All quiet - Andy must be at lunch![]()
I'm sure he'll be back soon ..... with a few drinkies on board![]()
I have sold my PPR to rent. There is plenty of examples here on why the crash/slowdown is coming - but some bears have families etc. - therefore not as easy to be as spontanious. I have secured what I consider to be v.strong money , happy to rent for a year or 2 (& save !)- then reassess.
May buy in Ireland when the dust settles - may emmigrate....
Your argument seems very agressive/ill thought out at times.... however , if I sell up and you hold out , one of us will have bragging rights sooner or later !
Best of luck anyway !![]()
Predictions are not worth the paper they are written on. How many predictions from the 1990's were correct in regards to employment and house price growth in Ireland. Anyway countries such as Germany, France and Italy will have to open their employment markets to the eastern european accession countries in a couple of years time. How many Polish living here would jump at the chance to work in Germany, the same applies to the Czechs and basically all other eastern european non-nationals.Morning!
Interesting that NCB predict our population will grow by 30% to 5.3 million by 2020...should keep demand stoked up
You need to refresh the page.I'm afraid I can't see any of these! Can anyone else? I just get a 403 error.
Predictions are not worth the paper they are written on. How many predictions from the 1990's were correct in regards to employment and house price growth in Ireland. Anyway countries such as Germany, France and Italy will have to open their employment markets to the eastern european accession countries in a couple of years time. How many Polish living here would jump at the chance to work in Germany, the same applies to the Czechs and basically all other eastern european non-nationals.
Estate agents are famous for this, I've seen a couple more examples this week,Isn't it stretching things a little to call that Glasnevin? I would have thought you were into Finglas at that point...
I'm sure there are plenty equities today yielding 10% so the argument that you can make your money back in 10 years from those should also apply - I suspect however you wouldn't touch those equities with a bargepole. The income on those equities does not go towards mitigating the overall risk.
Surely its high risk = high volatility = high potential gain/loss?
Well in my estate there are two empty houses that have never been occupied. Then there are the 4 that people are trying to sell, one of which has been sitting at Sale Agreed for 6 months. I've no trouble believing there are 275,000 empty homes many of which are in high demand areas. For the record I live in Donnybrook in Cork, and a house in my area goes for 385k. So it's not like these are empty homes in the back of Leitrim or anything.So where are these 275,000 empty houses? I believe this has a very significant influence on whether the whole market takes a dive or whether it's the ill advised investor who's going to take the big hit.
Not necessarily, Irish property at the moment is very high risk but not very volatile. Just means it takes longer to loose your capital while providing some opportunity to escape on the way down. Too risky for me anyway.
I don't agree with this. Income is only one part of the overall equation. Surely there could have been negative capital appreciation. Also, you would have had to fund the purchase paying the interest rate at that time (10%?). You can't focus solely on one undefined proportion of the overall return and say that is compensating you for the risk involved. It's only the overall net return that matters?? Sure 10 years ago, the rate you would got from a bank account (i.e. no, or nearly no, risk) was also a lot higher. So, the compensation for risk has to be judged in relation to that? I'm sure there are plenty equities today yielding 10% so the argument that you can make your money back in 10 years from those should also apply - I suspect however you wouldn't touch those equities with a bargepole. The income on those equities does not go towards mitigating the overall risk.
True - it's not nice to speak about chimps like that![]()
True - it's not nice to speak about chimps like that![]()