Better offers for new customers than existing- Virgin Media

Cancelling and rejoined is a kludge it's a backdoor they could close anytime. It's ridiculous that every year you have to go through that farce.
That's true and a possibility but I suspect that competition in the phone/broadband/TV market means that they'd be cutting off their nose to spite their face if they did and that a customer on a new customer deal for 12 months is better than no customer at all?
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I presume that you found my previous posts on this issue thanks to @Sue Ellen's links etc.?

You have to wait until your current service finishes and your final bill is issued which should be on or about 28th June. Once that happens you are no longer a customer and should be able to sign up as a new customer online and avail of the preferential new customer deals. At least that's worked for me for the past few years and I'm hoping that it still works as I'll be trying it again myself in a couple of months in order to get a new customer deal for another 12 months.

I've seen some people on the links of Boards and Reddit talking about using different personal details (partner's/house sharer's details, different email address, different phone number etc.) but I never found that to be necessary. I just signed up again using my usual personal details.

Edit: just read @skrooge's post above and maybe signing up using someone else's details (e.g. partner) is a way to avoid any downtime altogether. That wasn't an option for me and, in any case, a few days on 4G didn't bother me unduly. But some users may not have that flexibility.

As mentioned elsewhere, for the few days that I was ever offline from proper broadband I used a spare 4G router and 48 SIM (€12.99/200GB per month) as a temporary stopgap.
Yes found those posts thanks. Can’t afford the downtime. Couple of people working from home etc. whenever we’ve had to hotspot the service is not great. My wife will sign up instead so that we can avoid the down time
I just got off the phone with Virgin. I have 1Gb broadband with phone. I am out of contract and I currently pay €83 a month. They are offering me a deal of €73 a month for 12 or 24 months.

I asked to sign up for the €50 a month 1Gb for 24 months. The salesperson advised that it was not possible to sign up to that deal as I am an existing customer which is what I thought she might say. I asked her that if I cancelled could I sign back up as a new customer and how long this would take before I could apply. She advised that I would not be able to sign back up until mid September which did not seem right to me as I thought I only had to give 30 days notice but she said I couldn't sign back up until all the equipment was sent back to them and processed and all the bills were issued which would be mid September at the earliest. I asked her if someone else in the household could sign up as a new customer and she said that they could not and that the address would flag up on the system and would not allow any new customers until mid September.

Has anyone else had this as it was my understanding that in 30 days you were no longer a customer and could then sign up as a new customer and forfeit internet in the home for a few days. I also was under the impression that another member of the household could sign up as a new customer while I was in the process of cancelling if we did not want any downtime on our internet.

My plan was to get my wife or eldest son to sign up as a new customer about a week before my 30 days notice was due to expire so we maintained our internet but it seems this is not possible now.

I have read the posts above etc which are only a month ago so have things changed in the last month that restrict this or was the salesperson not 100% accurate in what she was telling me.

Any help with this would be appreciated.