Another rant about bad driving


Registered User
I am just wondering, why do people feel the need to put foot on the brake everytime they drive around a bend on a rural road. I am just looking out the window dreading another drive home on the back roads as every evening I am stuck behind somebody who drives slowly enough to begin with but then presses the brake every single time they drive around even a small bend. The same person usually brakes as well everytime another car comes towards them on the opposite side of the road. I am wondering do people not realise that they are pressing the brake i.e they are hovering foot over the brake pedal not realising that even a slight touch causes brake lights to flash??. For anyone reading this who thinks they are not pressing the brakes......... you feckin are so stop! :mad:
I am just wondering, why do people feel the need to put foot on the brake everytime they drive around a bend on a rural road. I am just looking out the window dreading another drive home on the back roads as every evening I am stuck behind somebody who drives slowly enough to begin with but then presses the brake every single time they drive around even a small bend.

Can be frustrating sometimes but I usually give a bit of leeway here TBH.
The same person usually brakes as well everytime another car comes towards them on the opposite side of the road. I am wondering do people not realise that they are pressing the brake i.e they are hovering foot over the brake pedal not realising that even a slight touch causes brake lights to flash??. For anyone reading this who thinks they are not pressing the brakes......... you feckin are so stop!

But as for that ^^ :mad:

I can't even bring myself to comment on it...
Can be frustrating sometimes but I usually give a bit of leeway here TBH.

Not me! Dark evenings bring out the feckin demon in me! :mad:
Particularly annoying when you are driving at 40kph to being with, any slower you'd find a parking meter beside your car! :rolleyes:
This is one of my real pet hates with drivers - I see it all the time.

I could maybe understand braking as you enter a corner, especially if you are driving too fast, but the folks who brake on straight roads as other cars approach really gets to me.

That and people who have no idea that their cars have indicators.
... For anyone reading this who thinks they are not pressing the brakes......... you feckin are so stop! :mad:
Whoa, Jaysus, ease up there, shtall the ball for a minute. Show a bit of consideration.

The poor loodhers you're alluding to may be driving auhamahics (designed be young fellahs wud degrees in mahamahics) and may have no option but to tip the anchors when presented with imminent danger, for example your motoring veehickle approaching from the rear at a high rate of knots with undimmed head-lights and front fog-lights ablaze, three miles away in the next parish. Did you ever consider that?

Maybe they're participating in Mahey McGrath's new braking reaction-time improvement scheme sponsored by Guinness and The Sunday Times? The scheme is entitled "A Bird Never Concentrated Properly While Flying On One Wing So Gives Us Two More For The Road There Jamsey Like A Good Man Its Only Half Two In The Morning" and maybe your soirées on country roads are being used as variables in the experiment. Did that ever occur to you?

Naturally it's everyone else's fault. The driver in front for being in front, the road for bending, the driver approaching from the opposite direction for not being at home in front of the telly or in the pub consuming his Genuine Rural Irish Concentration Elixir (GRICE is a registered trade-mark of Mahie McGrath Enterprises, Inc "Das Rhight, Das GRICE"), the car manufacturer for putting brake lights at the back of the car for God's sake, and so on. "Me, me, me" that's all ye think about, "poor fecken me".

Personally I don't use brakes and don't agree with them. I takes a lot of fuel to get my car up to 300 kph, why waste all that effort by applying the brakes just because there's a bend in the road, approaching traffic or a cavalcade of psycho-alco experimenters in my own lane? I mean to say like, c'mon.
There is,of course, a gear system even on automatics. On my old automatic Astra it has 1, 2, 3, Drive. It is therefore possible to slow down by two different methods:

1. Lift the foot gently from the accelerator.
2. Move the lever from Drive through 3, 2, and 1 until the required braking effect is achieved.
Mathepac.................... Wan o' de besht posts I've read in a long feckin time! :D
... Wan o' de besht posts I've read in a long feckin time! ...
Thanks but I suspect you don't get out much, apart from terrorising poor innocent locked locals on the roads at night. I'll tell Mahie McGrath, he'll soften your cough for you, you motorist you.
been there seen that most evenings on the way home. they're like nervous horses jumping at shadows. Ususally drive superminis or 20 year old toyotas. Another favoured tactic is driving even slower on wide stretches of road than on the narrower stretches (never exceeding 40mph in any case)
I think the rate of bad drivers increases the minute the darker evenings & mornings come in!. This morning for example, people driving at 40kmh on 100kph stretches with fog lights still blazing despite the fact that there is no longer any fog!. Mathepac makes a good point that the cars might be automatics but not all of them can be automatics - I mean a lot of this is just plain ol bad driving. You shouldn't need to jam on around each bend/curve you should be anticipating the bends/curves and adjusting speed to compensate.

Slightly off topic but I was in a nearby town a few weeks ago in a bookstore. next minute, heard crazying revving and a horn blowing. I look out - this really old guy in an Octavia had driven into the back of a parked car, the tow hitch of the parked car went through his fibreglass bumper and his car had essentially raised itself up and got stuck on the tow hitch. The old guy keeps beeping and eventually got out and walked to the window of the parked car to give out to the 'driver'. Turns out the old guy thought he was in a line of traffic, didn't realise he had driven into a line of parked cars and better yet hadn't copped the fact that his car was now stuck to the car on front! . I mean COME ON! - Very worrying to think that guys like this are out there driving around. And to make it worse everybody in the shop was saying 'ah look the poor fella, ah god help him' blah blah blah, God help him??? I say god help the ordinary drivers out there going about their business before geriatric Mad Max ploughs into them!

Todays rant is over :)
I think the rate of bad drivers increases the minute the darker evenings & mornings come in!. This morning for example, people driving at 40kmh on 100kph stretches with fog lights still blazing

I think they're afraid of the dark.

A lot of them speed up when they reach street lights, even though it's usually a 50K speed limit area.
Ney - here's one for you: I was in a filter lane (in town) the other day indicating, a mere 10 metres from actually turning right, and suddenly a guy pulls in in front of me from the main part of the road. I slammed on and flashed him, he uses the road I was intending to enter to turn his car around, looks at me, gives me the finger and drives off. :mad: :eek:

Now what would you have done?

For a couple of seconds, I swear to you, I was on the verge of following him, hunting him down like the mongrel he was .. and ... and...
At 7:00 this a.m. I came across an elderly-looking lady in a red Micra, head and fog-lights on full, left-indicator on, circling one of the new roundabouts near me, braking every time she came to an exit. Traffic was heavy and while I waited she did 3 full circuits. I had no way of intervening directly and called the local Guards to try and get help for her.

These "new yokes" as they're affectionately called locally, join the old roads with stretches of the new motorway / bypasses. In general they are lit and very well signposted, but because they operate in pairs or threes they can be counter-intuitive as you travel away from your ultimate destination to the next roundabout to get back on the correct road.

Thinking about it since this morning, for older drivers it must be a confusing country with new houses, new exits, new roads, "new yokes", more traffic and different rules to what they grew up with and learned to drive on. I know with sign-posts and street-lighting it should be just as easy to get around in the hours of darkness as it is in day-light but I've noticed these autumn evenings that my night-vision isn't what it used to be. Night-time was my favourite time for driving, but that my have to change.

I wonder would any of these observations explain some of the behaviour ney001 sees on the journeys home?
what drives me crazy is the (train) driver who you get stuck behind doing 50mph in a 60 zone. you enter a 40mph zone and this moron keeps doing 50mph.

i suppose he/she thinks they're dead safe and have never had an accident, only ever seen them in their rear view mirrors.:rolleyes:

Also, I don't know how others feel, but i don't particularly feel like moving out of the way for people breaking the speed limit either. if i'm doing the limit why can't they? Almost always, you meet up with them a little further on up the road anyway.

and yes, i still think in miles per hour. milliphobe that i am. :)
Ney - here's one for you: I was in a filter lane (in town) the other day indicating, a mere 10 metres from actually turning right, and suddenly a guy pulls in in front of me from the main part of the road. I slammed on and flashed him, he uses the road I was intending to enter to turn his car around, looks at me, gives me the finger and drives off. :mad: :eek:

Now what would you have done?

For a couple of seconds, I swear to you, I was on the verge of following him, hunting him down like the mongrel he was .. and ... and...

After the first rush of blood to the head I just remind myself that some other unfortunates have to live with/work with/ live next door to the ignorant moron. I, on the other hand, will probably never encounter the lunatic again.
... Also, I don't know how others feel, but i don't particularly feel like moving out of the way for people breaking the speed limit either. if i'm doing the limit why can't they? ...
Oh God, please spare me, not another wannabe traffic cop / speed-limit enforcer on multi-lane carriageways and motorways.

Read "Using Lanes Properly" in the excellent "Rules of the Road" booklet published by the RSA or refer to their equally good web-site here

Read this section before you venture out again and make sure you are compliant with the documented rules of the road. If you see suspected speeders, report them to the Guards.
what drives me crazy is the (train) driver who you get stuck behind doing 50mph in a 60 zone. you enter a 40mph zone and this moron keeps doing 50mph.

Thank god you're in the South East - I'd have to kill you! :rolleyes:

Are you also one of those that drives in the overtaking lane on the motorway at exactly the speed limit and won't let anybody by?? grrrrrrrrrrrrr my blood is boiling and I'm not even driving! :mad: