Another rant about bad driving

what drives me crazy is the (train) driver who you get stuck behind doing 50mph in a 60 zone. you enter a 40mph zone and this moron keeps doing 50mph.

Yes theres nothing more frustrating than been behind a train with the traindriver doing 40mph, especially on the Killarney to Dublin train route, impossible to pass the train, only after 3.5-4hrs you can do so, at that stage the train is pulling into Heuston Station!:D
Thank god you're in the South East - I'd have to kill you! :rolleyes:

Are you also one of those that drives in the overtaking lane on the motorway at exactly the speed limit and won't let anybody by?? grrrrrrrrrrrrr my blood is boiling and I'm not even driving! :mad:

why would you have to kill me? do you think it's ok to break the speed limit?

I absolutely refuse to pull over because someone else thinks i'm going too slow, when i'm doing the MAXIMUM legal limit. Why should i pull over to let someone else pass only to find myself stuck in the hard shoulder to facilitate someone who's breaking the law. I make no apologies for this.

for the record, i was referring to single carrieageways.
Scariest thing I've seen in recent years was an elderly gent coming against me driving the wrong way down the Cork-Dublin motorway outside Fermoy a few weeks back. He was tootling along, minding his own business and did not seem in the least bit worried.

I've no doubt that for a lot of elderly drivers, all the new road layouts, speed and power of modern cars and volume of traffic can be confusing and scary. Remember as well that their reflexes may not be as quick as the younger generation, they may have had a scare or a crash as well which makes them more cautious. I know in my own case, ever since a lorry drove into the side of me on a 3 lane carraige way a couple of years back, I get a small bit paranoid if they loom up beside me.

As for braking at a car coming against you, sometimes you have to, eg, last night I had to jam on the brakes cause some muppet coming against me was over the white line and on his phone, nowhere for me to go so you instinctively reduce speed to reduce impact. Thankfully he realised where he was, otherwise I'd be in St Lukes in Kilkenny this morning

Having said all that, I'd love to know who the white van driver who drives between Carlow and Dublin every morning and drives at least 25km below the speed limit is, he has no idea how dangerous he is.
... for the record, i was referring to single carrieageways.
Apologies, but due to the fact that there is no legal obligation on any road-user to take to the hard-shoulder (other than for emergency vehicles with the "blues and twos" on) to facilitate an overtaker, your post confused me.
What about people who brake as they approach a static speed camera, regardless of the fact that they are already driving at less than the speed limit.

There's a new thing sweeping the North West, and was wondering if it has started to creep in with you guys. Not only is it annoying but its downright dangerous and needs clamped down on.

Its the act of stopping on a main road to let traffic out of a slip road on your left/right, instead of making them just wait for a break in the traffic.

This happens all the time these days, as quite a few slip roads I know are terrible in terms of getting out of, as the main road which passes them have no traffic lights on and so the traffic rarely stops for any length of time.
The same person usually brakes as well everytime another car comes towards them on the opposite side of the road.

It's probably this poor devil being berated by herself for not watching out for the cows ! "In the field Richard , in the field" :)
I am just wondering, why do people feel the need to put foot on the brake everytime they drive around a bend on a rural road. I am just looking out the window dreading another drive home on the back roads as every evening I am stuck behind somebody who drives slowly enough to begin with but then presses the brake every single time they drive around even a small bend. The same person usually brakes as well everytime another car comes towards them on the opposite side of the road. I am wondering do people not realise that they are pressing the brake i.e they are hovering foot over the brake pedal not realising that even a slight touch causes brake lights to flash??. For anyone reading this who thinks they are not pressing the brakes......... you feckin are so stop! :mad:

Have you considered driving far enough back from the car in front so that their brake lights do not cause you any pain?
I am just wondering, why do people feel the need to put foot on the brake everytime they drive around a bend on a rural road. I am just looking out the window dreading another drive home on the back roads as every evening I am stuck behind somebody who drives slowly enough to begin with but then presses the brake every single time they drive around even a small bend. The same person usually brakes as well everytime another car comes towards them on the opposite side of the road. I am wondering do people not realise that they are pressing the brake i.e they are hovering foot over the brake pedal not realising that even a slight touch causes brake lights to flash??. For anyone reading this who thinks they are not pressing the brakes......... you feckin are so stop! :mad:

I must admit I find this odd too. Like many others I was taught to adjust speed coming into a bend then power round the bend, i.e. do not coast or brake round. Thereby ensuring effective control of the vehicle. On narrow twisty roads in particular I would, where necessary, change down gear then throttle slightly into the bend. Fair enoguh on unfamiliar roads one might hit a bend not realising how tight a curve it is and need to brake unexpectedly, but then again one should always maintain speed appropriate to the road and conditions. I find the same in stopping at traffic lights. One sees lights changing to red in the distance, the number of people who race up to them then brake hard at the last minute instead of changing through the gears, using them to decelerate and a light touch of brake at the end.
I can't believe no one has mentioned the nob ends who drive with their heads on, I don't know how many times I have nearly crashed, especially the land rovers, god their heads just blaze into your eyes. Or the other type of nob ends who dim their lights when they are two feet in front of you, oh, thanks a mil, now I have to adjust my eyes to the dark, back to full heads, ahhhhhh. Especially with the wet roads lately.

As for the slow drivers, ugh, they make me soooo angry, they cause more accidents than anybody else, they encourage people to overtake on dangerous roads. they should be just given a bicycle with stabilisers, safe that goes at the desired speed, preferably off road, leave the driving to people who can!
Waithing to turn right in the middle of the junction at standard traffic lights this morning (no filter light)
with a line of traffic coming through against me.
When the lights turned amber, then red I moved to turn.( cars still coming through on amber)
Another car came through the red as I started to turn. In one manoever he managed to
a) carry on speaking on his mobile
b) swerve to avoid hitting me and
c) give me the two finger salute as he passed.

What a guy!
Have you considered driving far enough back from the car in front so that their brake lights do not cause you any pain?

Yes indeed I have but it would force me to drive at approximately 30-40kmph on a 80kmph stretch and quite frankly I would find that dangerous and also I do like to get home before breakfast the next day! Also, it's not that I am driving right behind them; on dark wet evenings you can be quite a bit back from the car and see the brake lights flashing which in turn causes everybody else in the line of traffic to brake!
I could have screamed at some idiot last night.

With all the floods on the roads most people were driving sensibly. Anyway, I was passing a puddle in the oppoiste lane when a small van sped through it (it looked deep and blocked one whole side of the road for about 50 metres). Apart from the risk of loss of control and crashing into me - he threw up a wall of water onto my windscreen that I was temporarily blinded for a few seconds - couldnt see anything.

I also think it was a car repair company van. Idiot!
Nonsense - your distance from the car in front has nothing to do with your speed.

Okay so if a car is driving at 50kmph roughly and is continuously braking on bends - what speed would you recommend that i do so as to keep a good distance from the car on front?
Okay so if a car is driving at 50kmph roughly and is continuously braking on bends - what speed would you recommend that i do so as to keep a good distance from the car on front?

At 50kmph roughly? Or do you think cruise control is mandatory?:p

Driving home the other evening at the speed limit ( I usually hover just above it) and someone was driving right up behind me, far too close. Came around a bend and one of those lorries with 5 million spotlights above the cab and below had them all on fulls. Temporarily blinded I had to brake gently, guy behind nearly bashed into me and practically stood on the horn. Obviously not his fault for driving too close, then.:rolleyes:

Ps, wasn't you by any chance?
Thoughts on this anyone. If another car drives behind you on a road with limit of 80km or above at a distance you consider to be too close for safety , would you gently tap the brakes to get them to back off a bit or not? By close I mean say, so close that you either cannot see their numberplate or looks to be a distance at which they could not reasonably avoid hitting you if you had to stop suddenly.
At 50kmph roughly? Or do you think cruise control is mandatory?:p

Ps, wasn't you by any chance?

Ha ha, definitely not me!. My problems really refer to this one particular stretch of road that I have to drive on the way home. There is basically one place where you can overtake, other then that you are stuck behind the car on front. Now, this stretch is 80kmph and when you have someone driving at 40kmph (very regular occurrence) it then forces you to drive at a lower speed again in order to keep enough of a distance. Now, that I can do, my problem is when that same person despite the fact that they are going slowly anyway still feels the need to brake on slight bends and also when cars are coming towards them. - This causes you to slow down even further. The point is, that a good in control driver would not need to brake that often and should not need to brake around every bend and I should not have to drive at 30-35 kmph on an 80kmph stretch of road - very frustrating.
I'm in full agreement ney001. Its incredibly frustrating. Tractors and Trucks on narrow roads I can deal with. slowcoaches with brake fetishes are just frustrating and a potential hazard
My pet hate is people who think they have the right of way just because they turn on their indicators (usually after they've started to change lanes anyway). One nearly hit me yesterday - was in the wrong lane for where he wanted to go and just moved in on front of me without waiting for enough space to appear between me and the car ahead. Would have hit him if I didnt slam on the breaks. Then the flash their hazard lights - another pet hate of mine.