Another rant about bad driving

yup... thats a frustrator alright, as if, by flashing the hazards in fake apology, its acceptable behaviour.

Or the ones that exit from a side road without due attention to the stream of oncoming traffic and force you to hit the brakes... like the git on the macroom road this morning...
Thoughts on this anyone. If another car drives behind you on a road with limit of 80km or above at a distance you consider to be too close for safety , would you gently tap the brakes to get them to back off a bit or not? By close I mean say, so close that you either cannot see their numberplate or looks to be a distance at which they could not reasonably avoid hitting you if you had to stop suddenly.

I never tap the brakes. I put the hazards on - indicating to the car behind me that something is wrong. Whats wrong is that the idiot behind is too close - it usually makes them pull back a bit though because they dont know what is going on.

My own current pet hate (Im cycling to work these days), is people who ignore red lights on pedestrian crossings and just zoom away through. I have 2 of those crossings where you get a little green man and a little green cyclist on my route home and on one of them Ive been almost squashed a number of times because as Im pedaling across under the watchful eye of the little green cyclist, the car approaching has failed to notice the lights are red and has barrelled through regardless.
What amuses me about most drivers is their reaction to traffic lights.

When the light turns green , they take so long to move that I'm convinced that they think the light is still red but when approaching a light that has turned red , they speed through as if they believe the light is really green :confused:
Yes indeed I have but it would force me to drive at approximately 30-40kmph on a 80kmph stretch and quite frankly I would find that dangerous and also I do like to get home before breakfast the next day! Also, it's not that I am driving right behind them; on dark wet evenings you can be quite a bit back from the car and see the brake lights flashing which in turn causes everybody else in the line of traffic to brake!
You do know that speed limit is a limit, not a target - right? There could be 100 reasons why it is not safe to drive at 80 kmph.
A good way to get people behind to back off is to use your windscreen washers. People tend to back off if you keep hitting their screens with soapy suds, and it isn't as dangerous as dropping the anchors.

Obviously this only works when it isn't raining.
You do know that speed limit is a limit, not a target - right? There could be 100 reasons why it is not safe to drive at 80 kmph.

Okay, to clarify my problem is NOT that the car in front is stopping me from 'speeding' it is that they insist on braking constantly!. My point is that why do they feel the need to brake on bends when they are going at a slow enough speed to negotiate the bends anyway. I feel that this shows a panicky driver! That's it that's all there is to it - just shooting the breeze! :rolleyes:
Okay, to clarify my problem is NOT that the car in front is stopping me from 'speeding' it is that they insist on braking constantly!. My point is that why do they feel the need to brake on bends when they are going at a slow enough speed to negotiate the bends anyway. I feel that this shows a panicky driver! That's it that's all there is to it - just shooting the breeze! :rolleyes:

Ah ney, this is shooting the breeze. It wouldn't be entertaining if we all replied to your post like this:

'Well said, ney." Complainer.

'I agree." Vanilla

"Quite right" Graham

"Yes, indeed." levelpar.

"Mmmhmmm." Sylvester.

"Too right" Truthseeker.

And so on.
Oh I agree Vanilla I really do - I just got the sense that the next post I would get would ask me to prepare safety statements and risk assessments for my drive home! - T'would just be nice to have a little rant & leave it at that! :)
Oh I agree Vanilla I really do - I just got the sense that the next post I would get would ask me to prepare safety statements and risk assessments for my drive home! - T'would just be nice to have a little rant & leave it at that! :)

Quite right so.
Oh- I just got the sense that the next post I would get would ask me to prepare safety statements and risk assessments for my drive home! -

You mean everyone doesn't normally do that anyway . :eek: ( reading page 451 part 4 subsection 67 of the HSA manual on errant brake light avoidance techniques ) ( not while driving of course ;))
i hate q jumpers. you know the types, you have been q-ing to get off the M50 onto the N4 and the traffic is backed up about 1km on the m50 in the extit lane. so you join the back of the q and drive slowly towards the exit like most people. but some drivers just think that they can do 100kmph up to the last moment slam on the brakes indicate then force their way in :mad::mad: just makes me so mad. i know that some poeple who are not used to coming off notice the traffic at the last moment but the ones who drive up to the very front then cut infront of everyone else!!!!!!! i'm surprised it doesnt cause more accidents. i await the day when it becomes an option on most cars to have uranium tipped shells in m60 rifles behind the headlamps, then i will lower the headlamps and let fly at this drivers wheels with joy and a sickening deathly laugh........:D:D safe in the knowledge that i have done the community a good service for which i could not go to jail for.:cool::cool:
i await the day when it becomes an option on most cars to have uranium tipped shells in m60 rifles behind the headlamps, then i will lower the headlamps and let fly at this drivers wheels with joy and a sickening deathly laugh........:D:D safe in the knowledge that i have done the community a good service for which i could not go to jail for.:cool::cool:

You know most people have a filter between their thoughts and saying them 'out loud'. ;)
He he, if we are in America, the FBI would be knocking on your door right about! :D
i await the day when it becomes an option on most cars to have uranium tipped shells in m60 rifles behind the headlamps, then i will lower the headlamps and let fly at this drivers wheels with joy and a sickening deathly laugh........:D:D safe in the knowledge that i have done the community a good service for which i could not go to jail for.:cool::cool:

You do not have to wait. It's available here . Only costs about 1/2 a squillion yoyos
I am just wondering, why do people feel the need to put foot on the brake everytime they drive around a bend on a rural road. I am just looking out the window dreading another drive home on the back roads as every evening I am stuck behind somebody who drives slowly enough to begin with but then presses the brake every single time they drive around even a small bend. The same person usually brakes as well everytime another car comes towards them on the opposite side of the road. I am wondering do people not realise that they are pressing the brake i.e they are hovering foot over the brake pedal not realising that even a slight touch causes brake lights to flash??. For anyone reading this who thinks they are not pressing the brakes......... you feckin are so stop! :mad:
So does this mean that you are one of these idiots that drive around a bend as if there is no traffic comming in the opposite direction? You should always expect something around a bend. There could be a slow moving vehicle or truck taking up the full width of the road. If brake lights blind you then you are tailgating keep your distance.
Yep that's me! Sometimes I even close my eyes when I'm going at break neck speed around the bends! I'm just jealous really cos my car doesn't have any brakes......... Or brake lights for that matter now that I think about it!
You know most people have a filter between their thoughts and saying them 'out loud'. ;)

i lost that ability when i was put into the 'home'.......i just ramble on and on and on and on and on........and on....and as for the FBI well they would have to get past my lawyer..........MATLOCK!!!!! or i could get away in my Aston Martin DBS leaving them in a cloud of tyre smoke.