exists to turn capital into profit by maximising worker output, not to carry lazy passengers who can't be bothered contributing 110%. The Working Time Act is a target, not a limit. If you want an easy ride, don't fly Ryanair.

As for the beardies, who wants a leftie trade unionist stirring dissent and negotiating collectively? It's enough to make a small business owner pack it all in, become a dole scrounger, and get the idiot taxpayers to carry me and my numerous offspring through life.

When you say 'them' I'm sure you are talking about the lowly employees and not the uber intelligent employers who would never take advantage of employees good nature. You take the approach that they are lucky to have a job and good luck to you with that I'm sure that people have great respect for your kindness.
As for the beards, I know plenty of employers who have beards so I don't know where that leaves your theory?
Re: poor employees

NorthDrum, you need to wake up to the new economic reality and mind your good job. Work all the hours God sends and they will respect you when it comes time to place people in a "selection pool".

Hard work isnt always rewarded with hard cash.

Theres also the point that the harder you work and less time you have for leisure and relaxation the less productive you are.

I work hard, but try to get a proper balance in my lifestyle.

I dont live my life to the max per say, but I live it on the lines of if I ended up paralysed, unable to communicate and had nothing but my thoughts, would I be happy that I spent all available hours in the office or that I spent more time with friends in family . . When I was younger and got a personal shock, I made sure that I said everything I wanted to say to those closest to me so I would never have any regrets. If something happened to me today, I could honestly say I have no regrets. I believe most people have been too busy, riding the money merry go round and trying to just get by, to stop and look and appreciate their lives and those around them.

Lifes too short to place such importance on work. Yes, work to make a living, do that job to the best of your ability, but never ever let your job take preferance over your health. Stress is one of the leading cause of low immune system (or so my doctor tells me).

I still get stressed in work, still have serious pressure situations and high financial goals , but I try to balance this out by stopping every so often to take a deep breath and remind myself whats really important in life. If you need to work long hours to pay your bills you obviously over spent or are living outside of your means. I could work in Burger King or Tescos and still afford my mortgage (Im not rich, live in a small semi detached house in Bettystown), thats how I put things into perspective when worrying about my business. At the end of the day, if the worse case scenario happens, I will be able to get by.

Anybody who lives for the job, I feel sorry for, its them who need to wake up. I think its a sad sad life for anybody who thinks working every hour god gave them is actually "a life". Sure they will possibly end up rich, but at what cost. Losing the best years of your life to work! ! !

Some people would sneer at my look on life, but they are probobley the same people who say people who have over extended themselves with loans have only themselves to blame! Well, if I live my life within my means in a Job that affords me the opportunity to not spend every hour of every day working in it, then good for me ! !