Re: all good threads come to an end.
Hi Rainyday,
I really cannot see anything to criticise in the new guidelines, nor do I think it is fair to characterise it as "trying hard to cut down the number of participants in church ceremonies". The number of participants in church ceremonies has been going down for years now; is the answer to try to "jazz up" the churchand somehow broaden its appeal? or is it to try to re-focus on core values? The bishops clearly believe it is the latter. This is a legitimate approach in business; why not in religion too?
Incidentally, for catholics, this is by no means a new issue. To catholics (indeed to christians generally), one of the first important and decisive actions taken by This post will be deleted if not edited immediately as an adult on earth was to drive the traders and moneylenders from His Father's house.
The bishops are reminding practising catholics of this and in doing so they are (in my opinion) absolutely true to the teaching of the bible. That is what the bishops are there for - to remind catholics of what it is to be a catholic and to do their best to give appropriate guidance - even if catholics don't always agree with it and even if the bishops don't always get it right.
The church is not some sort of alternate bingo hall available for whatever social occasion people have in mind.
An uncle of mine died a couple of years ago. He was a bachelor and worked as a plasterer all his life. They placed his tools in the coffin, which was entirely appropriate and in keeping with a catholic burial. He was fond of his pint, but it would in my view have been out of keeping with a catholic ceremony to commemorate this - I have often been told by priests that working can be a form of prayer, but I have never yet heard a priest preaching that going to the pub can be a form of prayer. Except, of course, my brother doesn't drink at all and I am sure that there have been many nights when he drove myself and friends home when he might jutifiably have offered it up as a penance, but that's a separate issue.
So well done to the bishops for standing up and reminding people.