Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

They will take your pay rise into account definitely...I'm on an incremental scale and they took that into consideration...
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I meant would the 35% have to be a combined figure of say your mortgage PLUS any loan or just the mortgage alone !
I'll give them a buzz I think - easiest thing to do !!!!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I dont know about loans to be honest...I was lucky enough not to have a loan going in...The figures that they gave with the brouchure were alot more than what I'll be paying back.

Hi chan1, i asked about car loans and other loans a while back and they told me that, whatever your car loan is, it is taken out of your income which then of course makes your income lower so to speak. Its hard to explain, but for example, if your income was €100 per week, and your car loan was €20, then your mortgage could not be more than 35% of €80.
hope that makes sense and is of some help to you.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Guys, I have question for you all, I was recently approved for a mortgage of approx 130K with Fingal. Would Fingal offer me a home/appartment, with a value around 200k, through shared ownership ?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal


Do you mind me asking are you getting finance from Fingal or are you going through one of the banks? I'm assuming that as I've approval from EBS then thats it, I can go ahead with the purchase of the apartment.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

no not yet, i called tax office about getting my p21 last friday they said it takes 5 to ten days. Also called the social about filling out the hpl2 form and they told me that they don't do that but they'll send me out a statement for last year. hopefully that will do. drove up today to have a look at the house again. got into one of the backgardens again to have another look at the sitting room, figured out where i'm going to put everything so i don't feel too bad now about the size of it. love the fact that it looks out onto the garden... real plus with kids. Have you all your forms sorted? you still undecided?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Guys, I have question for you all, I was recently approved for a mortgage of approx 130K with Fingal. Would Fingal offer me a home/appartment, with a value around 200k, through shared ownership ?

Haven't seen any for 200k yet but as far as i know you just get offered properties depending on your place on the list not what you've been approved for.... you then either make up the rest with a deposit or do the shared ownership option.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Still undecided!! Really loved the garden.. thats what i was gonna ask you.. Do you think they'll let us view again before we make final decision?? The bedrooms aswell were a big plus.. i have a builder in the family and he said he would take a look and see if there was anything that could be done to the place...
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal


Do you mind me asking are you getting finance from Fingal or are you going through one of the banks? I'm assuming that as I've approval from EBS then thats it, I can go ahead with the purchase of the apartment.

Hi Deeny,

I'm going through Fingal with my purchase...Well,thats assuming I dont get another phone call looking for more money!!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal


My repayments are lower cause I'm putting down a big enough deposit...I wouldn't rely on just being able to put down the minimum deposit either...Anyone that I know that has gone for this has ended up putting down at least 20k deposit...And dont worry your not wrecking my head... Ask away...
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi guys, just to let you know that when Fingal were doing my figures, I had the option of only put down the minimum deposit. However I decided to put down slightly more so I can it over 25 years instead of a 35 year mortgage.

They also brought up my loan approval by about 15K and I have not had any big rises in work just a normal increment over the year.

Also I found the meeting a lot easier than the 1st meeting for the provisional approval. They seem to be a lot harder.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

you could get rid of the down stairs bathroom, thats whats eating into the sitting room or you could extend outwards although that would cost a bit.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

you could get rid of the down stairs bathroom, thats whats eating into the sitting room or you could extend outwards although that would cost a bit.

I know i was thinking that, but then i was thinking do i really want to buy a place that im gonna start pulling down walls and that.. I just wanna be able to move in straight away and just have to do the usual floors and tiles and that. im gonna go up today and take another look, and hopefully that will make my mind up once and for all...
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

you could get rid of the down stairs bathroom, thats whats eating into the sitting room or you could extend outwards although that would cost a bit.

You can but it has to be replaced before you sell it on.A friend of mine had planned to do exactly that in another 2 bed house she decided in the end it was not worth the effort.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal


I'm interested to know how anyone is getting on with the affordable housing initative for Erris Square. I have a provisional booking for an apt, and now have to get a deposit in. Has anyone signed contracts at this point - I know there are issues with clawback etc. It's just that I've been thinking long and hard about the offer and still not 100% but now it's crunch time and I have to put my money down.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Have pm'd you!