Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

You phone for an appointment to view, and the time of your appointment depends on your place on the list. They usually have 1 of each type of property on view, and there will be a few others viewing also. You will be told which properties have already been taken and which are still available. If you are interested in a property which has already been taken they will put you on a cancelation list for that property
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal


I'm sure the answer to my question is already here but i've spent so long reading through all the different pages Iregarding affordable housing that i think i've managed to skip over it. When you make your initial application how long do you wait to be call to speak with someone about your application. Is this the interview i've read about.

Excuse my stupidity it's all new to me.

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

It depends, I was called for my interview in about 5/6 weeks - but that was last August, I think the waiting list is longer now.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Thanks a lot JohnJay, it's just to have an idea as I don't want to be ringing them all the time and rubbing them up the wrong way.

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Anyone get a letter about the apartments in St Sampsons, Balgriffin? They seem gorgeous but only two bedrooms again, aargh! In the last week I've had letters offering Tyrrelstown, Lusk and now Balgriffin- all two bedroom apartments! It's like they're just taunting me! :mad: Anyone heard of anywhere with three bedrooms coming up? (Preferably I'd rather four bed. with pool but I'll take what I get, y'know..) Are any of those places in Lusk mentioned within a 50 mile radius of the train station? (I depend on public transport so I'll be walking to it...)
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I d say u must be at the top of the list if ur geting so many offers. Gudluck im sure u will find somewhere soon since u will nearly have first choice on anything that is offered. How long u approved?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Kara, Just wondering, did you get your letter about St Samsons recently? N if so, did they say how much they where going for?? Thanks!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Thanks for that JohnJay.. if they only show one of each type of property what happens if you really want to see another eg of the same kind of property? Also can you put your name down for cancellation for more than one property?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Like Jen I too would like to know when you got this St Samsons letter?! I got the Lusk one but no St Samsons one..did this come after the Lusk one????I havent been in a St Samsons apartment but a friend of a friend lives there and apparently theyre lovely and the couple are very happy.
Im viewing in Lusk but I drive so the train station isnt a huge concern for me..from what Ive read on other forums people say its a 20min far enough if you need to do it everyday i guess.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal


Just to watch out: even if you drive you need to be there latest 7.00am to get parked..................lusk train station has 200 places for all of rush and lusk, disaster.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Thanks for that mlouisa Ive heard that too.. its a big negative for anyone interested in Lusk. I actually work in malahide though so more than likely i would drive from lusk to malahide so in my situation it would work out ok..i think!any idea how bad traffic would be coming out around 7.30/8 in morn towards malahide?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I'm on the waiting list 15 months so I hope I'm somewhere near the top! There are 16 two bedroom apts in St Sampsons mentioned in the letter I got (yeah, after the Lusk one) and they are €180,000-€195,000 with min. deposits of ten grand. I got the letter yesterday and it says to call them by Friday if you're interested.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I got my final approval phone call today, only did the interview last Thursday - she said they will be in touch shortly to arrange a snag.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Thats brill John Jay, well done! Its a really exciting time..enjoy it all...
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal


do you mind me asking are you on the local list or general list - I am on the general list much much longer than you but havent been offered st. samsons and would really like this area.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Topgal, I'm on the general list. How long you waiting?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I have an interview (1st one) soon with Fingal. Can anyone tell me what I should expect?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

From what i can remember they first of all explained how the system worked, how the viewings were arranged and what would happen when you were eventually offered a place.
Then they went through all of my payslips, bank statements, savings records etc that i had submitted with my application. That was about it really!
I was waiting about 2 weeks to find out if i'd been approved.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi, How did viewings in lusk go today?

Hi Abi. They went really well. I went out with my fingers crossed that i would be high enough on the list to get a house, but i was so suprised when i got there. I just fell in love with the apartments n wasnt really mad on the houses at all! The apts are huge n had all sorts of extras like wardrobes in both bedrooms/tiling done etc, that you cant expect to get in an affordable house. Also, the kitchen/living room was double the size of that in the house. I went for it and got a 1st floor apt. To give you an idea on time, i was approved 9 months n was 8th in line for viewing yesterday.