alot of talk going on re: how far prices will drop and everyone giving out about the guberment.
what about bord penala and planning regulations, combined with builders lobbiest and our antiquated system of county councillors who have the ability to ignore professional advice by means of thier planners and sanction permission for schemes that cause more harm than good.
On another point, alot of ppl here seem to figure yield as the the only factor to be considered in calculating yield.
There is anothe factor, coming from the basic principles of finance, and this is the PVOG, present value of growth of the asset.
i agree that the mkt is terribbly overpriced but not to the extent as what some ppl are suggesting.
And a crash has some benefits for the economy, call it trimming the fat as such, but when backs are to the wall, the strongest will emerge and also, alot of ppl with good enterpurinal ideas have been swayed from their enterprise for any number of reasons in ireland in the last few years, why easier money to be made else where.
As an economist who has done some work for some large developers on the side, i have meet some well qualifed ppl working a shovel on building sites, and have considered it myself from time to time, with take home pay of well over 1000 a week not to include nixers....why be a doctor, or a computer tech working on a home project in your garage when you could be laying tiles for 400 euro into your pocket for 5 hours work.
bord penaula need to go up,
current dublin building stock needs to be razed and upgraded and extended up.
infrastrucutre decisons need to be taken away from politicans who all have vested interests in their constituncies and given to a central planning authority.