employers stories of poor employees?

Re: poor employees

Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. If I'm paying for someone's time I expect their full and undivided attention. Work should be their priority in life and everything else should revolve around it. Employers aren't running a holiday camp. A business exists to turn capital into profit by maximising worker output, not to carry lazy passengers who can't be bothered contributing 110%. The Working Time Act is a target, not a limit. If you want an easy ride, don't fly Ryanair.

As for the beardies, who wants a leftie trade unionist stirring dissent and negotiating collectively? It's enough to make a small business owner pack it all in, become a dole scrounger, and get the idiot taxpayers to carry me and my numerous offspring through life.

Yikes!! :eek: Are you a business owner? If so do you share your profits amongst the staff or expect them to give the above commitment for your benefit? Reading some of these posts I'm appreciating my current employer more and more!!

NorthDrum, you need to wake up to the new economic reality and mind your good job. Work all the hours God sends and they will respect you when it comes time to place people in a "selection pool".

While I'm not 100% absolutely certain, I suspect that Mugs's tongue was firmly in his cheek in writing these posts.
Re: poor employees

Work to Live is my motto.

Some here seem to think paying you a wage commands respect and quality of work.

Eh no,You can buy peoples labour but not their loyalty. Some people think money and power automatically commands respect, nope, not everybody leads their life by the mighty Euro.

Good businessmen dont make good managers. Yeh, they might make money and upset people along the way, but ruling with an iron fist is counter productive to a positive environment in an office.

I think that if you need to run an office like a strict dictator you are simply not capable of doing a good job managing your employees. By assuming most employees will take advantage of you in every turn, you are automatically programming your office culture to be me v them.

If you hire a bad worker then look in the mirror as to how you judge a persons character. Your obviously not good at spotting good talent (instead of moaning about them).

Yes an employee in general will probobley do whatever they can get away with, but with the right balance of rules, discipline and fairness an employee will not take the mickey. Problem is that most businessmen couldnt manage an office if their lives depended on it. Their main concern is the bottom line. Thats fair enough but they should hire people qualified to harness employees strengths (try telling a businessman they are not qualified for a specific job in their company!! Oh My!). Or at least in a small company try going to some sort of HR or Managing training, more then likely most businessmen would be at odds with recognised management practises ! !

I remember hearing this quote from some bigwig exec being interviewed on some radio show thats always stuck with me. Any idiot can manage employees, its the good managers who can manage the difficult employees.

Here here!

Most sensible analysis of the situation.

If an employer can't trust their employees to do a job without constant supervision then it reflects badly on the employer.

The employer responsible for motivation, training, hiring and firing. Any opinions on this last point Viztopia and Mugsgame?
Re: poor employees

Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. If I'm paying for someone's time I expect their full and undivided attention. Work should be their priority in life and everything else should revolve around it. Employers aren't running a holiday camp. A business exists to turn capital into profit by maximising worker output, not to carry lazy passengers who can't be bothered contributing 110%. The Working Time Act is a target, not a limit. If you want an easy ride, don't fly Ryanair.

As for the beardies, who wants a leftie trade unionist stirring dissent and negotiating collectively? It's enough to make a small business owner pack it all in, become a dole scrounger, and get the idiot taxpayers to carry me and my numerous offspring through life.

MugsGame....such an apt username !
Re: poor employees

NorthDrum, you need to wake up to the new economic reality and mind your good job. Work all the hours God sends and they will respect you when it comes time to place people in a "selection pool".
I think Musgame is being honest and making a good point. Highly relevant currently. Times are tough out there and when employers are going to fire who will be first in line. People have to get with reality.
Remind me though never to send a cv to your organisation mugsgame.;)
I prefer a job where I have an incentive to work, I've worked in jobs I've hated and had no motivation. If working 110% will progress me I see nothing wrong with that. Currently I imagine the 110% motivation is just to keep a job.
Re: poor employees

I think Musgame is being honest and making a good point. Highly relevant currently. Times are tough out there and when employers are going to fire who will be first in line. People have to get with reality.
Remind me though never to send a cv to your organisation mugsgame.;)
I prefer a job where I have an incentive to work, I've worked in jobs I've hated and had no motivation. If working 110% will progress me I see nothing wrong with that. Currently I imagine the 110% motivation is just to keep a job.

A good employer will keep the most productive employees not the ones sitting at their desk the longest. Having a motivation of just keeping a job is often counter productive because people feel that they are working under a shadow and can't relax, get more stressed etc.
Re: poor employees

When you hire a tradesperson or a servant to come and work in your home, you expect their undivided attention. Employers naturally expect the same of their employees. It’s not unreasonable. Leave your unstable relationship or your sick child at the door when you clock in, and just get on with the job to the fullest extent of your ability.

Poorly performing employees will be paid poorly and shown the door. If I’m working myself into an early grave to keep my workers in a job the least I can expect is for them to do the same.

Some here seem to think paying you a wage commands respect and quality of work.

Far from it, good employers provide far more than a regular wage. They provide a sense of purpose, a daily routine, they make lives meaningful. In fact for the better employees sometimes you almost don’t need to pay them! It's very frustrating that only the troublesome employees demand pay rises.

Don't get me started about funerals and the multiplying grandparents. Compassionate funeral days are for close relatives only (close relative meaning you would give them a kidney if need be. And I want to see your kidney donor card before I’ll let you go!).

The medical profession should proactively manage care of older patients to minimize cost to the system and allow scheduling of all funerals at weekends. This would minimize the number of working days lost, in the interests of productivity and national competitiveness. Managed effectively it could also free up long-stay beds in nursing homes and hospitals and make patient throughput more predictable.

We are literally living beyond our means; the obvious solution is to reduce the living. In this time of national emergency everybody needs to make their contribution and stop selfishly prolonging their own cosy existence. We need to get back our Great Hunger for success!
Re: poor employees

Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. If I'm paying for someone's time I expect their full and undivided attention. Work should be their priority in life and everything else should revolve around it. Employers aren't running a holiday camp. A business exists to turn capital into profit by maximising worker output, not to carry lazy passengers who can't be bothered contributing 110%. The Working Time Act is a target, not a limit. If you want an easy ride, don't fly Ryanair.

As for the beardies, who wants a leftie trade unionist stirring dissent and negotiating collectively? It's enough to make a small business owner pack it all in, become a dole scrounger, and get the idiot taxpayers to carry me and my numerous offspring through life.

Work should not be the priority of anyone's life. Your family should always come first and foremost. You can always get another job, you can't go out and get another family

My family is my priority, having said that, then as a husband and father, I have a responsibility to work hard to provide and take care for them. That is why I come to work. I don't come to work to simply make a profit for my companies owners. I come to work to provide for my family and the best way for me to do that is work hard, do my job to the best of my ability and ensure my company makes it's profits. I also know that if I drop dead in the morning, my employers will send a wreath to the funeral, probably attend it, and will replace me the next week. My wife wouldn't have it as simple

I will give my staff some leeway, within reason, and I have found that for the most part, in the long run it pays off because you get a greater loyalty if you treat people decently. That means you don' have the expense of hiring, training etc. In addition, those people tend to be the ones who will do that bit extra for you. It's not a one way street, if I scratch their backs, I expect a little something in return.
Re: poor employees

Interesting debate but I have to be honest and agree with the people above who say that managers should look at themselves if they have so many bad experiences with employees.

In all my years working I have seen alot more really bad managers than I have seen lazy employees.
Re: poor employees

Your job should be your number one priority while you are there. Your personal problems etc should not come into it.

It should, but how often does life fit outside the 9-5 hours. There has to be leeway and understanding. If you have personal problems then you are going to find it very hard to switch on and off your concerns.
Re: poor employees

It should, but how often does life fit outside the 9-5 hours. There has to be leeway and understanding. If you have personal problems then you are going to find it very hard to switch on and off your concerns.
I agree but that understanding has to cut both ways. I suppose it comes down to mutual respect and common sense.
Re: poor employees

You can be a hard working diligent employee and still be human. As pp's have said, it is usually those employers that treat their employees with respect and flexibilty that get the same back and the best results.

Which is why I said;

I agree but that understanding has to cut both ways. I suppose it comes down to mutual respect and common sense.
Re: poor employees

I guess that if work was really top priority for most people, there would be very few posts on AAM from M-F, 9-5!

[Posted from home, on a sickie]
Re: poor employees

You generally get what you give as an employer. Not just financially but as far as loyalty goes. Yes there are people who will always exploit kinder employers, but I would prefer to believe that most people will give back to a company exactly what they get (in terms of respect) once properly balanced (rules). Having the respect and loyalty of an employee is worth more then having a hard working suck up who doesnt give too shts about the company and would sell their granny for a raise.

And no, a job is only your number one priority when there are no other personal issues at hand. I dont mean breaking up with a girlfriend or losing money, I mean deaths, Illnesses or real serious events that you have no control over. Yes in theory these are not the problem of the employer, but the good employers will factor these things into their business and work with their employees to find a mutual arrangement.

Also people looking for a wage increase arent necessarily slouches, many deserve it but management for their own self interested reasons, decide not to give it. Have been on the receiving end myself. Whats worse then not getting a raise you feel you deserve is being told you can discuss it with your manager and when you actually physically proove you are deserving of the rise, he then says "well, Im afraid I already made my decision"!. Same company gave wage increases and promotions to people whom spent half their days doing sweet f.f, more then 10mins in the toilets and left at 3.55 leaving the rest of us to hold the ship up!! What I would say to some employers is that sometimes those who look busy arent and those who are taking the breaks may very well be doing more then the others, but just aint as cute as the slackers. Whats the David Brent way of working - Always have something in your hand and look like you are rushing somewhere . . .

Personally, I believe that anybody who sees having employees simply as employees (with terms and conditions) in black and white is a bad man manager (or simply not management material) or simply are just not capable of looking at the whole dynamics of employment (or dont want or need to). That is the oldschool way of thinking, hence the emergence of HR departments and specific areas of behaviourial science in most management training.
Re: poor employees

And would people stop saying 110%! Its nonsense Apprentice style management speak like thinking outside the box, and highly irritating!

I agree! Like turning my AMP up to 11. Or having a 25 hour clock.
Re: poor employees

1) one employee sits at his computer from 1 until 2 eating luch and surfing the net. Come 2 o clock he goes to the toilet for a 10 minute break.......... (dont worry he no longer does this)

i woudl expect him to use some initiative and look on a map or the internet for directions.

Using it during lunch is a no-no, but during work hours is OK?

I hope your business doesn't grow so big that I might end up working for you!